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How Montgomery Method Reflects on the Society Today

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How Montgomery Method Reflects on the Society Today

            James Baldwin is famous for his pieces of writing that were significant in 1964 “Nothing Personal” found in Public Libraries (The Price of the Ticket: Collected Nonfiction) (Kennedy). Baldwin discusses a lot of monstrous actions taken by the whites against the black-Americans. Something monstrous is something evil or abominable. Baldwin identifies that many whites and institutions in the U.S project are giving blameful attention or actions on the darkness of others. Giving blameful attention to the darkness of others is one of the discriminative things that are present in the U.S today. The darker you are, the more evil your attentions and actions are, this is one of the prone thing projected against the African Americans in the United States. Today, this is manifested through various measures taken by most of the white people and the institutions. The matters of the late George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery by the police force were as a result of putting blameful action and attention on the African American. When it comes to legal justice, many white Americans are favored as compared to African America; a majority go through several injustices because they are believed to have evil intentions.

The Montgomery Method can make it possible for people to flee away from reality with love forcefully changing the actual reality gradually. It is more resultful to run away from reality to change it slowly through various actions. They are fleeing away from reality aids in reorganizing one’s strategies to deal with multiple situations that people may face in reality. It also gives one enough time to reflect on what they are about to take to judge whether they are correct and beneficial to society.

The two steps applied in the Montgomery Method in the cosmic book are the use of graphical illustrations and cartoons. Running away from reality and beginning to change can be more effective through the use of graphical pictures and animations, especially when dealing with various injustices projected among many blacks communities in the United States. These means are useful because they are mild and peaceful means that people can apply to resolve their inequities. In the recent killing of George Floyd, some African-Americas decided to peaceful ways to protest the murder of Floyd. Some of the protesters chose to carry graphical illustrations with the portrait of George Floyd to show their frustration with the police brutality and injustices projected against the blacks in the United States. Some protestors also opted to use cartoon illustrations to show their solidarity against the police brutality and prejudices against the blacks.

Other means that can be used to change injustices in the United States against African Americans are organizing peaceful protests and the use of boycotts. These means are productive if they are conducted peacefully are effective in communicating certain information to the government or their institutions. Resolving these means attracts masses of people, thus making their plea much more robust and effective (Collins). The police forced should be subjected to law whenever they impose excessive force against peaceful protestors. Through this, the rights and freedoms of every demonstrator can be protected in disregard of their color.




Work cited

Collins, Allyson. Shielded from justice: police brutality and accountability in the United States. Human Rights Watch, 1998.

Kennedy, Randall. “Martin Luther King’s constitution: a legal history of the Montgomery bus boycott.” The Yale Law Journal 98.6 (1989): 999-1067.

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