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Identify a Social Problem That Impacts the Group Life Experiences of Urban Youth

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Identify a Social Problem That Impacts the Group Life Experiences of Urban Youth

Social problems refer to the condition in which the highest number of community members face negatively, and the issue needs to be addressed. In different states, people are faced with different negative challenges. The negative consequences are a community problem that needs to be addressed so that to help them on how to come out of such problems. Lack of employment has generally caused a lot of negative challenges to the community members. There are so many youths both in the rural and urban centers who lack employment opportunities as a social problem youth’s Unemployment is caused by several challenges and needs to be addressed so that to place some of them in job opportunities platform.

Unemployment is the highest challenge that influences many people’s lifestyles in urban and rural areas. There so many youths who are educated, but they have no employment. In almost several countries and the states, youths are no longer given opportunities to get employment. The old wealthy people are the ones occupying the most significant role positions in employment as compared with the young generations. The youths have the ability and potential to work very fast and make it perfect, but they are never considered to be offered employment opportunities (“Addressing the unemployment problem | EPI Viewpoints”, 2020). Without employment, many different people end becoming very useless society members. People cannot adequately provide for their needs or even support others. Based on the personal and social challenges, Unemployment is a key factor affecting many the young generation widely.

Without employment, there is no income generation to help them run their living lifestyles. There are millions of youths who lack employment worldwide. This discourages them from achieving their set roles in their lives. It is common that in almost every place, there are so many youths begging for employment. For instance, government positions may be given to most old and rich people, while very few assigned to the youths. This, therefore, influences the lifestyles of many youths. They cannot provide the essential basic needs. Some of the youths without employment may be depressed, causing them to conduct and do some of the dangerous acts such as committing suicide, stealing, or even becoming very useless society members. In the urban centers, everything is determined by the kind of employment the majority of the youths have (2020) Therefore, without employment, there are so many youths in the urban centers that are faced with the problem of not attaining what they desired to attain, thus leading to a very poor lifestyle.

So many different issues may cause youth unemployment. Various challenges may lead to an increase in Unemployment, depending on the different countries. The increase in population is a key challenge that affects people’s employment. When there are so many people, they may cause employment overlapping, which can affect many people’s employment. Different countries have so many unemployed people because some of the countries cannot meet the growing economic status. The other thing that may cause to higher unemployment rate can be the slow growth of the country’s economic status. In most third-world countries, there are so many unemployed people because of the underdeveloped economic status. When the country’s economic status cannot satisfy all its people’s demands, it can contribute to so many unemployment cases since there will be fewer employment opportunities for the youths.

Labor market immobility is another factor affecting the employment rates. For instance, some so many people may fail to take jobs far from their premises. Bribes and corruption is another factor that may highly lead to a lack of employment. When there are employment opportunities, those in the powers may want to be bribed so that they will accept to get the required person. Corruption has greatly affected the lifestyle of many youths because some may not raise the required amount of money for employment opportunities. Lack of skills to the youths can also be a factor contributing to the lack of employment. For instance, some youths are not educated or have job requirement skills, which might contribute to Unemployment. However, there are higher unemployment cases all over the world.

The communities and families play a vital role in ensuring that most of the youths get employment. For the families to help in addressing Unemployment, they encourage most of the unemployed youths to start and run their business. The family members may finance the youths with the capital to start their employment. It was encouraging them to be the entrepreneur’s help in reducing the higher unemployment cases in urban centers. Communities can also begin to some community projects such as staring schools, workshops, among other community work so that they can offer employment opportunities. Some communities and families have greatly encouraged the youths to get the essential skills and education, which will place them to secure jobs (2020). Most families play important roles to ensure that the issue of Unemployment addressed by ensuring that the youths have all that is required for them to get employment. The community ensures that there is corruption in employment so that to place qualified and skilled youths in the employment positions, which will, therefore, led to the reduced number of youth unemployment.

In order to help solve and reduce the unemployment challenges, there are some of the social programs to help reduce the higher unemployment rates. The set programs ensure that they boost employment rates to the community members. Mass education will equip individuals with the required education skills that will place them in employment opportunities. For instance, when the government offers mass education to the youths, they will be able to get employment opportunities (“Unemployment: A Social And Human Service Issue, “2020). Education assistance will help the individuals to get knowledge and knowhow of conducting self any other employment opportunities.

Creation of many industries to offer employment vacancies

When there are several manufacturing industries, there are increased rates of employment. Both skilled and unskilled individuals will be required to work in the industries. This will provide many employment chances for the youths. Youth development promotion contributes to fewer unemployment opportunities (“Unemployment: A Social And Human Service Issue,” 2020). This will ensure that the youths are either financially assisted in ways they will run their businesses. It is based on ensuring that there are, for instance, set programs that will motivate so many unemployed youths to get employment. The legal and federal system aims at setting the programs and policies for the youth’s development. Such programs will increase the employment opportunities to the youths.


Social policies and programs for reducing the impact of Unemployment on urban youth

Unemployment insurance and unemployment compensation policies have been implemented in various parts of the world to protect individuals against job loss. However, these insurance policies should be extended to urban youth, experiencing the problem of Unemployment. These policies are put in place to tackle the risk associated with Unemployment. These policies accomplish this by creating incentives for teens to search for jobs and increase their rates of being employed (Asenjo & Pignatti, 2019).

Monetary policies which aim at providing affordable loans to the unemployed urban youths are established. This increased culture of borrowing can be accomplished by cutting interest rates. This reduced rate will reduce the cost associated with borrowing money from financial institutions and other government agencies. These reduced rates will encourage the youths to borrow money for investments. These investments will, in turn, increase the GDP of a country, leading to further job creation. Reduced interest rates will increase the competition for exports, boosting the economy (Pettinger, 2020).

Other side policies are in place to reduce the impacts of Unemployment. These policies include education and training, and employment subsidies. Others include housing and urban development programs. The federal government has come up with various strategies that are in place to improve the economic status and welfare of low-income and unemployed urban youths. The federal government has a housing assistance program supporting eligible individuals who meet the program’s requirements. The federal government has also come up with policies that are in place to regulate the quality of housing (Collinson et al., 2015). Urban planning policies address housing affordability, land use residential and commercial development. These local policies benefit vulnerable populations.

Describe Recommendations Considered important to addressing the impact of the social problem on the social lives of urban youth and families

  1. Impact the youths with the technical skills that they can use to create jobs

The first move to curb or reduce youth unemployment would be to teach youths to be self-reliant. By being self-reliant, the government should impact youths with skills and competence that they can use to create jobs and not to depend on the government to create jobs for them (O’Reilly et al., 2015). In order to have youths that are self-reliant, the government should ensure the youths are taught not only theories but also offered technical courses that provide them with the opportunity to gain practical skills that they can use to create their own jobs and to become self-reliant people in the society.

  1. Create more job opportunities for the youths

The government should declare youth unemployment a major problem of modern society as the number of youths continue to grow the more the increasing demands to create more job opportunities for the youths (Liang et al., 2017). When it comes to the creation of employment, the government should prioritize allocating more jobs to the youths because they are the vulnerable people to engage in social issues such as drug abuse and insecurity.

  1. Youth Empowerment

The modern youths are vulnerable to many social issues such as insecurity, drug abuse, and drug trafficking. In order to address youth unemployment, the government should come with various programs to empower the youths. Some of the youth empowerment programs include making loans accessible for the youths (Tosun, 2017). When loans are accessible, youths can borrow funds at low-interest rates from financial institutions to start and run their own businesses. Empowered youths are protected youths from any social issues such as drug abuse, which is a major problem among youths in modern society (O’Reilly et al., 2015). The government can also set aside a youth fund where the youths are allowed to borrow money to start businesses at free interest rates and refund the money without paying interest as one way of empowering youths to create more employment and employ other jobless youths.

  1. Reform the current education sector to equip the youths with skills and knowledge to face the job market

Most colleges teach youths how to pass examinations and not become better people once they leave the training colleges and universities. Instead of focusing on theories, the colleges should impact the youths with technical skills that are essential in facing the current job challenges (O’Reilly et al., 2015). Most youths are unemployed not because there are no jobs but because they lack the skills needed in the job market. The current job market is dynamic and requires individuals with the right kinds of skills that the employers are looking for in the job market. Lack of requisite skills to take some jobs have forced some organization to retain the old or outsource employees to fill the vacant jobs.

  1. Give the youths the opportunity to participate in governance.

The major problem that the youths face in modern society is the lack of opportunity to discuss some of the problems that they face. In most cases, it is the old guards who are tasked with the responsibility of discussing youth’s problems and not the youths themselves. If youths are denied the opportunity to participate in governance, it is hard to discuss and address the problems they face, especially by the people who do not understand the current problems that the modern youths face.















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Unemployment: A Social And Human Service Issue. Taylor & Francis. (2020). Retrieved 1 June 2020, from

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