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Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

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Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection in the United States of America (Wilson et al., 2016). There are approximately 79 million active cases, and about 14 million new cases are being reported annually in the US. Slightly, more than 43% of American aged between 18-59 are infected with genital HPV. The consequences of HPV are quite dire. Under extreme conditions, HPV can cause cervical and other cancers such as cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat. This makes HPV doubtlessly a dangerous disease (CDC, 2014). In the recent past, incidences of HPV have been on the rise in the USA. This rise has been attributed to the low uptake of the HPV vaccine among the teenagers aged between 9-17 years. The low uptake is due to the parents’ reluctance to allow their children to receive HPV vaccination (Daniels et al., 2018). This informs the decision to implement the educational intervention plan to persuade reluctant parents to allows their children to get the vaccination.

The outcomes that these intervention and project are attempting to achieve is the educate the parents of the teenagers aged between 9-17 years on the importance of allowing their children to receive HPV vaccination at the study clinic in Lake County Indiana. According to Wilson et al., (2016), the incidence of HPV infections are on the rise in the United States of America, and this has been attributed to the unwilling nature of the parents to allows their children to be vaccinated. Therefore, by educating the parents, we hope to get more children getting the HPV vaccination which is key in preventing the occurrence of HPV infections. The outcomes will establish a framework that can be used to attain an improvement in the quality, safety, and experience of care by increasing the uptake of HPV vaccination and reducing the prevalence of cervical and other cancers such as cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. This is important in the realization of the Federal agenda of having 80% of boys and girls vaccinated against HPV by 2020 (Laprise et al., 2020).

Create an evaluation plan to determine the impact of an intervention for health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.

The outcome of the education intervention plan is to persuade the parents to allows their children to receive the HPV vaccination. The degree to which the outcomes have been achieved will be measured by establishing if there is an increase in the number of children aged between 9-17 years going for HPV vaccination within the study area. The tool that I need to collect the data is the questionnaires. Questionnaires are highly recommended as they are relatively easy to analyze, simple to administer and allows a large sample of the population to be contacted at comparatively low cost (Geuens & De Pelsmacker, 2017).

The impact evaluation strategy will be used to analyze and evaluate the collected data. Impact evaluation is an assessment of how the intervention being evaluated effects, outcomes, whether these effects are anticipated or unintentional. Moreover, the impact evaluation creates a cause and effect association between a plan and its outcome (Abdulkadiroğlu, Angrist, Narita & Pathak, 2017).

The impact evaluation will be used to determine the effect of the intervention plan in convincing the parents to allows their children to receive the vaccination. Therefore, the impact evaluation will show what works and what failed to work during the implementation of the project. Through cause and effect analogy, the impact evaluation strategy will show the effect of the educational intervention plan by analyzing the rate of HPV vaccinations before the educational intervention plan and the rate of HPV vaccination after the intervention plan. The proposed project will also make a comparison of the pre and post effect of educational intervention on parents’ willingness to allow their children to receive HPV vaccines.

Analyze the nurse’s role in leading change and driving improvements in the quality and experience of care.

With 79 million active cases, and about 14 million new cases are being reported annually in the US, HPV is a national tragedy that requires the input of all stakeholders and care providers to manage (Wilson et al., 2016). Nurses play an integral role in the provision of care in the healthcare sector. Some of their duties include performing diagnostic tests, administering medications and treatments, and cooperating with team members to plan for patient care. Through cooperating with other team members, nurses can lead change in professional practice and interprofessional teams. Nurses can also lead change in professional practice and interprofessional teams by increasing the uptake of HPV vaccinations. Nurses can use family-centred approaches to escalate parents’ awareness about HPV vaccination. They can also inform the parents about the novel HPV vaccination recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) at the CDC. These measures will enable the parents to change their perception about the HPV vaccination.

Additionally, the nurse can help to drive improvements in the quality and experience of care in professional practise and interprofessional teams by providing emotional support, empathy and respect to the patients and availing prompt access to dependable health advice.

Explain how the intervention plan affects nursing and interprofessional collaboration and how the health care field gains from the plan.

The objective of the educational intervention plan is to create awareness and reliably inform the parents about the benefits of allowing their children aged between 9 and 17 to be given the HPV vaccination. Based on the previous findings, the low uptake of HPV vaccines, particularly among the teenagers is primarily due to the reluctance of the parents to allow their children to receive the HPV vaccinations. When correctly implemented, the educational intervention plan will improve the nursing profession and practices by helping to create more awareness among the parents about the importance of allowing their children to get the HPV vaccination. This will subsequently help improve the uptake of HPV vaccination. This initiative will promote the reduction in the occurrence of cervical and other cancers such as cancer of the vulva, and vagina.

In terms of improving outcomes for the target population, the intervention plan will directly engage the target population and involve them in the decision making process for their children. According to Fredriksson, Eriksson, & Tritter, (2018), when stakeholders are involved in their health care and treatment decisions, it yields better outcomes and promotes collaboration.

The gains and benefits to the health care field in general that this intervention plan and project will have are by having many teenagers having the HPV vaccine. It will lessen the woman’s possibility of suffering from cervical cancer and precancerous growths. Men, it will help avert the occurrence of genital warts, penile cancer, anal cancer, and the spread of HPV to sexual partners. Moreover, by preventing the incidence of these diseases, it will promote better health which is fundamental to human delight and well-being. A healthy population can make a substantial contribution to economic growth and build the community and the nation.

Explain how the current project could be improved upon to create a bigger impact on the target population as well as to take advantage of emerging technology and care models to improve outcomes and safety.

For the intervention plan to create improved or broader-reaching impacts for the target population, there is a need to have better communication skills; they will be endearing to the target population. Through proper communication, the proposed project questions will work as a conduit to parental education to increase parental approval for the uptake of the HPV vaccine.

One of the emerging technology to improve performance related to the outcomes of the intervention plan is the use of telehealth. Telehealth is the conveyance of healthcare services and data through electronic information and telecommunication technologies (Lindgren et al., 2016). It allows people in remote areas to quickly access care. Telehealth-based patient educational interventional plans can assist individuals in making care decisions (Lindgren et al., 2016).

One of the emerging care models in healthcare is the Health Social Networks. Health Social Networks improves communication and collaboration, where community exchange experiences about similar challenges and care providers can share experiences on care or treatment. This leads to better health decisions (Choi et al., 2017). When parents and care providers can share their experiences on HPV vaccination, it can increase parental approval for the uptake of the HPV vaccine, particularly from the unwilling parents.

Reflect on how the project has impacted your ability to lead change in personal practice and future leadership positions.

The capstone project has granted me the chance to establish and appraise healthcare provision approaches that meet the existing, future, and daily prospective needs of the population and the federal government. Despite the high risk of HPV infections, it is important to note that it can be prevented when parents can allow their children to be vaccinated. Through the capstone project, I have identified various gaps responsible for the low uptake of HPV vaccines and developed the different evidence-based strategies to address the gaps, leading into the improvement of awareness to advance nursing practice, and patient outcomes.

In addition to the different evidence-based research that upholds this capstone project, its appreciation facilitated my leadership in the scholarship of practice in nursing. The discovery through evidenced-based research and application of acquired information was key in their development of this capstone program. If this plan is successfully executed, it would improvements the uptake of HPV vaccines and reduce its occurrence in the USA.

Reflect on the ways in which the completed intervention, implementation, and evaluation plans can be transferred into your personal practice to drive quality improvement in other contexts.

It is doubtless that the wealth of information and knowledge I have gained through this capstone project is immeasurable. The project has immensely contributed to my clinical understanding, progression in practice and professional growth. The wealth of knowledge that I have gained through the evidence-based research has granted me the privilege to establish measures that are key in improving the quality care and prevention of disease in the USA. Although this proposal is still in its developmental phase, correct use of the educational intervention materials and the expert confirmed proposed project questions in the form of parental assessment tool would guide in increasing parental approval of HPV vaccine, subsequently increasing the uptake of the HPV vaccine.

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