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How to Boost your WordPress Conversion Rate/Traffic

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How to Boost your WordPress Conversion Rate/Traffic

Are you looking for ways to boost your WordPress website’s conversion rate?

Today’s guide will major in the best ways to optimize a WordPress website leading a high conversion rate.

The first aim of a website owner is to get high traffic. Secondly, is the traffic to convert.

But according to statistics by various sources, most websites have a conversion rate of between two and five percent.

Not all websites attain such a conversion rate. However, there are ways to increase the conversion rate of a website.

In this guide, you will get a detailed guide on how to boost your WordPress conversion rate.

What is Conversion Rate?

Conversion rate is a marketing measure website use in determining how many visitors become clients by either signing up or buying services the website offers.

Does High Traffic Translate to High Conversion Rate?

We all own websites and the main aim is to get high traffic.

But does the high traffic generate more leads?

Don’t worry, let’s first know what leads to a low conversion rate.

What Leads to High Traffic with Low Conversion Rate?

Before a website visitor selects your website to purchase a product or service, download, sign up. It takes lots of convincing.

Remember that you are not present to convince them. So, what things will you do to show them you are the best choice?

Website optimization is vital.

That will help any visitor buy from you rather than a competitor.

However, when a website is not fully optimized you will get high traffic with a low conversion rate.

Here are ways to help boost a website’s conversion rate.

Optimization Guidelines to Boost WordPress Conversion Rate

Website Optimization helps in boosting any website traffic to a customer. But what are the things you need to optimize to achieve a high conversion rate?

Increase Site’s Speed

How does a website’s speed affect the conversion rate?

A website’s speed is essential when it comes to realizing high conversion rates.

Most websites tend to have low loading speeds in some instances. The low speeds can be made faster.

Contacting the website host is the initial process to make your website speed high.

Low speeds make a website lag and visitors leave without hesitation.

When this happens, a potential lead will be gone.

However, optimize your website to have a higher loading speed. Doing so will increase the conversion rate.

In case the process is challenging. Find an experts to help in increasing the websites speed.

Striking Headlines

Most online customers get to purchase products or services impulsively?

But that to happen the headline needs to solve what they want. For example, “Easy Ways to Boost a WordPress Website Conversion Rate Quickly.”

With such a headline the reader will find it easy to read your content and sign up for additional information.

Use an eye-catching headline when advertising products or services. That will lead to visitors buying, signing up, or downloading from a website.

Be direct and precise to the point when coming up with a headline.

To learn how to come up with striking headlines, you can read this blog by Copy blogger.

Add Customer Reviews or Testimonials

Without you being present with potential leads you need to instill trust.

Most websites find it daunting. But all that is required having customer reviews or testimonials.

That’s all the website needs to build trust with customers.

When a customer purchases, signs up, or download from the website have them leave a review of the product or service you offer.

Let’s consider Amazon.

It is the top eCommerce platform currently. But why do most people buy products from the platform? First because it has thousands customer reviews by previous customers.

Add customer reviews or testimonials today. Don’t wait for tomorrow if boosting the site’s conversion rate is your goal.

SEO Content

SEO content is crucial to a website to rank high in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

WordPress has various plugins for SEO purposes. Install Yoast SEO today to help you SEO.

With Yoast SEO editing website content will be easy. Thus, be sure that all the content you post go hand in hand with SEO rules.

Other SEO tools to use consist of; SEMRush, Google Search Console, and Ahref.

Ranking high in search engines is a result of SEO. Additionally, most people believe high ranking websites are credible.

Hence, that puts the website in a more likely position to get high leads.

Don’t let low-quality content cost you?

Hire experts who know how to create top-notch SEO content.

Always Use Call to Action

Using Call to Action (CTA) is critical in helping boosting the conversion rate.

There are different CTAs depending on a website. Most tech websites deal with downloading software.

For such a case use a call to action such as “Download Here, Download Now, Download it for Free, etc.”

Other examples of CTAs include:

  • Buy Now
  • Sign Up
  • Shop

Place these CTAs in a designated point of your website where it is visible every visitor.

Experts recommend that you set the call to action on top of a web page.

That way, it becomes easily visible to all who visit your website.

Mobile Friendly

Your website is not only accessible on PC but also in mobile phones.

Statista reports that in 2020 over three billion people own smartphones globally.

What does that mean? Access of information is mostly done through mobile phones.

But when a website is not mobile-friendly the traffic will be low. Leading to a smaller amount conversion.

There are various WP themes that are mobile-friendly. Make use of them to help you boost leads.

Live Customer Support

Before a visitor selects a plan or purchase a product from a website, they require clarification.

So, who will offer them the clarification they require?

24/7 Live Customer Support.

This will make it easy for the customer to seek help at any time.

The customer will have all doubts cleared and get to purchase or sign up for your services.

If you seek such services, contact companies like HubSpot, Zendesk, Intercom, Olark, and Bold360.

They are the best in the market and help in live customer support.

Add this feature today on your WP website, to increase in conversion rate.

Various Global Payment Methods

Global payment methods are crucial in helping boost the conversion rate.

Potential customers are all over the globe. Thus, make easy for them the site needs to have various payment methods.

Use global payment methods like PayPal, Visa or MasterCard, American Express, and many more.

Don’t let customers go to competitor websites because of payment methods.

Remember customers may have the payment method but don’t find it secure.

But with multiple methods they can find the one they find it secure and comfortable.

Multi-Lingual Website

Not everyone understands English or the language of your website, but they would like to get the services you offer.

Making your website multi-lingual helps visitors read content in the language they understand best.

That way, they will be able to buy, download, or sign up.

Using international languages such as French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, or Chinese is vital.

That way there will be increase in traffic that will automatically lead to high conversion rate.

Remember that when integrating your website into being multi-lingual avoid direct translation.

Instead, get experts who can translate your website to the given language(s).

Website Security

Another critical factor that will help in boosting a site’s conversion rate is security.

A secure website helps instill trust in all those who visit.

To make a website secure you require an SSL certificate. Contact your host today to get an SSL certificate today and make your website secure for all visitors.

You need to understand that they will be sharing their personal information with the website. So, it is your duty to ensure it is not accessible with third-parties.

Also, a secure website protects information from cybercriminals.

High-Quality Images and Videos

Adding images or videos of products or how they work is a plus.

But not only images or videos. They should be high-quality.

With high-quality images and videos customers will be easily get attracted to buy from your website.

Tools to Use in Boosting Conversion Rate

Is your website doing good?

That’s not the end you also need to tracks and use conversion rate optimizing tools.

Most of these tools are free, but to get the most features you can upgrade your plan.

The following are top tools you must use to boost your website’s conversion rate.

  • Google Analytics
  • HubSpot
  • Google Pagespeed
  • Unbounce
  • Sumo

Use them to optimize and track your website’s traffic and leads fast. Also, for appropriate marketing strategy use these tools always.


Don’t wait for tomorrow. Optimize your website today and increase your conversion rate instantly.

If you feel not ready enough or need help.

Contact us immediately.

Thank you for reading this guide to the end. Please share with other website owners to learn these tips.


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