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ING Corporation in Germany and Taiwan

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ING Corporation in Germany and Taiwan





A multinational corporation is an Organization operating in its residential nation and also other countries globally. A company’s main office has been maintained in one of the nations to manage as well as regulates activities of its subsidiaries worldwide. Multinational companies have the abilities to sophisticate technology, continues to develop, produce products that are of good quality, advertise their market product, acquisition of correct skills, and control branches of network universally. Merits of a multinational business include improved innovation, creation of job opportunities, it is efficient, and also boost in development. The purpose of the assignment is to select a Multinational Corporation that gives the best services and a better working environment (Rotting, 2016). ING Bank is one of the Multinational corporation located in both Germany and Taiwan and has its headquarters situated at Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The assignment is focusing on operation and investment of ING in both Germany and Taiwan by providing detailed information on their services.

Multinational Subsidiaries Operation

ING Bank in Taiwan

Taiwan is hosting entrepreneur’s well-advanced economy, hence running the largest market surplus as well as holding some of the international most significant foreign products. ING Bank in Taiwan is located at Taipei. It has been giving out various products in the financial field markers, a corporation of finance from single platforms, managing cash, and giving out structures. The staff at ING Bank in Taiwan includes SpecialistSpecialist the dealing of money, planner of the analyst, SpecialistSpecialist in global, an analyst in scientific data, accountant, security officer, data engineer among other subordinates(Yang et al., 2015). In the SpecialistSpecialist in the wholesale banking markets contribute to solutions that are well structured and sound. ING Bank possesses tremendous abilities in the knowledge as well as experiences in the sector of technology. By offering expensive networks, ING has enabled people to have solutions that are well précised in first grades of groups that are local, an institution that deals with finance and multinationals.

Clients are very crucial in ING marketing. They determined in empowering their customers which helps in the achievement of goals enabling them to remain ahead of others. They often take their time in understanding their challenges and the operation of the business. Their uniqueness in the collaboration in approaching solutions to problems has created the success that is sustainable to the consumer hence fostering friendship which gives out benefits for an extended period.

ING in Taiwan offers career opportunities to SpecialistSpecialist in the operation of cash, big enterprises, engineering development enabling them to discover innovation and technology in the management of data. They also offer job positions in engineer in the senior event with people qualified in skills in the literature that can speak and write well to brutalize service items. They provide more employment in officer in charge of security, junior who has specialized in modelling, SpecialistSpecialist in connection of networks outside, and SpecialistSpecialist in purchases.

Current businesses have been facing risks and challenges caused by economic and political instabilities, developing a lot of concerns in the global world. The continuing conflicts in politics, increase in population, and threats from terrorists, has affected multinational corporations in the world (su and Wang, 2018). Other aspects, such as determining factors leading to a society with more peaceful has been a significant challenge to deal.

ING Bank in Taiwan considers that management of the consequences of the environment is the main achievement in the sustainability of their goals. These have implied the reason for the management and monitoring their operational effects through programs of their environment. Their priorities in the climate were created in ensuring their customers are making purchases to a more viable economy. Furthermore, the circular economy is in encouraging as well as exiting strategies that help in the creation of the current economy. Such marketplace is aimed at the development of systems with no wastage hence keeping resource to flow consistently among the consumers and is a system having economic activities in a high level and the effects of the environment that are lower. In terms of political context, servicers in finance have a crucial role in playing to create a viable as well as the wealthy achieved through issuing of cash, investment and offering of services to their customers through the government help.

Working in ING Bank at Taiwan will enable me to build my career in that it provides more job opportunities, and the working environment is conducive. Workings for an instant, as a cost financial business advisor, will enable me to empower the organization with the information that is viable as well as appraises, which concerns the finance. Concerning suggestions for my career development in working at ING bank in Taiwan is to transform corporation as well as banking through the improvement of technology. I will entrust the corporation and individuals to comprehend their understanding leading to acquiring for an improved future.


A Map showing ING Bank in Taiwan, located in Taipei








ING Bank Subsidiary located at Taipei in Taiwan



ING is an international monetary and banking organization that has its main office in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The organization’s leading transactions include commercial banking, coverage services, wholesale banking, investment business and direct banking. Since the ING launching in Germany in 1987, it has brought about a significant impact in the industrial and economic reconstruction of Germany. The organization has then partnered with the largest companies and institutions in Germany.

The current operation approach of ING Company is digital banking in Germany.  The strategy has enabled ING to become the third-best private financial institution in Germany, with over eight million clients (Schild, 2018). The digital banking approach is aimed at creating a faster and individual client experience. The opening of accounts has become fully automated, thus not requiring the use of papers and signatures. For new customers, the documents relating to their commencement of reports are sent to them digitally. The welcome strategy of the company is aimed at joining together businesses, client experiences and foundations. It will assist to be informed of the client’s dynamic requirements and continue being among the leaders in the field of banking.

The welcome approach has also aided in the introduction of electronic income check that enables the process of loan application to be convenient, more comfortable and fast. It has also allowed applicants to directly certify the income on their reference accounts even with another financial institution with the help of ING institution. The digital banking has enabled customers to do their banking containing approval of payments by fingerprint through their mobile phones and computers anywhere and anytime. Due to its digital nature, the analysis of data has enabled the bank to discern its clients better. The welcome project has allowed the organization to improve its functional effect through reduction of costs and boosting up operations while retaining high levels of quality service.

The ING due to its large organization and branches worldwide, it has a great staff that draft, implement and execute the operations of the company. The central bank of Europe precisely manages the financial institution as a member of a single legislative system. It also has a board system comprising of the executive and parliamentary board which create convenient methods of checks and balances in the bank. It has an auditor group consisting of internal and external auditors. Internal audit has about 400 workers globally, and its function is providing independent assurance on the management of risk, governance, and enforce processes and schemes to the managerial staff. The external accountants carry out analysis on centralized financial assertions of ING.

The ING organization has its head office in Germany’s financial capital of Frankfurt, where its operation in Germany is organized. The scope of the ING Company is to administer clients with the most efficient resolutions to assist them in handling their monetary perspective while building a deeply rooted value for its partners. The bank also aims to be a favoured financial institution of its clients by excellence in operations and quality global service; and its workers with the highest degree of excellent and ethical standards. It states that every person is obligated to reliable, sensible, decisive and available financial institutions that operate wisely and assure superiority in its services. With these principles, ING will improve its customers’ needs and further introduce new strategies that will better its service delivery.

The ING bank in Germany has employed many of its citizen in various fields in the company. Most of its employees are specialized in the areas of business, economics and information technology due to its digital banking approach. It includes client experience manager, global human resource trainee, and junior financial expert on financial research, web designer, and economic intelligence specialist, IT consultant in business, java programmer, content specialist and international project administrator on human resource.

The ING bank has encountered several opportunities on threats in its surrounding, both politically and economically. As a financial institution, their control is by methods; it connects the money allocated to them. Power brings about the responsibility that entails formulating clear decisions of how to deal with who and where to transact business. The clients directly influence the political and economic impacts due to the bank’s global policies because it applies to all of its clients. It economic, environmental chances have included sustainability by sustainable economic resolutions. It has possible through the advancement of loans which has supported financial motivation for those whose continuous rating rises.

Political, environmental opportunities have played a vital part in finding out the causes that affect ING in its durable benefit in Germany. The reasons have included creative protection on property, preferred business partners, compulsory workers benefits, regulation of prices, and regulation of trade and tariffs associated with finance. The threat opportunities of the ING organization in Germany include the level of corruption, high taxation on rates and motivations, cybersecurity where clients’ personal information can be accessed and altered without the owner’s consent. Terrorism and military interference is a threat, also due to the various terrorist activities in Germany, which affects the operation of the institution.

The institution has also considered economic factors in its operations which has assured its success in the banking industry. The factors include interest rates, unemployment amounts, currency and rates of exchange, rate of economic growth, labour and productivity value in the market, quality of infrastructure and the level of education in the economy (Veron, 2015). The skill grade of the labour force in life coverage business, the effectiveness of the financial industry and the interference by the government in the complementary business also affect the operations of ING organization in the banking market.

As evident from the assertion, my career will extensively develop in Germany due to their capability in offering job opportunity in the field of information technology. My speciality in java programming will advance as there are many experienced and qualified programmers in the institution which will ensure sharing of ideologies. The bank is also strategically located in a financial and economic town of Frankfurt that has surplus opportunities in business and technology.

In Germany, I will find it suitable to live in Frankfurt Marriott hotel because of its proximity to the ING bank.

Map of Frankfurt Marriott hotel to ING Bank


ING Bank in Germany



Multinational Subsidiaries Operation

Taiwan is hosting entrepreneur’s well-advanced economy, hence running the largest market surplus as well as holding some of the international most significant foreign products. ING Bank in Taiwan is located at Taipei. It has been giving out various products in the financial field markers, a corporation of finance from single platforms, managing cash, and giving out structures. The staff at ING Bank in Taiwan includes specialist the dealing of money, planner of the analyst, SpecialistSpecialist in global, analyst in scientific data, accountant, security officer, data engineer, among other subordinates. In the SpecialistSpecialist in the wholesale banking markets contribute to solutions that are well structured and sound. ING Bank possesses tremendous abilities in the knowledge as well as experiences in the sector of technology. By offering expensive networks, ING has enabled people to have solutions that are well précised in first grades of groups that are local, an institution that deals with finance and multinationals.

Clients are very crucial in ING marketing. They determined in empowering their customers which helps in the achievement of goals enabling them to remain ahead of others. They often take their time in understanding their challenges and the operation of the business. Their uniqueness in the collaboration in approaching solutions to problems has created the success that is sustainable to the consumer hence fostering friendship which gives out benefits for an extended period.

ING in Germany offers career opportunities to SpecialistSpecialist in the operation of cash, big enterprises, engineering development enabling them to discover innovation and technology in the management of data, architecture for touching points, marketing in finance, and banking. They also offer job positions in engineer in senior development with people qualified in skills in literature which can speak and write well to brutalize service items. They provide more employment in officer in charge of security, junior who has specialized in modelling, SpecialistSpecialist in connection of networks outside, and SpecialistSpecialist in purchases.

Current businesses have been facing risks and challenges caused by economic and political instabilities, developing a lot of concerns in the global world. The continuing conflicts in politics, increase in population, and threats from terrorists, has affected multinational corporations in the world. Other aspects leading to a society with a more peaceful environment has been a significant challenge to deal with.

ING Bank in Taiwan and Germany considers that management of the consequences of the environment is the main achievement in the sustainability of their goals. These have implied the reason for the management and monitoring their operational effects through programs of their environment. Their priorities in the climate were created in ensuring their customers are making purchases to a more viable economy. Furthermore, the circular economy is in encouraging as well as exiting strategies that help in the creation of the current economy. Such marketplace is aimed at the development of systems with no wastage hence keeping resource to flow consistently among the consumers and is a system having economic activities in a high level and the effects of the environment that are lower(Huang et al., 2018). In terms of the political climate, servicers in finance have a crucial role in playing to create viable as well as the wealthy world. It is achieved through issuing of cash, investment and offering of services to their customers through the government help.


In conclusion, the ING financial institution has gained global attraction in many countries due to its banking strategies and its values. Automation of banking has mostly made the bank successful and causing it to accumulate massive revenue because of its computerized features that are widely accepted by both the organization and its clients.




Huang, T. H., Chiang, D. L., & Lin, C. L. (2018). The effect of bank mergers on competitive conditions and cost efficiencies in Taiwan–a time

Rotting, D. (2016). Institutions and emerging markets: effects and implications for multinational corporations. International Journal of Emerging Markets.Latin analysis.

Schild, J. (2018). Germany and France at cross purposes: the case of Banking Union. Journal of Economic Policy Reform21(2), 102-117.

Su, E., & Wong, K. W. (2018). Measuring bank downside systemic risk in Taiwan. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance70, 172-193.

Véron, N. (2015). Europe’s radical banking union. Bruegel Essay and Lecture Series5.



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