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Interpretation of Haiku 6

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Interpretation of Haiku 6

In this poem, the writer is getting old and is nearing death. He seeks to show how he his being neglected by people who he values a lot in his life. By writing that “you could turn this way” he is showing to which level he is not getting any attention from people who once were friendly to him. In most cases as people grow old, they do not have people to look after them or give them companionship compared to days when they were youthful. He seems to address this to someone who is also bored as he is, because he addresses the person saying that he could also look to his side as he is also bored as the other person is. In some instances people may complain about boredom whereas they can befriend the other next person who is as bored as they are and they can end up killing the boredom and give each the other company they badly desire.


Interpretation of Haiku 14

            In this poem, the writer addresses the issue of laziness which is a problem to a lot of people as well. In this instance he informs us about how he is still sleeping at midday and he hears the sound off rice planters that makes him ashamed of himself. First and foremost, the issue that makes him ashamed of himself s the fact that other people are working hard already in the fields, while he is taking a nap. Taking a nap during midday is a sign of laziness as the day is still halfway and people are still expected to be working so as to make a living for themselves before the day ends. The writer uses this poem to target people who are not productive and depend on the effort of other to survive. He also shows that being unproductive is something that should not be entertained as everyone should put effort to get their daily bread.


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