How Michelin will strategize to adopt the introduction of autonomous vehicle
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How Michelin will strategize to adopt the introduction of autonomous vehicle
When planning for the future of the Michelin Fleet Solutions initiative, three areas of research available within this report, I think it would be essential for the Michelin Fleet Solutions marketing team to consider would be:
- Will the tire market actually look any different in 2029 due to AV? This research area will help Michelin to realize the opportunities that will be created as a result of the introduction of the autonomous vehicle in the tire market. This area of study will give Michelin a clue of how the future cars will be like and the kind of tires they may be using. This will help Michelin to have an idea of the opportunities that may be created in favor of Michelin Fleet Solutions as a result of AV introduction in 2029. Through this research area, Michelin will be able to get a clue of how the tire market will be like in 20209.
- Trust, interest, and acceptance of AVs, this research area will give Michelin a clue on how the new innovative cars will be welcomed in the market, and its impact on tire markets. Hence the Michelin will be able to gauge how many companies would prefer these new model vehicles and know who their clients will be in the Michelin Fleet Solutions business. This research will give Michelin an idea of how the AVs vehicles will affect the tire market and know the strategies they need to put in place to prepare on how to conduct their services.
- AV replacement tires (PC/LT/LCV + T&B) will be significantly more expensive and therefore inhabit adoption to AVs; this research area research gives Michelin Fleet Solution a view of how AVs tires will look like and how their maintenance cost trend will look like (Townsend et al., 2015). This gives Michelin various aspects to look at and get an idea of the probability of the business coping with the change that will be in ten years. This research area is a food of thought for Michelin for the future business idea on whether to shift to another business or to retain the current Michelin Fleet Solutions business.
Autonomous vehicles and tires market to 2029 trends & research. (n.d.). Smithers.
Townsend, G. A., Parsons, G. J., Meinhold, D. R., & Every, J. J. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 8,939,020. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.