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How Much Can A Silverado 1500 Tow?

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How Much Can A Silverado 1500 Tow?

So you are looking for a truck with a high towing capacity that can carry heavy loads seamlessly? Stop your search now and get your machine from Chevy Silverado Okemos, MI (Michigan).

The 2019 version has a towing capacity of 12,200 pounds with a payload capacity of 2543 pounds. The latest 2020 version has the same payload capacity but with a towing capacity of 13,400 pounds.

You may ask what is the secret behind this impressive performance. The 2019 Chevrolet Silverado1500 has a high strength steel frame that assures you of robust performance for heavy-duty tasks. Get to know more about the excellent features and specs that the vehicle provides below.

The Towing Capacity for the Available Engines

The 2019 Chevrolet Silverado tow power is attributed to the powerful performance it gets from the engines. The model offers four engine options you can choose from depending on the type of duty you have in store.

·         2.7L Turbo Engine

This is the most basic engine type giving you 310 hp and 348 lb-ft of torque. The power is enough to pull a loaded trailer weighing up to 7000 pounds.

·         4.3L v6 engine

It’s the third most powerful engine producing 285 hp and best-in-class 305 lb-ft of torque. The towing capacity has only a 900-pound difference with 2.7 Turbo engine reaching to 7900 pounds.

·         5.3L V8 engine

The engine is similar to those used in fuel guzzlers which produce 355 hp and 383 lb-ft of torque. This is powerful enough to tow a trailer weighing up to 11,600 pounds.

·         6.2L V8 engine

It is the most powerful engine with an impressive tow power of 12,200 pounds. The engine generates 420hp and 460 lb-ft of torque.

Towing Features

With this vehicle, you are assured that you have got it right. It was made to make every job look easy regardless of the capacity you are carrying. We can assure you of finishing your job perfectly and on time with the fantastic features it provides. Here is what you need to know that will make towing a breeze for you.

     I.        The Trailering Package

This is a standard feature on Chevy Silverado 1500. The package consists of a trailering hitch platform, a 4-pin connector, a 2-inch receiver, a 7-wire harness, an automatic rear differential, and a 7-way sealed connector.

    II.        Optional Trailering package

The option is only available for some trim levels. If you choose the add-on, you get the handling/trailering suspension package, a revised shock tuning and upgraded rear springs.

   III.        Optional Tow Mirrors

Getting the right view is vital when towing around Michigan for your cargo’s safety. The mirrors allow you to get a view of other vehicles on the road. The 2020 Silverado HD has a technology package with cameras that will give you up to 15 views.

Take the Silverado 1500 for a free ride at Chevy Silverado Okemos MI (Michigan)

Now that you know what Silverado 1500 can offer, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to schedule a test drive to find out if it is compatible with your needs. Give us a call today if you have any questions. Our team will be thrilled to hear from you.

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