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How to Use Excel

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Does Excel have templates?






How does one know the terms?





What is the layout of a workbook?






Why is it that long words or sentences spill over to the next cell?


How can I navigate through the workbook?





How do I make some of my words, such as titles, look nicer?

Excel has several templates, and one can search for more online.

You only have to click on the one you would love to use

Another option is using someone else’s and adjusting it

The commonly used template is starting with a blank workbook



You can know the terms by analyzing the tabs at the top

A tab has a ribbon, with each ribbon having various groups

In order to give more options, each group has got launch buttons

All page layout options are on launch buttons


A workbook is made up of columns and rows

A cell is an intersection between a column and a row

Each cell has a name and thus can be described

A group of cells that are together is called a range



Words do not actually spillover, it’s an illusion. To try fitting words into a cell, you can stretch the cell by putting a mouse between any column and row then drag it.


To move down the spreadsheet, click enter

Click shift and TAB to move left

Click TAB to move right

To move up, hold shift then click enter or return

One can also make use of arrows or the mouse


You can do this by clicking on that particular cell, then go to the HOME tab and click bold to make the words stand out. You can also paint, italicize, underline, etcetera.

You can also make one big centered cell by breaking down walls between cells by use of the merge and center button.


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