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How Technology Has Impacted Society

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Topic:                           How Technology Has Impacted Society

General Purpose:       To inform my audience about the significance and the impact of Technology on the Society

Thesis:                        Innovation impacts how people think to convey and even learn. Innovation affects Society by deciding the method of correspondence with individuals in their day by day collaborations. As innovation keeps assuming a critical job in the public eye, it both affect the network in a positive and negative point of view. The introduction depends on setting up the effect of the mechanical advancement in the general public and suggestions essential to guarantee the general public received the best rewards from the upgrades.

Introduction: By a show of hands, how many of you have a feeling what the Society would feel like if there was no technological advancement. For instance imagine of a society where there were no mobile phones to make communication. My goal today is to inform you how and to what extent that Technology has been significant and influenced the Society we are living in currently and how it has become hard for one to survive with the absence of Technology in the day to day activities.

Reason to listen:  With the rapid growth in Technology everyone is subjected to create interest of rediscovering the path that Technology has come through to ensure they get an insight of the impact that Technology has rendered to the Society and develop an understanding of the advancement that may arise in the future in the essence of more development.

Thesis Statement:                       Innovation impacts how people think to convey and even learn. Innovation affects Society by deciding the method of correspondence with individuals in their day by day collaborations. As innovation keeps assuming a critical job in the public eye, it both affect the network in a positive and negative point of view. The introduction depends on setting up the effect of the mechanical advancement in the general public and suggestions essential to guarantee the general public received the best rewards from the upgrades.

Credibility Statement:

  1. The influence drives interest to evaluate the impact of Technology on the Society it has created on learning, making learning more accessible and more convenient.
  2. Impact of Technology to the Society through communications, by the way, individuals communicate and talk with each other around the globe.

Review main points:

  1. First, I will discuss Technology itself.
  2. Second I will highlight the impact and influence technology has subjected the Society into.
  3. Thirdly I will address the relevance and limitations of Technology to the Society.
  4. Innovation can be characterized as the strategies, aptitudes, procedures, and methods that are utilized in the creation of products and enterprises and the achievement of the ideal objectives and destinations, for example, logical examination.
  5. One of the considerable impacts of innovation is the impact it has on learning. Through innovation, education has gotten progressively community-oriented and intelligent, helping individuals share and connect with the materials they are learning or experiencing difficulty. Innovation has made it simpler accessement of assets, for example, with the making of the web. There is the accessibility of data from all the orders and unsurpassed (Shaikh, 2019). Instructor and understudy can approach diverse learning materials which widen their brain outline.
  • The other effect of innovation on Society is by correspondence, how people talk and speak with one another around the world (Lukovics, 2014). Through innovation, there has been the improvement of new strategies for electronic correspondence, for example, long-range interpersonal communication, messages, live talks, video conferencing, among others. For example, the present foundation in the wellbeing area has altogether affected the wellbeing business and has helped individuals to be careful and sound


  1. The influence drives interest to evaluate the impact of Technology on the Society it has created on learning, making learning more accessible and more convenient.
  2. Impact of Technology to the Society through communications, by the way, individuals communicate and talk with each other around the globe.


In conclusion, I recognize the efforts that have been brought about by Technology to the Society, in ensuring that there are transition and convenience in the ways of communicating and acquiring information.


















Work cited

Lukovics, I. (2014). Stiffness of Technological Equipment and its Impact on the Quality of Cut Surfaces. Technological Engineering11(2), 16–17.

Shaikh, A. (2019). The Impact of Management of Information Communication Technology (MICT) on Society- International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology- ICCMIT 2019, Vienna, Austria. Indian Journal of Science and Technology12(18), 1–5.





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