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International and Transnational Crime Differences

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International and Transnational Crime Differences

Discussion Questions

Question one: International and Transnational Crime Differences

International and transnational crimes are common terms in Criminal Justice studies. These concepts are characterized by different features since they fall under different crime categories. According to the comparative criminal justice system, international crimes are termed as crimes that lead to adverse effects on peace within people across the world. These crimes are usually based on the international agreements existing between different countries or legal precedents. Some of the international crimes include a war crime, genocide, piracy, and any crime against humanity. On the contrary, transnational crimes are defined as any criminal activities, which leads to the violation of laws for more than countries. In most cases, transnational crimes involve border crossing of illegal goods and services, among other activities involving multiple countries. Examples of transnational crimes include drug trafficking, counterfeiting, and cybercrime, among others.

Question Two: Why should we study comparative criminal Justice?

Studying Comparative Criminal Justice is vital in the modern era since it associated with several benefits. Comparative criminal justices’ studies adopted an international perspective in comparing different justice systems across the world through historical, descriptive and political approaches. Generally, the comparative social Justice helps individuals to gain analytical skills which are applicable in solution finding across the globe. Besides, it helps in understanding reality in transformation, thus making it easy to have a better understanding of the criminal justice system.

Question Three: Example of how the country borrowed an idea or way of carrying out criminal Justice

Criminal Justice is a wide concept which varies depending on the country. For instance, there is a wide difference between Chinese and American criminal justice concepts. In most cases, the country’s criminal justices always resemble its colony since the majority of ideas are associated with the colony. America is an example of a country that borrowed greatly from the United Kingdom criminal justice system. America was colonized by the U.K.; therefore, the majority of the concept is borrowed from the colony. The most beneficiary parts include the rights of offenders, political ideals, as well as economic conditions. Although the country has evolved significantly, it has its History attached to criminal justice borrowing from England.

Question Four: underlying values present in the U.S. criminal justice system

There are several underlying values that are present in the United States criminal justice. For instance, equal Justice is presented under the country’s law. This indicates that individuals within the United States are subjected to equal rights irrespective of their colour, and sex. Besides, the individuals are subjected to the punishments, which are equivalent to the category of the crime. This punishment is not based on the race, background or sex but the category of the crime committed.

Another underlying value that is presented in the United States criminal justice system is the fact that all individuals are deemed to be innocent until proven guilty. This indicates that the court can either prove you guilty and remain to be innocent. Once the court of law remains to prove them guilty of a person, therefore, such people continue to be innocent and walk out free without any fines and punishment.

Question Five: Advantages of using the historical-political approach in studying the comparative justice system 

The Historical-political approach is associated with several advantages, such as provision on knowledge and understanding of the chronological transformation of the criminal justice system. These transformations provide learners with effective skills and understanding of past mistakes; therefore, leading to a positive and advance criminal justice system. Another advantage associated with the historical-political approach is that it helps in understanding specific crimes under the current crime rate within a specific country.

Chapter two

  1. Which international crime data do you believe provide the most helpful information? Explain.

In my opinion, the best place to access helpful information about international crime data is Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). The site collects the report crimes across the globe, thus making it easy to improve international crime analysis. Other best option to acquire international crime data is the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

  1. To what extent can we rely on crime data from other nations? How can we evaluate such data?

Reliance on the crime data from other countries depends on different factors such as standards set by such countries in recording the crimes, the effectiveness and efficiency in recording the related information. The crime data is collected and evaluated on different methods such as a Crime Severity Index (CSI).

  1. What factors might contribute to the very low crime rates in Japan? To the relatively higher rates in the United States?

The low crime rate experienced in Japan result from its ability in embracing the teaching about the social values to their generation, thus leading to a better life. In Japan, conformity is termed as a big deal. Besides, the country has been able to set strict policy on gun ownership, thus reducing the related crimes.

In contrast, the United States is characterized by poor gun policies which lead to an increased rate of crime. In curbing related crimes, the United States is supposed to have strict measures on gun ownership policy, thus reducing its adverse impacts.

  1. Study the tables in the chapter that provide crime for selected countries and find some with high or low crime rates. Why might there be such a disparity between certain countries?

According to table 2.1, Ireland is termed as the country with the highest overall crime rate, while Spain has the lowest crime rate. Their difference occurs in crime rate differ because of the difference in policies as well as lifestyle (social value). Besides, the employment level and corruption level plays an essential role in disparity in crime rate amongst different countries.

Chapter Three

  1. What are the chief differences between the Common Law and Civil Law families?

Dammer and Albanese (2013) stated that the common law and civil law families differ on the level of jurisdiction. For instance, common law always concentrates on the cases precedents as well as the fine procedure distinctions. In contrast, the civil law emphasizes on the ancient Roman rules, and laws and medieval Europe customer with regulation which helps in addressing the modern problem both economic and social with modifying the case law.

  1. Are there common features in the historical developments of the Common Law, Civil Law, and Socialist Law families?

In common, civil, and socialist law historical development, there are common features such as coexistence. In other words, all three laws must coexist with modernization laws.

  1. Do you believe it is possible to balance the sometimes competing interests between the Islamic legal tradition and the pressures posed by modernization?

I am sure there are several ways of achieving the balance. For instance, balance in competing interests could be achieved if people took extra efforts to adopt modernization law and hold their traditions back. Although it is possible to balance competing interest, I feel NO would be the best answers since the ideas are outdated and sexist.

  1. How do you believe indigenous laws have survived in the United States, given the expansion of legal authority at the federal and state levels in recent years?

According to federal laws, Native Americans are allowed to apply special indigenous laws. Therefore, it can be concluded that the indigenous laws have survived in the United States since they are practised on Native American reservations.

  1. If you were a political leader in a Socialist Law nation, how would you legislate to educate people about the law? What kind of behaviour would be made illegal?

Educating people about socialist law is always termed as essential. As a political leader, I would ensure the effective supply of written materials which has could be understood by every individual within society. Besides, I would get feedback from the masses to ensure that they understood the content written on supplied material, thus helping in determining their level of intelligence since strong society is characterized by its education level. As a leader, I would ban personal and prerogative Justice since these behaviours do not lead to one proving their innocence level.

Chapter Four

  1. If the English lacks a formal constitution, what do they use as a foundation for determining criminal law and criminal justice procedure?

Although the English do not have a formal constitution (written), the country applies the unwritten constitution, which includes great charters. These charters include Magna carter, English bills of right among other acts. Besides, the English unwritten constitution includes organic laws, as well as legal procedures such as procedures of common law and equity.

  1. Why have a number of our model countries chosen to respond to increases in crime with “get tough” policies? How would you compare these policies with those implemented by American criminal justice officials in response to the crime of terrorism?

The model countries have set tough measures on the increased level of crime is because they are always under media scrutiny; therefore, it is important for them to show that they are in the front line to curb crimes. In reality, all model countries want to look good when it comes to crime handling, thus leading to increased tourism population. Generally, the tough measures make the country to be safer.

In comparison to the American policies in connection to the terrorism crime response, the country has set specific measures which help in curbing such crime. The measures include securing borders to ensure monitored migration. Migrants increment leads to new crimes such as terrorism and drug trafficking; therefore, both developed and developing countries including the United States have a similar policy which ensures zero tolerance to crimes such as drug trafficking, prostitution, among others.

  1. Within each of the six model nations, what particular historical developments have had a major effect on their formation of criminal law and criminal justice administration?

Each of the six model nations was affected by historical development. For instance, France experienced a revolution while After German Civil Code, Germany faced several changes in its operations. Also, German was significantly affected by both the first and second world war. China on the side was affected significantly by the Cultural Revolution, and Japan was affected by second world war. Saudi Arabia was affected by Shari’a laws while England was affected by Supreme Court formation in the United Kingdom.

  1. Compare and contrast the model countries, and identify one distinct approach to criminal Justice that each of the model countries exemplifies.

The following is a summary of the approaches used by each country in criminal Justice.

  1. England- Common Law system
  2. Germany -federal Civil Law system
  3. Japan- Hybrid system
  4. Saudi Arabia- Sacred Legal system
  5. France -Unitary Civil law System
  6. China- Socialist system
  7. Using the demographic table 4.1, hypothesize what date might help explain the crime rates in the model countries. Then compare your finding with data about the United States. Do you find any significant differences that would account for the high crime rate in the United States?

From the demographic table 4.1, there are no dates which would help in providing a solution for the first question. However, it can be assumed that the increased crime rate has increased across the world as a result of the increment in drug trafficking. Across the globe, civil unrest is a common phenomenon. In my opinion, the United States faces an increased crime rate since the country has made a lot of things to become illegal. In the country, drugs are characterized as the most cause of mass crime, thus leading to increased crime rates. Some bodies are fighting to legalize natural products which are categorized as drugs. For instance, the country always terms Opioids as an epidemic while at the same time, they are legally given by doctors and abused at higher rates. Generally, the crime rate has increased in the United States since the country coddles its criminals.

Chapter Five

  1. Which of the six model nations do you believe has the most effective police force? Why?

In my opinion, Japan is the country with the most effective police force. In the past 50 years, Japan’s police force has played an effective role in reducing the crime rates due to their efforts in community policing efforts. In other words, Japan has been successful in ensuring effectiveness in the community. According to the Japan system, the Koban idea is used whereby the local police interact directly with the community; therefore, leading to reduced crime.

  1. How does the United States deal with problems related to civil order control? How do these methods compare and contrast with those of our model countries?

In the United States, the Civil order control helps in maintaining order withing government authority’s jurisdiction. For instance, the government is always aimed at maintaining the order while respecting the citizens’ rights. The government has created Civil Disturbance plans which help in dealing with civil order. Besides, it has created the institute of peace which helps in examining police activities while maintaining their order. According to Dammer and Albanese (2013), the U.S. has created a Civilian Reserve Corps that helps in restoring order in an emergency situation.

Both the U.S. and Japan government have remained committed to protecting the citizens’ rights while enforcing their law. Despite the similarities, there are several differences. For instance, the U.S. police are under the government, but it is monitored by the American Institute of peace agency while Japan’s police are under the independent judiciary, but press offers monitoring responsibility.

U.S. and England are characterized by several agencies which help in public order maintenance. For instance, the U.S. have federal Bureau of investigation and U.S. intelligence community while England has Terrorism prevention and investigation agency. They differ in punishment since U.K. individual can be punished for the public disorder without trial while in U.S. punishment follows after trial.

In both Saudi Arabia and the U.S., both police are mandated to maintain peace and order across the territory. They differ ins such that Saudi Arabia police force help in ensuring that the citizens abide by religious culture while U.S. police help in enforcing civil law.

Lastly, China and the U.S. have adopted law enforcing agencies in aiding the police to ensure peace. The difference occurs independence of such bodies. For instance, in the U.S., the agencies operate independently while in China, the agencies are controlled and regulated by the Public Security Ministry.

  1. How might the koban system contribute to a low crime rate in Japan? Would such a system be adaptable to the United States?

Koban is termed as the best system in reducing the crime in Japan since the crimes are reported immediately and directly, thus leading to effective measures to curb the crime occurrence. Besides, the police officers are always in time to report such crime making the system effective. Also, Japan is characterized by strict gun policies, thus making the police to effectively implement the policies. Lastly, the good coexistence with citizens and geographical monitoring makes it easy to have adequate information.

The Koban system cannot be adaptable to the United States due to ineffective gun policies which lead to high murder crimes. Generally, American society is characterized by rudeness, thus hindering a good relationship between police and citizens. Lastly, America is characterized by huge drug trafficking and the large geographical area, thus making it difficult to install the Koban system effectively.

  1. Using the Internet, find an example of a community policing program operating in the United States and one in a foreign country. How are they the same? Different?

In the United States, there are various community policing programs such as the Kids Community Holiday party, Citizens Academy and Community Volunteer Team in California. Other include Alianza Against Crime Event in Texas. Foreign countries such as England and Wales usually have A Police community support officer (PCSO) as their community policing program. The role of the community policing program both in the United States, England and Wales help the crime reduction as well as antisocial behaviour reduction.

  1. Of the key issues that concern the police around the globe, which one do you think will be most important for policing in the 21st century?

In the 21st century, the most essential for the community policing programs is to ensure optimal cooperation between the police officers, country’s citizens and decision-makers. This partnership is termed as effective n curbing any criminal activity such as terrorism, drug trafficking, gun violence among others across the globe.

Chapter Six

  1. Explain major tenets of the adversarial, inquisitorial, and popular (mixed) systems.

Adversarial is termed as the legal procedures which are applied in countries using common laws to help in truth determination, especially during the adjudication. In this, both the prosecution and the defence counsel compete.

Inquisitorial is defined as the criminal procedure model, and it is associated with countries which applies civil laws. The system has been in existence in the past 700 years. The inquisitorial system trial is characterized by the continuous investigation, thus making it become less competitive. It is known as the popular system since it advocates for popular citizens participation. In the modern era, the poplar system is applied in civil, common and socialist law countries. Generally, this system helps judges to make a sound decision about a specific case.

  1. What are the major differences between Common and Civil Law criminal procedure?

The Common and Civil law criminal procedure can be differentiated from each other by the source of law. For instance, facts in the common law are based on the case law as well as legal precedent. In contrast, the facts in civil laws are based on code laws.

  1. If you were on trial for a felony, in which of the model countries would you most like to be tried? In which would you least like to be tried? Why?

In my opinion, Japan is the best model which I would be tried since the country’s system is characterized by increased openness to the public. Besides, the system allows defendants to have their rights while defence and prosecutor usually stand for their cases. Lastly, the system allows the concerned parties to appeal to higher-level courts if not satisfied with the current decision.

In my trial, France would be the least model country for trial. The country is characterized by abstract constitutional review. Under this system, the council concludes on the issues of the constitution without understanding the real cases under a specific law. In other words, the council offers an advisory opinion in cases rather than judgment.

  1. What are the different methods of constitutional review? Which do you believe is best, and why?

The methods of constitutional review include judicial review, abstract review, and nonjudicial review. In my opinion, the best methods of constitutional review are judicial review. The judicial review provides the supreme court with the judicial review making t powerful, especially on constitution interpretation.

  1. How are criminal procedure laws utilized in the ICC, ICTY, and STL similar? How are they different? Use Table 6.5 to assist you in this comparison.

Both criminal procedures in ICC, ICTY and STL are similar in such that it helps in fair judgement on the accused individual. For instance, it is allowed that suspects are supposed to remain silent during the determination of their innocence. Besides, the trial is held in a public hearing.

Despite the similarities, there are several different on the procedures. For instance, STL and ICTY prosecutors are allowed to state assistance when necessary something which is different from ICC. Also, only in ICC whereby the trial chamber determines the innocence of the accused.

Chapter Seven

  1. What is the difference between judicial independence and judicial impartiality? Which is more important, in our opinion?

Judicial independence and Judicial impartiality differ on the restrictions on the decision. For instance, the Judicial independence is characterized by little to representation when making a decision while Judicial Impartial is termed as the Judicial authority whereby judge treat equal both sides n the court of law. in my opinion, the Judicial impartiality is more important since it considers both sides as equal.

  1. To what extent are laypeople (that is, those not legally trained) used in the court systems of our model countries? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a system?

In the criminal justice system, the lay magistrates usually receive minimal training compared to senior judges. Besides, the majority of them are women who have volunteered. In most cases, the lay magistrates are mandated to serves up to seventy years (70) with approximately 21 days per year sitting in court. There are several advantages associated with such systems. For instance, using lay magistrates is always cost-saving since they operate as volunteers in the system. The disadvantage of using lay magistrates is that poor training could lead to inadequate skills in exercising professionalism, thus leading to a poor outcome.

  1. The debate in class the advantages and challenges of supranational courts and/or whether the United States should support the International Criminal Court.

The supranational court is important since they help to empower the domestic judicial system through the establishment of human rights. Besides, the system strengthens the independence of such institution with every state. In the current era, it is a challenge to rely on the supranational court as the final appellate court since it is never compatible with the sovereignty in the modern era.  For instance, the court is faced by logistic implementation issues since the country depends on the country police since they do not have its own police to gather and present suspects in the court for prosecution. The U.S. is not supposed to support ICC since the treaty is incompatible with the constitution of U.S.; therefore, any move to participate or support will be considered as unconstitutional.

  1. In your class, in small-group discussions, rank the court systems from 1 (worst) to 6 (best) in terms of what you think it would be like to be involved in them as a defendant, and discuss why. Then compare your results with the other groups.

According to the opinion of our group discussion, the model countries court system rank as follows;

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. China
  3. France
  4. Japan
  5. England
  6. Germany

The Germany court system adopted the inquisitorial system, thus providing judges with room to actively investigate cases facts through independent investigation thus leads to a fair judgment. From our comparison with other groups, the majority agrees that the most effective system in Germany and the least effective in Saudi Arabia.

  1. Go to the United Nations document “Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers” at and determine whether any of the model nations would have a compliance problem with the principles. What principles would be most problematic? For what countries?

Qualification and training is the most problematic principle, especially in Saudi Arabia system. For instance, for a lawyer who stands in the court must be male Muslim with an adequate understanding of their religion.

Chapter Eight

  1. Which purpose of criminal sanctioning seems to be predominant in the world today? Which purpose do you believe is most effective?

According to Dammer and Albanese (2013) in Table 8.1 indicated that the most predominant in the modern world is rehabilitation. This criminal sanctioning is closely followed by the restoration. In my opinion, I believe that true rehabilitation could be the best effective purpose.

  1. Explain whether you believe alternative sanctions are a viable solution to incarceration for criminal offenders. What might be some challenges to their implementation in the international community?

In my opinion, the sanctions listed in the books by Dammer and Albanese (2013) are not effective to discourage most criminals. There are several challenges faced with implementation. For instance, across the globe, it is very hard for poor individuals to pay heavy fines installed to them, thus leading to more harm. On the other sides, rich people are able to pay such heavy fine, thus making them commit a crime since payment is not issued to them. I think community services could be the best alternative.

  1. How would you summarize the data that describe the recent trends in the use of imprisonment in the world today?

From recent trends, the capacity of the correctional facility is fully occupied, therefore, making it important to change and reevaluate the sentencing of the criminal. For instance, the women and minors are supposed to be considered in the ruling, thus leading to optimum utilization of resource in the prison system. Generally, it is essential to have changes in the sentencing of offenders.

  1. Why do the United States and Japan continue to use the death penalty when most industrial nations have outlawed it? What might be the reasons for the change in death penalty policies in these two world powers?

Dammer and Albanese (2013 stated that countries such as Japan are yet to achieve maturity in their criminal system process, thus making it difficult to abolish the death penalty. America is characterized by increased violence; therefore, the death penalty would help in reducing such violence, but individuals have become blind; therefore, making the penalty for existing. In my opinion, the Japan ruling on the death penalty depends on the mentality of their citizens. If the citizens change their mind, then the country can change the system while in America, the change depends on the acceptance from other States which are yet to outlaw it.

  1. What are the political advantages of supporting crime policies that call for the increased use of incarceration?

In my opinion, there are several political advantages in supporting crime policies which call for the incarceration. For instance, they use such strategy as their way of acquiring votes. Besides, they set strict policies, thus leading to more jailing for the people who oppose their opinions while pretending to be cleaning the streets.

Chapter Nine

  1. Based on what you learned about the different rationales for punishment in Chapters 8 and 9, which of our model countries seem to genuinely believe in rehabilitation? Incapacitation? Retribution?

The main objective of punishment is always aimed at elimination and Retribution. Dammer and Albanese (2013) defined Retribution as the eye to eye justice, whereby the criminal is issued with their criminal punishment for the crime committed. Contrary, the prevention indicates that the criminal fear to commit crime due to the punishment associated with such crime.  Incapacitation is aimed at preventing the offenders from committing any crime towards the public again. These could be due to long imprisonment, among other factors. Rehabilitation, on the other side, is aimed at changing the behaviours of offenders, thus reforming them to fit the society’s culture. Lastly, the Retribution usually proportionates the potential punishment is issued since the crime has occurred, and tariff sentences are then issued.

  1. What factors do you believe contribute to high occupancy rates? Why does the United States have a much higher incarceration rate than most other countries?

Dammer and Albanese (2013) termed jail as a room where the offenders are kept to ensure the safety of society. Sometimes, putting people in jail for crimes which pose a lesser threat could lead to high occupancy rate. For instance, jailing Marijuana users with other offenders such as murderers and rapists could make them (Marijuana smokers) more influenced, thus ending up committing more serious problems. The United States is termed to have a higher incarceration rate due to jailing offenders with lesser threatening crimes with serious offenders.

  1. Refer to the web page with the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Offenders at and discuss the degree to which they are implemented in our model countries. Which standards do you believe are most difficult to achieve? Why?

In my opinion, Institutional personnel is the most difficult standard to achieve when treating the offender in Prisons, especially in the countries experiencing increased corruption or improper system. Factors such as corruption and cultural believe could hinder the country from achieving the set goal.

  1. Explain what strategies for reducing prison crowding you believe to be most effective.

Amnesty or pardon could be the best alternative which could be used I reducing the length of the sentence, thus helping to reduce the overcrowding in the prisons. Also, focusing on the counselling as well as rehabilitation, could lead to a reduction of the crime occurrences, thus leading to minimal cases. The minimal cases indicate lesser sentenced inmates.

  1. In light of some countries’ abuses in the use of incarceration and violations of prisoners’ rights, what can be done to influence a country to change its policies? What might be the limits to the enforcement of such policies?

The international institution such as the United Nations is supposed to set standards to measure on handling the prisoners such as the standards of healthcare amongst others. Besides, the countries are supposed to create greater awareness on the guidelines which protect the rights of prisoners across the globe. Despite the set standards, different counties are characterized by different resources, thus making it difficult to have unique set standards as well as monitoring scheme.

Chapter Ten

  1. Use the chapter and the Internet to find out the major reasons for terrorism in the Middle East. What is the relationship between the Middle East and Al-Qaida?

The Middle East is characterized by a huge population of Islamic religion followers. Unfortunately, the Muslims followers in such region believe in imposing the Sharia law, thus leading to internal fights between Shia and Sunni. In the middle East, Iran is the major terror exporter. Other factors leading to increased terrorism in the Middle East include a high level of tribalism amongst society. Also, the region is characterized by poor political and social structures which would offer guidelines on several problems, thus leading to their struggle.  The Middle East has more Muslim believers, and Al Qaida is termed as fight a Jihad (holy war).

  1. Why has “homegrown” religious terrorism emerged as the most serious and common form of terrorism in the United States today?

The homegrown religious terrorism is currently termed as the most serious in the United States since it has led to increased killings in the past few years. The deadliest attacks in the United States are from homegrown religious terrorism. In today world, the most terrorist threat for the U.S. is associated with the political spectrum. The social media has played a part in promoting such terrorist, which lead to ideological misogyny and black separatist.

  1. Explain the possible reasons why the data on terrorist activity reflects such a significant change in the last ten years.

In the past ten years, the world has experienced increased terrorist activity with 9/11. This indicates that the world has become chaotic. Across the globe, civil conflicts have increased due to differences in ideological perspective.

  1. What terrorist group do you believe is the greatest threat to the world today? To the United States?

In my opinion, the most threatening terrorism group across the world today is known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as it has an association to other terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and Al Shabab. For decades the group has been promoting bloodshed and violence against the non-Muslim believers. The world leaders have had different meetings to set tactics to ends such groups attacks. I also believe that the ISIS is also a serious threat to the United States as the group has targeted different areas such as Washington for the attack. Other serious threats in the United States include I.T. security.

  1. Speculate as to what you feel will be the biggest terrorism threat of the immediate future. Why?

I think Distributed Denial of services (DDoS) will be the biggest terrorism threat in future across the globe. Distributed Denial of services is termed as the attack whereby the network resources are interfered with by hackers. Generally, the hackers interrupt the servers and host, leading to internet failure.  This attack is termed as the threat since it affects different institution such as bank and payment gateway. Generally, the increased technological advancement and globalization leading to increased cybercrimes, thus becoming the most threat in future too.

Chapter Eleven

  1. Should the United States try to control drug production at the source through the use of U.S. troops, agents, and money, or should it concentrate on controlling traffic and consumption within the United States?

In the past few decades, the U.S. has been struggling on the losing battle on the war against drugs. The misuse of drugs has increased in the recent past with the cost of products such as heroin and cocaine decreasing thus making it accessible to young. The drug misuse control can only be achieved through embracing serious procedures to curb. These steps include drug effects control through the use of U.S. troops and agents. This can be achieved by shifting the available resources to the program, which can effectively function. Besides, the government is supposed to invest heavily on American youths, thus equipping them with accurate information. Also, it can achieve drug effect control through the restoration of the justice system within the country’s territory.

Money factors are also vital in achieving the control of drug effects amongst the Americans. The money determines the supply of the products. Supply reduction acts a way to control the drug effects. Therefore, it can be concluded that the United States is supposed to incorporate modern laws on medication control. In my opinion, the United States government is supposed to concentrate on drug production control rather than controlling traffic.

  1. Invite a federal agent to your class and discuss some ways that organized crime may affect your community or city.

Organized crimes are associated with adverse effects on the community in different ways. For instance, organized crimes weaken the economy performance due to illegal activities thus leading to a loss in revenue to the government. Besides, the organized crimes threaten the national as well as community security, making the city to be termed as insecure.

  1. What are the ways in which products and services can be better protected against exploitation by organized crime?

Corruption prevention is termed as the essential factors which help in protection against the exploitation by organized crimes.  Other effective ways are development tools which lead to effective communication that would prevent organized crimes. For instance, the police across the globe are supposed to communicate effective and productive techniques which help in the lead to newly established forces which leads to protection against organized crimes. Generally, the better protection against exploitation by organized crime could be through effective communication between agencies.

  1. Of all the possible responses to organized crime and drug trafficking, which do you believe is the most effective? Why?

In my opinion, drug trafficking has proven to be the most effective approach since it involves more profits and flows. Through the cooperation of different countries in countering money laundering could help in reduction adverse economic impacts from the drug market.

Chapter Twelve

  1. Age has historically been used to determine whether someone should be responsible for his or her behaviour. Do you think this is the best method? Any other ideas?

In my opinion, I think the age factor is the best method in determining an individual’s responsibility since as individual growth, their mental perspective changes as they can differentiate between bad and good. For instance, the one-year child cannot differentiate positive and negative actions, but as the kid reaches 15 years, they have the ability to make sound decisions depending and what they want since they can differentiate bad and good actions. In my opinion, it is essential to determine the mental status of the individual before determining responsibility. The insane individual cannot make a sound decision; therefore, they cannot be held liable for their actions.

  1. List and rank relative to their level of using the three main philosophies of dealing with Juveniles. Be able to support your position.

From the three philosophies of dealing with the Juvenile Justice, Rehabilitative philosophy is the best, then followed by Punitive and last is the due process (legal process). Rehabilitation serves the best interest of children, thus leading to good traits from such children, while the punitive is concerned in ensuring the safety of the public through crime control. Therefore, both rehabilitative and punitive can easily work together. Lastly, Due process is the least philosophies since its concern with ensuring fair and equal Justice.

  1. Why is rehabilitation the main form of treatment of Juveniles around the worlds?

The rehabilitation is termed as the main treatment of Juveniles across the globe since it serves the best interest of the children, thus making them adopt the society’s accepted culture. In other words, the rehabilitation helps in setting specific character to children, thus making them adhere to the set law. It is generally cheaper since the children learn from the surrounding environment.

  1. If you were asked to determine the extent and kind of delinquent activity in a town or country, what kind of data would you utilize?

In my opinion, Unifies Carrier Registration (UCR) could be the best measure in gauging the overall arrest data from the current states, but it is associated with inadequate update of crime from the police. The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) could be the best measure of specifying victim as well as the pattern of crimes and their occurrences.

  1. In your view, what is the best method for the prevention of juvenile delinquency?

In my opinion, the school-based programs are the best method of preventing juvenile delinquency since they are aimed at social circumstance changes. The prevention involves learning from the past, current circumstance evaluation, therefore, leading to greater imagination on how to handle the juveniles.

  1. Describe at least one unique feature of juvenile’s Justice in each of our model countries.

Each of the six model countries is characterized by the unique feature of juvenile’s Justice, as indicated below.

  1. England- A young person (13-17 years) is termed as responsible according to law; therefore, they can be tried in as adults, especially when dealing with serious crimes.
  2. France – Juvenile judges, are supposed to take charge of the case from beginning to the end. Besides, the system always holds liable children between 13- 15 years for serious crime cases and the young ones between 16 and 17 years are subjected to adult judgement under certain circumstances.
  3. Germany- the unique feature of the juvenile system is that the criminal responsibility in Germany starts at the age of 14 years. The individual below t14 years are treated as a young person; therefore, they are dealt with by the youth welfare department.
  4. China- the country emphasizes the double protection, and it has several nonjudicial approaches in Juvenile rehabilitation.
  5. Japan- In this system, the crimes committed by individuals aged between 14 to 19 years are heard by the Family court.
  6. Saudi Arabia- the system in this country does not have a separate juvenile system since there is no specification on the age of majority. Generally, there is no controlling factor, and corporal punishment depends on deterrent values.




Dammer, H. R., & Albanese, J. S. (2013). Comparative criminal justice systems. Cengage Learning.


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