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How Donald Trump Presidency has Changed International Relations

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How Donald Trump Presidency has Changed International Relations


International relation is the study of the interaction of the countries across the world in terms of economy, political, and social dimensions. The world is becoming a global village because of the industrialization and the advancing technology (Anton, 2019). Through international trade, many things all over the world are done similar. Some countries also interact in a way that there are no trade barriers hence promoting the global business. International relation is affected by the political and economic position of a country. For instance, the more superpower countries such as the United States of America, Russia, and England can decide on what to be done at the international level as long as the international relation is concerned. The United States of America is considered to be the superpower country, and its leaders can either affect international relations in one way or the other. In this case, the United States of America has a lot of resources and is participating in much business. Through this, the country produces many goods and services hence controlling many global economic activities (Anton, 2019). The President, as the leader of the country, is held responsible for controlling the activities which later affect the interactions at the international level. Since the reign of Donald Trump, he has changed many things in the political, economic, and social grounds and which have later affected the global interactions. For example, he has increased the number of industries, enabled the financing of the small and medium businesses, reconciled with the Japanese President after a long period of differences, and helping finance the technological centre in the country. This paper will, therefore, analyze how President Donald Trump has changed international relations.


Transformation of the U.S.  U.S. policy

Foreign policy refers to the strategies which any government takes to safeguard the interests of its citizens at the international level. The foreign policy of the country may determine if the country is prospering in global operations or not. In international relations, a country is expected to have good relationships with the other countries so that its citizens would enjoy things such as free trade, free movement, and also foreign investments (Anton, 2019). The United States of America, as it was earlier, is one of the developed countries in the world. Its foreign policies affect many countries in terms of politics, economy, and social lives of the citizens.

The government of the United States of America interacts with foreign nations. It sets the standards for its interactions for its corporations and organizations for the betterment of its citizens. The four main goals of the U.S.  U.S. foreign policy is to promote national security, enhance international trade, and promote peace and democracy to the other countries in the world. The government of the U.S.  U.S. has the foreign policy funds which the President has the power to allocate them in any area he or she wishes to. Through foreign policy, the United States gets to create a broad market for their goods, expand its economy, and enhance national security.

Since the reign of Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America, he has come up with the several U.S.  U.S. foreign policies which can be said to have promoted the international relations. During his campaigns, Donald Trump stated that he would be in the frontline to support the foreign policies for the betterment of the U.S.  U.S. citizens. He promised to focus on the security matters by fighting the terrorists, strengthening the defence within the boarders, controlling immigration, expanding the U.S.  U.S. military, improving the trade relations, and also improving the diplomacy where the old enemies would become the friends. Out of his promises, it is evident that Donald Trump is working towards fulfilling his plan as long as the foreign policy is concerned. First, he has strengthened security in the U.S.  U.S. borders, which has seen the decrease of attack by the enemies and the terrorists. He has added much military police across all the borders to ensure that no illegal people or goods are entering or going out of the country. Through this, it can be said that he has created trust and loyalty too many countries in the world such that they do not doubt with anything coming out of the United States of America.

Donald Trump has also come up with foreign policies which promote international trade. For example, he has allowed the trade all the countries as long as they have all the legal documents. He has also supported the trade bloc like NAFTA where there is free trade. Through this, the citizens from the United States of America are free from trading in the member countries without the restrictions of entering the market. Donald Trump is also dealing with terrorists who threaten world peace. For example, he ordered the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the leader of Iran Islamic Revolutionary guard corps for endangering the lives of U.S.  U.S. citizens. In his statement, Donald Trump said that the U.S.  U.S. message to the terrorists is clear that they would not escape American justice, if you attack the U.S.  U.S. citizens, you forfeit your life. This is evident that Donald Trump is standing with the U.S.  U.S. citizens in fighting against the terrorists to maintain the world peace order and also to safeguard the U.S.  U.S. citizens when carrying out their regular duties. Through this, the business people entering and selling out of the United States of America feel secure hence improves the international relations.

The Donald Trump presidency has also ensured there is a strong military that guarantees for the internal and external security. Since the reign of Trump, U.SA has recruited more than 50000 military police to safeguard the properties of the country. Through the military, the country has made the citizens feel secure and participate in the business activities and exploitation of natural resources with ease. Still, on the point of the U.S.  U.S. foreign policy, Donald Trump has created positive trade relations with the other countries. He has entered into several trade alliances with countries such as Japan, China, Mexico, and other African countries. This has enabled the citizens of those countries import and exports the goods in America freely and without difficulties hence improving the international relations. In short, Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America has influenced the U.S.  U.S. foreign policy by improving the security within the borders, improving the military powers, dealing with the terrorists, enhancing the international trade, and entering in the trade treaties. These dimensions have led to the good relations between the United States of America and other countries and also safeguarding the interests of the U.S.  U.S. citizens.

Settling the long term conflict of U.S.A. and Japan

Since the Second World War, the United States of America and Japan were great enemies. This came after the famous atomic bomb over the Japanese city Hiroshima and Nagasaki that swiped 90% of the town. More than 80,000 people died at the incidence while thousands died later because of the radiations. The government of Japan held the United States of America responsible for the bombing, and since 1945; there have been differences between the two countries. The conflict was that the citizens from the United States of America could not carry out the businesses in Japan. At the same time, those from Japan could not do it in U.S.  U.S. This made the U.S.  U.S. international relations look bad, and Donald Trump had to do something to have the relationship back. Through the application of the diplomacy techniques, Donald Trump and the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had the handshake in 2018. The handshake meant that the conflict between Japan and the United States of America came to an end, and the citizens from the two countries can interact freely. In this case, Donald Trump presidency played a significant role in making the old enemies become friends. During his campaigns, Donald Trump promised the U.S.  U.S. citizens that he would make the old enemies the friend for their better. His handshake with the Japanese Prime Minister was evident that he was for international relations. Many countries all over the world congratulated handshake. He played the role of a leader of a superpower country that should show the other countries the importance of world’s peace and economic development (Selby, 2019). In summary, Donald Trump’s handshake with the Japanese Prime Minister meant that he cared for the citizens of the United States at the international level and wanted them to freely interact with the Japanese when it comes to economic, political, and social dimensions.

Technology and Research

Enhancing technology was one of the key agendas of President Donald Trump. Technology is improving a day to the other hence making the world look like a global village. A country that is being relevant to modern technology has the high possibilities of expanding its economy and also addressing international things efficiently. Through technology, many businesses would smoothly go international, have new researches about the problems affecting the global activities, and also help in maintaining the world order. Since Donald Trump became the President of the United States of America, we have seen the technology rising at an alarming rate. Technological companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple are competing at the international level because of the application of the updated technology. Donald Trump has financed the technical centres such as the Washington DC and Silicon Valley in support of new inventions to the country (Weber, 2017). By supporting technological businesses, the citizens of the United States of America become relevant in international trade, and they can compete. This also helps in expanding the country’s and world’s economy. Improving technology also helps in international research that would help in maintaining the relations by preserving peace and security across the globe. In summary, Donald Trump has supported the technology and research projects to enhance the international businesses for the U.S.  U.S. citizens and hence contributing towards the nations and global economy.

Trade blocks

A trading bloc refers to the intergovernmental agreement that is a most common part of the intergovernmental organization whereby the regional barriers to the international trade are reduced or lifted among the member states hence allowing them to trade with each other easily. The trade blocs may be informed of the free trade area, customs union, and conventional markets among the others. The United States of America has engaged itself in the NAFTA and W.T.O. The NAFTA is a trade bloc that comprises of the countries from North America and Mexico. The United States of America is also a member of the World Trade Organization that goes for minimizing the trade pressures for the country (Jervis et al., 2018). Through trade blocs, the citizens of the United States, mainly the business people are free to carry out their businesses and hence have vast markets for their goods and services. In this case, many people get opportunities at the international level and exploit the natural resources within the United States of America.

During the reign of Donald Trump, the United States of America with other members of NAFTA formed a new bloc called U.S.M.C.A. (United States, Mexico, and Canada Agreement). U.S.M.C.A. is not only the update of NAFTA but also has its roots from the CPTPP AND TPP. It has new elements about the stringent, binding labour, enforceable, and even the environmental aspects. In addition to that, U.S.M.C.A. comes up with the macroeconomic policy, standardizations and regulation of the businesses operating within the member states. Donald trump together with the leaders from the member countries found it necessary to update the NAFTA that had limited trade regulations and come up with U.S.M.C.A. that would make the citizens from the member countries enjoy the business activities. Through this, Donald Trump is said to have safeguarded the citizens of the United States when it comes to the businesses. He also strengthened the international relationship between Canada and Mexico when it comes to the businesses. Currents, the citizens can enjoy the free trade services, do not experience the political pressure, and they have broad markets for their goods and services.

Donald Trump also came up with the Trump tariffs which were imposed as the part of the economic policy of reducing the United States trade deficit by shifting the American trade policy from the multilateral free trade agreement to bilateral trade agreements. This saw the Americans have a broad market and experience few restrictions when carrying out their business operations at the international level (Dombrowski & Reich, 2017). Donald Trump has, therefore helped in expanding the U.S. U.S. A economy by imposing the tariffs which allowed for the trade-in and out of America freely.


United Nations is referred to as the intergovernmental organization, whose main aim is to maintain peace and order reconcile the countries with conflicts, enhance international cooperation, and also to control the world economic activities. United Nations has played a crucial role in making the world peaceful and enhanced international relation to world countries. The body responds immediately to any country that has conflicts and does the necessary measure to solve the problem. It has several agencies which specifically respond to specific issues such as the World Health Organization and others. All the member states are held responsible for financing the organization and give any other support when the need calls.

The United States of America played a huge role in forming the United Nations after the end of World War II. It is one of the five permanent members of the U.N.U.N. Security Council. It has a high donation to the United Nations, meaning that it is the pivotal member of the U.N.U.N. (Dombrowski & Reich, 2017). Donald Trump has followed the footsteps of the other U.S.  U.S. presidents when it comes to dealing with the United Nations. He has been in the frontline to finance all the activities as it is required by the U.N.U.N. policies like the Security Council. He has also been providing with the military power to help in maintaining peace and order to the countries which do not collaborate. Recently, Donald Trump had his speech in 74th U.N.U.N. meeting whereby he assured the support of all the U.N.U.N. activities and urged all the member nations to start peace at their countries before going for the United Nations’ support (Williams, 2018). By supporting the UN, Donald Trump ensures that the United States of America has used diplomacy means to solve the problems and hence maintain international relations. The citizens of the United States of America are also ensured peace and security while carrying out their activities at the international level.

Donald Trump and the Worlds Politics

Donald Trump has criticized by many world leaders as the failure. As a president of a superpower nation, he should show the world that he has the capabilities of maintaining the world order. Instead, he has been using his power to threaten the less powerful countries like the Africans and other underdeveloped countries (Baylis, 2020). Donald Trump has also been criticized over his stand on the black people all over the world. Generally, he has been seen abusing the black people like when he termed Africa as a country with many opportunities, but all the leaders are corrupt. Recently, there was the killing of George Floyd by the police. It is said that Donald Trump took long to respond because the victim was an Africa American (Baylis, 2020). Generally, Donald Trump has not played his role as the leader of the superpower nation to bring peace and order. He is slowly creating conflicts between black and whites all over the world. He had also created the conflicts in countries like Iraq when he ordered the kill of its military leader. Generally, Donald Trump is not doing as what is expected in the world’s politics.


From the above analysis, it can be said that Donald Trump is doing well in safeguarding the interests of the U.S.  U.S. citizens at the international level. Since his reign, he has initiated several things like improving the U.S.  U.S. foreign policy, participating in the U.N.U.N. activities, enhancing the trade blocs, and financing the technology as a way of improving the international trade. The paper has analyzed all the positive things which Donald Trump has done to promote international relations. The paper has also analyzed the failure of Donald Trump in international politics as the President of the superpower country. With all the analysis, the readers can understand clearly the contribution of Donald Trump’s Presidency towards international relations.





Anton, M. (2019, April 20). The Trump doctrine. Foreign Policy.

Baylis, J. (2020). The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press.

Dombrowski, P., & Reich, S. (2017). Does Donald Trump have a grand strategy?. International Affairs93(5), 1013-1037.

Jervis, R., Gavin, F. J., Rovner, J., & Labrosse, D. N. (Eds.). (2018). Chaos in the liberal order: the Trump presidency and international politics in the twenty-first century. Columbia University Press.

Remarks by President Trump to the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly. (n.d.). The White House.

Selby, J. (2019). The Trump presidency, climate change, and the prospect of a disorderly energy transition. Review of International Studies45(3), 471-490.

Trump’s first year unsettles world politics. (2018, January 17). The Century Foundation.

Weber, C. (2017). The Trump presidency, episode 1: simulating sovereignty. Theory & Event20(1), 132-142.

Williams, B. (2017, February 13). Donald Trump shook the Japanese prime minister’s hand for 19 seconds. CNN.

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