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How long does it take to get your child back from cps?

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How long does it take to get your child back from cps?

CPS meaning Child Protective Services. It is a government agency that aims at providing a child’s protection against abuse from either one parent or both parents such as rape, neglect, or due to any form of health security that will convince the agency and the court to remove the child from his or her home. The child protective services agency must prior investigate the abuse reports before the removal of any child from their home and gather sufficient evidence to the allegations.

Advantages of CPS

The agency enables the child to have a conducive and peaceful environment where the child will be able to study without interruption from parental abuse.

The child upon taken away from the parent by child protective services agency he or she will get counseling for cases like sexual abuse that will enable him or her to heal up from trauma and stress inflicted on him or her. This is so essential to the brain development of the victimized child.

Child protective services also will ensure that after the child is taken away from his or her parent, he or she will be put in a favorable environment where he or she will explore information with the right content for his or her age, a company of other kids of relevant to him or her and even school care where he or she will be assured of his or her education and well-being.


How long does it take to get your child back from CPS?

When a child is abused or neglected by the parent, child protective services will build enough evidence that convinces them otherwise to take a child away from the parent, child protective services agency will, therefore, go to court and table to the judge their findings and reasons enough as to why they are proposing to take away the child from the parent.

If the child protective services agency wins the case within 14 days of court’s hearing, the child will be under their custody for a minimum of 1 year or a maximum of 18 months while the parent will be undergoing various tests like parental classes, psychology tests, counseling, and parental therapy. A parent will also be required to allow regular home inspections to be conducted in their home. If by any case a parent refuses the services then they stand a chance of losing the parental right to their child permanently to the children protective services agency.

After the court has served the child protective service with the order permit to take the child from the parent but the parent disagrees with the court’s decision, a parent will have the right to be granted a court’s hearing within 14 days.

The parent will need to get a family lawyer or a competent lawyer with remarkable reputations and perhaps have specialized in custody, divorce cases, and even matters of adoption. This will put the parent at a better state of winning the case and getting back the child from the child protective service within 14 days of the hearing.

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