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Internship Report

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Internship Report

Traineeship or internship program is an action that supplement education and learning. It expects to apply information and aptitudes procured by understudies. The stage speaks to an unequivocal job in professional preparing. This is the chance to think, learn and develop in the expert field that was picked as an undertaking of life. My decision for doing the experience was because of the way that I never had any further involvement with the field. Dallas is socially unique state from mine, however it has a similar excitement for learning, and this alternative despite everything appeared well and good, since I was involved in several practical activities in several areas. This report intends to comprehend and incorporate the substance created during the internship. On ChiroSport Specialists of Dallas, the group of exceptionally prepared experts mix customary and expanded Chiropractic medications and administrations with their broad information on Bio-mechanics and propelled aptitudes with Active Release Techniques to offer our patients the best in individualized consideration. Regardless of whether you are a functioning individual or an expert competitor, the advantages of ChiroSport’s custom, successful medications will get you back to being sans torment, improve your athletic exhibition and get you to the following level.

Chirosport specialist Dallas site exposed me to the real filed experience. I was involved in several practical activities in several areas. I was specifically involved in practical activities such as administering patients doing Cryotherapy Chamber, assist patients in starting Normatech boot therapy, administer laser therapy, administer stem therapy, as well as assisting patients in using game ready heat and cold therapy. During this process, being guided by the supervisor, I was able to handle a lot of tasks by myself and acquired a lot of practical skills that would enable me to handles issues related to therapies.  While guiding patients on the used game ready heat and cold therapy, I especially learned how to gently remove heat exchanger from the Sleeve, hand washes the sleeve in cold water, using a mild detergent or antibacterial soap as well as advising patients to avoid using fabric softener. I also went through a thorough lesson on how clean the external surface of the heat exchanger by wiping with commercial non-bleach clearing wipes as well as hand washing using a very small amount of mild detergent or antibacterial soap. These practical activities equipped me with several practical skills that involved direct handling of patients and the use of various machines to administer different kinds of therapy.

Practical skills acquired

With the guidance of my supervisor, I was able to complete several tasks and acquired several practical skills on the following tasks;

  1. Administering laser therapy

Laser treatments are clinical medications that utilization concentrated light. In contrast to most light sources, light from a laser (which represents light enhancement by the invigorated outflow of radiation) is tuned to explicit frequencies. This permits it to be engaged in amazing pillars. Laser light is exceptional to the point that it tends to be utilized to shape precious stones or cut steel. I applied this in performing the following; recoil or obliterate tumors, polyps, or precancerous developments, alleviate side effects of a disease, expel kidney stones, expel some portion of the prostate, fix an isolates retina, improve vision, treat balding coming about because of alopecia or maturing and to treat torment, including back nerve torment.

  1. Administering stem therapy

Apart from getting an overall knowledge on the stem therapy and all uses related to medical transplant, my core responsibility was caregiving to both outpatients and inpatients I interacted with several patients and my core duty were to ensure that patients were taking their medications, drinking enough fluids and have adequate nutrition, making keen observations on any changes in their condition and advising them accordingly, calling for medical help from my supervisor in case of an emergency. I also learned how to undertake several tasks including, taking ex-rays to check the possible infections in the chest, lab blood test to check on the kidney function, liver function, blood counts, and the possible past exposure to certain viruses. I was also involved in lab urine tests and learn how to tell abnormalities in urine as well as pulmonary function tests.

  1. Applying cupping therapy on patient

I was tasked with helping other colleagues in applying therapy on the patient to help patients with severe pains and blood flow problems. Cupping therapy is a training that includes quickly applying adjusted altered cups to specific pieces of the body utilizing a vacuum impact. A few defenders propose that the drawing of the skin inside the cups expands blood stream to the region. I was specifically guided on how to put cupping cups on the skin to create suctions while making keen observations. I learned to use the two methods that are, the dry and wet method in detecting different elements such as blood disorders, fertility, high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression.

  1. The use of red-light therapy

I was tasked with helping my colleagues in skin treatment by the use of light therapy. Red light treatment is a disputable remedial method that utilizes red low-level frequencies of light to treat skin issues, for example, wrinkles, scars, and tenacious injuries, among different conditions. I was interested in how Red-light therapy penetrates different levels of the skin to excite cellular activity and increase blood supply to the skin’s surface. Through the help of the support team I was able to get further knowledge on how the red light therapy works; Red light is thought to work by delivering a biochemical impact in cells that reinforces the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell this is the place the cell’s vitality is made. The vitality conveying particle found in the phones of every single living thing is called adenosine triphosphate. By expanding the capacity of the mitochondria utilizing red light therapy, a cell can make more adenosine triphosphate. With more vitality, cells can work all the more effectively, restore themselves, and fix harm.  With the help of my senior colleagues, I was able to administer around twelve patients using red light therapy and acquired a lot of skills and techniques on using such machines to fasten healing in patients with bruises, burns, scars, and stretch marks.


  1. The use of game-ready heat and cold therapy

I was tasked with the issuance of guidelines to several patients on the use of game-ready heat and cold therapy including how to adjust the temperatures and digital timer. I learnt how the two processes work accordingly. Cold treatment contracts veins and lessens blood stream when applied. This diminished blood stream restricts the measure of liquid around the injury, which thus limits growing. The support team informed us on the different injuries treated using the hot and cold therapy. Cold therapy is used to treat intense injuries; hyper-extended lower legs, muscle tears, wounding or aggravation Cold treatment can likewise have a desensitizing effect. Heat treatment can likewise be utilized before exercise to improve versatility and increment joint flexibility by basically firing the heating up process before the activity starts. The process enabled me to be able to advise the patients accordingly especially patients who were recovering from sports injuries, and orthopedic surgery.

  1. Administer patients doing Cryotherapy Chamber

I was able guide patients who took part in the cryotherapy chamber. This treatment is quite straight forward, I directed the patients in the right process to complete this treatment. Patients had to step into a cryochamber that falls to a a super-low temperature with the assistance of fluid nitrogen. This temperature falls upto around  – 150°C. When the temperature drops, the patients had to stay in the chamber for around three minutes and afterwards step out. I was able to gain more knowledge on the right procedure to undertake the cryotherapy treatment procedure practically.

  1. Assist patients in starting Normatech boot therapy

I was able to assist a few patients through the normatech boot therapy. Majority of athletes in the world takes recovery as a vital part of training. These athletes use the normatech boot therapy for fast recovery. In the normatech boot therapy, the first step is the Pre blow up cycle, during which the associated connections are formed to your definite body shape. Afterwards, the meeting will at that point start by packing your feet, hands or upper quad. Like the plying and stroking done during a back rub, each portion of the connection will initially pack in a beating way and afterward release.This pressure and afterward discharge cycle will rehash for each section of the connection as the pressure design stirs its way up your appendage. It’s everything about pushing your cutoff points, bidding farewell to overwhelming legs, improving your game. This process helps a lot in quick recovery. Our supervisor Chris Miller guided us accordingly on this process, he went ahead and clarified any arising questions we had concerning the normatech therapy.


Knowledge application

During the entire internship period, I was able to apply acquired knowledge on real field practical that not only vastly exposed me to the actual field experience but also greatly made an impact on my confidence levels; helped to tackle issues with a lot of courage. I applied specific knowledge learned in class as a critical analysis of situations, decision-making, and being a team player. I was able to contribute effectively to the team I was working with, addressing several issues together, analyzing situations together facing challenges together, and working towards providing solutions to the same challenges. I was strongly guided by Chirosport specialist Dallas’s rule and regulations observed both the origination code of ethics and career-related professionalism. I was key to the details, made sure to comprehend every provided instruction as well as offering appropriate guidelines and advice to clients. I was motivated by the spirit of hard work and a purpose in offering quality and satisfying services to the clients.

This program has helped me have a better understanding on the different therapies; Cryotherapy Chamber, assist patients in starting Normatech boot therapy, administer laser therapy, administer stem therapy, as well as assisting patients in using game ready heat and cold therapy. I learned a lot from our supervisor Mr Miller together with the guiding team from Chirosport specialist Dallas site. I consider this to be as a chance to be in a domain that I have a vast knowledge on and love, and with trusts and hopes in perhaps have any kind of effect in the my profession.


With the guidelines from Chris Miller, the Chirosport specialist Dallas site contributed a lot to my professional growth. The site offered me an opportunity to freely practice what class-acquired knowledge in a real field situation. Chris Miller, the supervisor, always made sure that I was doing the right thing and to the required standards. I attended several career talks, seminars, workshops, and motivational conferences which were of great significance in my career growth and exposure. I was fully accepted as one of the staff instead of treated as an intern, taken through several orientations and guidelines. My supervisor was one a generous person who willingly offered his time to give me attention and explain to me several things concerning the site. He was more than willing to take me through every single activity, detail explanations to every process as well helping me get in contact with other members of the staff. He guided me through several challenges and advise me accordingly. He was rich in knowledge and never hesitated in sharing with me a lot regarding his work experience, failures, and victories from which I greatly learned from them He showed me several ways on how to handle challenges and how to provide a solution.

The interaction with other colleagues, supervisors, and managers was a great deal in sharing knowledge and motivation in the matter about career development. I interacted with several colleagues from varied backgrounds and work experiences. I learned a lot from them, including managerial experiences, different ways of dealing with organization-based challenges, the importance of teamwork in the site, coping up with work-related pressures, and how to deal with such work pressures in an ideal situation. I also learned from a colleague’s importance of task completion and ways to handle procrastination as well as work mediocracy in the workplace. The site played a major role in guiding me towards achieving my goals through work exposure, career conferences, and motivational conferences.

Working at Chirosport specialist Dallas, was one of my greatest achievements in my career development. The internship site not only equipped me with the necessary skills regarding my career but also molded me in other aspects of life that are essential in everyday life. I learned to be trustworthy, resilient, and able to work independently under minimum or no supervision. I was molded to value the spirit of cooperation and teamwork and to always be bound by the virtue of honesty, confidence, realistic, ambitious, self-driven, hard work, and optimistic. The site also helped me to be a resourceful person, result-oriented and trainable to suit any future duty with good interpersonal skills as well to demonstrate high levels of professionalism. I learned to be a zealous individual in advocating for the preservation and respect for people’s culture and to be at ease in a metropolitan set up with diverse cultures.



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