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To figure out what drives you, what motivates you, you need to understand what things excite you. Sometimes we work all day, but we get bored very quickly. We work there because we don’t know what we want.; we push ourselves to do work even we are not interested. I have read in a book that if your passion is your profession, it means you have achieved success.

Motivation is the most important. Working all day and that work does not motivate you

, which means you are wasting your time.  I am going to share a tip to know about what motivates you. This tip helped me.

Start focusing on things that give you pleasure for long-lasting. For example, if you work all day in an

office, after returning to your office, the first thing you say “oh! I am tired,”. Yes, those things which make your tired cannot motivate you. If you dance all night, you would not say I am tired; you would want to extend the night. Because you are enjoy dancing.  And this is the reason.

To figure out what drives you, you need to start focusing first. However, in so

me cases, we enjoy early, and then we get tired. Those things are not included in the list of what motivates you. Find out those which make you happy for a long time.

Ask questions from yourself, which things motivate you? What do you want? Print a list in your mind of those activities you like and which you don’ since childhood. And then try to experience them.

However, some factors motivate people. Those things attract, and people do hard work for them.

  • Money: Since childhood, we were taught to make money. Life drives because of cash; money is everything. You can buy all your living goods with cash. Money attracts some people because they want to make their life beautiful. They think Capital can purchase everything.


We measured success according to the bank balance. But first of all, everyone should think about why they want to make notes. Because for peaceful life.  If property motivates someone, he/she can do everything for it. But, the

desire for wealth can make you criminal. Make wages, but don’t drive it on your mind.

  1. Fame: Some people want fame. .They want to be number one in their life. They do struggle bec

ause they don’t want to lose.

Because of this, they achieve number one status in the world.  If fame motivates you, you will have to sacrifice your days and nights, You will lose, but you will have to fight again. Because recognition is not given in plate to anyone.


  • Helping Others: Some people motivate when they help others like Mother Teresa. They want to accommodate the poor and needy people. They want to see the world is a better place for living.

They give up a considerable part of their assets. They are philanthropists. If you

are motivated by supporting others, it is the right motivation as well as deed. To know how backing someone drives you, you need to start giving a small share of yours to someone who needs it. It also provides leisure and peace of



  • Passion: I have already described that passion is essential. Some people go with their love. All successful people in this world follow their passion. They didn’t spend the
  1. ir time making data of companies; they were not hired by any companies. They retain people to work for them.
  2. Passion makes a person to successful person. If desire motivates someone, believe in me, he would be a successful person in the future.
  3. Check it out, what drives you, what motivates you. Because

I hope this article will assist you to understand.





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