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  How the internet affects the way we communicate

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  How the internet affects the way we communicate


   The primary purpose of the internet is to give global access to data.. The internet  was created for the use of communication , socialization ,  and finding the information a person needs. It started as a local networking opportunity to communicate with your friends and family that were just a few distance away. Now we are global with the use of networking with people around the world and can communicate in various ways.people are becoming dependent on the internet as a way of communication in their daily life.People are prone to send emails and messages rather than fax and use the post office. Now that messages are able to be passed over the network people are less ;likely to communicate via letters. Furthermore , the traditional phone system we have been using for years has competitive alternatives for communicating through the internet , which are servers skype , text now, google talk and yahoo messenger. These platforms have created faster communication to reach people. They have also cut costs from you having a phone bill. We are able to share great viewpoints with the internet to communicate our views to your posts. Today if you see someone online it means they are doing well but the minute you do not see them online for a while signals you to believe something is wrong .The internet has created amber alerts which help you locate individuals in a more effective and faster way than local armed forces would be able to. We are able to rate businesses and have people rate ours to decide to take services . We can send mass notifications to reach broader audiences to push ads and display work to gain revenue for our products. Translation has become a leading need within the internet. You can translate what someone said in a different language faster than you could in person at a touch of a button. We can convert a lot of things in text as far as videos , music , articles to quotes. Tools that help us relieve stress from making our brains work harder to try and figure these things out. The internet helps work for us.You can learn through communicating within the internet. Teachers are available online to communicate with you via tutoring online classes and video chats.Communication ranges in so many areas that affect us in everything we do. We have adapted the internet to communicate the way we run our businesses as far as gaining bigger audiences to spread information we have. The browsers we use communicate with us the users. We can send and receive anything to anyone.   We have pros as well as cons via using the internet as a form of communication. The cons have greatly affected us in means of miscommunication between one individual and another. A miscommunication can be interpreted as if one individual sends a message out to the other and the second individual reads it in a different manner rather than hearing it in person. Miscommunication is a big problem within the internet because you can say one thing and mean it another way you said it but the way it passes through networks can highly affect the way it is interpreted to the audiences. Communication is also manipulative , people forward content of others that can be highly falsified without proper communication with that individual. Society treats negative content with high impact. We are triggered by dramatic news on the internet when it comes from leaders on social media as we call them public figures. We select public figures based off of popularity and not on principle or merit. This reduces the trust and emotions of good people on the internet. We have reduced communication with people in person when we are on the internet. We block out physical people who are around us and continue to stay on our mobile or desktop devices and shadow out reality.  The internet creates a sense of urgency while communicating. You feel as though you’re entitled to respond to someone if they were to message you or send you something in a vital aspect. The internet increased more anger, greed and jealousy. Social networks have grown competition through the market , everyone wants to fight with each other for careers, business , income and reputation. Communication has become also stressful within society because many apps are producing vulgar content for audiences to view. It’s creating and attracting people to be more prone to laughing at people’s attacks and companies are benefiting from targeting poor mindsets. Personal attacks can range from making jokes, public figures treating failures like criminals and reducing and comparing an individual’s intelligence. Integrity and trust are limited while on the internet and it plays a big role in communicating. People are sharing content not knowing how it will impact others. Not all content influences society in a positive manner.  Massive effects have occurred between interpersonal communication. Today due to the internet everyone wants to speak and carry out their thoughts and opinions. The problem is not that people have them, the problem is one person is listening but thousands are speaking. So that leads communication to spread from the crowd to followers and not from leaders.This causes overloads of information on that one individual and overwhelms them by people demanding attention. It stops them from bein =g able to focus and decide priorities. Before the internet we had one speaker and plenty more listeners . people wanted to have change and apply more positivity into their lives . today everyone argues the positive. We look for perfection instead of being thankful for what we have so we look for the internet to please those needs. Today we have people reproducing the same content rather than originality so it’s harder to communicate with the original creator. Communication has been formed into trolling that way it is easier to make more simple topics viral than important ones .Communication has drastically changed quickly from writing books now you can communicate through articles and media content. We take content and share it but do not implement it in our lives as we would outside of the internet. So overall the effects of communication within the internet range from positive and negative there is no specific effect because everyone has different viewpoints of the networks. We can change some of the negatives by living our realities not holding fake personas that aren’t truly us and how we communicate. We can choose more wisely on  what we share and post that can leave negative  impacts on individuals close and far from us.tThe time it takes to share bad content can be used to learn more throughout the internet. We can work on interpersonal communication more so that our everyday lives aren’t affected by the choices we make on our desktops and mobile devices. We can become more verbal rather than texting situations that can be interpreted  in the wrong sense.The internet will continue to affect how we communicate with one another for years to come. We have gone from no communication with people far and only near. Now we are here 25 years now on a global level communicating within masses . No longer do we have to send letters and faxes we can simply send an email  or forward a message to send documents to whomever we please without it being rejected as long as we communicate properly. Communication through the internet has been evaluated by many and has all resulted in many different points of views. Communication will only expand in the upcoming years and will have greater impacts.

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