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How to Cope with Panic Attacks

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How to Cope with Panic Attacks

Humans are likely to face issues throughout their lifetime, some of which incite fear. We all get nervous- which is perfectly healthy- and have to handle anxiety. However, if such issues persist, they can affect the quality of your life. You may even become emotionally overwhelmed. It is at such a time that seeking help should be your TOP priority.

Should you be worried?

Of course not. Panic attacks are well within your control. Yes, emotional support animals help panic attacks, but other tips can help you improve as well.

Know What Panic Attacks Are

When you face a panic attack, the mind is the first to react. What is happening to me?

Knowing that you are NOT alone is the first tip to comprehend what panic attacks are. Such attacks typically occur when your body misinterprets a ‘hazardous’ situation. Naturally, the body reacts aggressively towards fearsome conditions. It emits ‘fight or flight’ adrenaline to prompt you to act.

And it is what happens when panic attacks strike. The body will react to non-worrisome situations as it would to hazardous ones. But instead of inducing a ‘fight or flight’ response, your body will start to experience immediate bouts of extreme anxiety and fear. Other symptoms may entail feeling nauseous or overwhelmed, palpitating, trembling, or shaking.

Talk to Someone

More often than not, persons who suffer from panic attacks may be a little reserved about their ordeals. They may feel embarrassed to speak their hearts. If you want to locate triggers behind panic attacks, you need to talk to an experienced therapist. Don’t shy away. Therapy is the best way to maneuver and overcome panic attacks. Also, being close to your loved ones can help shoulder the burden.  Once you talk to a therapist, they may advise that you keep an emotional support animal. They are great companions and will help you remain calm.

Challenge Behaviors and Thinking Patterns

While many factors can result in a panic attack, entrenched negative thought patterns cause the most harm. Your mental health could suffer a considerable blow, too. To improve this condition, start by learning how your mind assesses triggering situations.

Some of these thoughts include imagining the worst-case scenario in an utterly normal situation. Or worse, overestimating occurrences before they happen. Some phobias may also spark panic attacks. So it would do you good to dig up their roots and softly break free.

Breathing Techniques

For many persons, a common feature of panic attacks is quick and heavy breathing that could result in lightheadedness. Mastering the art of breathing can help salvage the situation. Adopt a daily breathing routine. That should primarily involve slow breathing over a couple of minutes.

Better Nutrition

Did you know that nutrition shapes your mood, which in turn affects your reaction? Inadequate vitamins in the body can hamper the brain’s production of chemicals necessary for composure. In addition to drinking enough water for hydration and avoiding alcohol intake, there are a couple of other dietary considerations that help relieve panic attacks. Start by taking foods rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin B.


Saying that sleep is a gift is only an understatement. It is your body’s ultimate way of rejuvenating after handling challenging tasks. To this effect, lack of sleep is a double whammy.  Fatigue may build up in your body, paving the way for stress and tension. Additionally, sleep helps the body emit chemicals vital for rest or relaxation. Are you having enough sleep? If you are a victim of panic attacks, this is the question that should ring your mind.


Therapists and mental health experts believe that exercise can remedy panic attacks. They recommend physical activity as a way to relieve the symptoms of anxiety, tension, and depression. Alleviation of stress hormones is a direct result of regular exercise. It also raises the production of a mood-boosting chemical called endorphin. One more thing- exercise also promotes self-confidence and distracts you from negative thoughts.


What You Should NOT Do

When dealing with panic attacks, some factors can impede your progress. The above tips will help you walk the talk, but other activities are a NO-NO.


Stress over issues that are above and beyond your control. To change the things that you can, do you what you can.

Run from the problem. Remember, the whole idea is to face triggers that cause anxiety and not to flee from them. However, slowly, learn to build up the time you spend trying to alleviate such situations. It boosts your overall health and reduces anxiety over time.

Set unrealistic targets when it comes to working. Instead, make sure you can seamlessly work within your goals. This mostly applies to physical activity and exercise. Don’t overwhelm your body. You need all the energy you can harness to beat panic attacks.


The above tips should help you OVERCOME panic attacks. Put them into practice from today, and you can be sure of better results going forward.



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