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International agreement

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International agreement

An international agreement is a practical and well-established diplomacy tool that aids countries in attaining their set objectives in the international arena. Importantly, international treaties help countries reach critical conclusions without the use of force. The United States is a guru in initiating and concluding international agreements, and some of the accords attained in the past have incredibly helped advance U.S. national security interests. The NAFTA agreement between Canada and the United States is an outstanding example of how international treaties can promote national interests. Although the NAFTA agreement was repealed and replaced with USMCA, it had, in the few years, helped create jobs for the United States citizen. At the same time, the Iran nuclear agreement helped promote United States security interests both in the Middle East and internally. It is similarly essential to note that international treaties are practical for several reasons.

In most cases, international treaties can address international relations problems, including laws of war, treatment of diplomats, and conflict triggered by economic nationalism. In recent times, this concept has prevented instances of conflict and aided in developing the domestic and global economy. National security is an essential aspect in the United States, and promoting its agendas have always been a significant concern in its foreign policy. The United States uses international agreements to expand its national security agendas in the international field in different ways. For instance, the United States engages in economic agreements with other countries to improve its export and provide jobs for its people. Also, the United States promotes the dignity and security of its citizens by engaging in agreements that control other states’ actions, particularly in matters relating to military arms. This paper proves that the United States has been effective in using international treaties in advancing its nationals security. However, the nature of the deals can, at times, threaten national security initiatives.

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