Issues affecting organizations
A business organization is faced and affected by a lot of issues. These are the internal and external factors that hinder the normal activities of the organization. The domestic issues are within the organization’s employees and the company itself. The external factors are in market demand and value. These factors foster high competition from other companies that are able to halt the challenges facing them. The human resource management and the companies’ organization board should take great measures to help reinforce the efforts that help in dealing with the issues. The company should always aim at retaining its employees to enhance constant production as the new employees will inculcate different skills and management that may affect the original production of a company. Giving incentives to the company’s employees would provide ambient and amble working that enables each individual in maximum production that enables the organization to amass great gains. These medicating issues affecting organizations render the business enterprises at losses and loss of market value. Most companies and business organizations have formed positive strategies that aim at curbing the challenges encountered in the long run of the company’s activities. This context entails the medicating issues, the causes, and the cost to the companies.
Employee turnover
This is a great challenge faced by business organizations. This is the entry of new employees as the existing employees depart from the organization. This issue is caused by the workload to the employees. The heavy workload renders a depressive working environment to the individuals. This makes it hard for the creation of time for socializing and taking leisure in business enterprises. Many job individuals affected by workload resort to the transit of their work stations to enable them access arenas that can offer them light work, which can provide enough time for leisure and a short nap. The issue has a lot of consequences to a business organization. The issue causes poor performance in the company as new employees would lack the skills and experience that could enable the company to attain its original gains. The cost of recruiting new employees post great financial issues to the company. The company incurs lots of expenses in advertising for the vacant posts, and the recruitment process could be that costly. This affects the company’s account and thus leading to financial constraints in the company.
Employee engagement
This is another issue that affects the organization. This is the passion and attitude towards a commitment to the organization’s roles. Most the organizations face the problem of positives engagement amongst the employees to their roles. Poor employee engagement is caused by poor and delayed payment and lack of promotion to the long serving individuals. This posts a great challenge to the organization as the organization’s production is affected negatively. This issue could make most of the individuals to resign and thus the organization would lose competent and skillful individuals. The company to medicate the issue posts great cost. Promotion law has to be enacted and thus the company has to increase the salaries to the individuals.
This is the constant failure of the employees to turn up for their organization’s role. This problem is caused by many factors including sickness, injuries, strikes and day offs. Thus posts a great consequence to the organization as some of the roles could be left unattended as specialized jobs could require specialized personnel. This makes it costly to harmonize the vacant roles as new employees are hired to fit in as the existing employees are waited to turn up for the business.
Work life balance
This is the attempt of generating a balance in a work place stress with the daily family issues, friends and individual’s. These balance if not met renders an individual to low production as the attitude towards the organization roles is lowered. Work imbalance could be catalyzed by poor socialization and interaction between the board and the employees. Work imbalance posses a great challenge to the organization. Lack of control on the employees lowers the quality of production. This lowers the profit gains of the organization. Poor work balance leads to poor relationship amongst the job individuals. This creates a zone of no reliance on issues affecting the organization. This challenge costs the organization a lot. Counselors are supposed to be summoned to aid in proper strategies that could help the employees overcome the work depression.
Causes of work life imbalance in work place and strategies to address the work-life imbalances
Work imbalance is consequential issue to organizations. This great issue among the employees has post a great challenge that has led to devastation of the organizations’ gains. Work imbalance is caused by many factors that emanate within and outside the employees’ lives. Long working hours among the employees has caused depression that makes them develop poor attitude towards the organizations’ roles. This withdrawal of morale amongst the employees has led to immense loses in the organizations. Increased responsibilities in the work station call for work demand. Attempt to meet the work station roles and the personal roles posts a great challenge to the individuals and thus leaving many to depressions and mental disorders. Low salaries have been a challenge that causes work imbalance to most of the individuals. The attempt to raise family needs and responsibilities cannot be met by little money earned from the organization. This makes it difficult in raising the family needs. The end point of this challenge is depression that may make many to quit their jobs and resort for family roles.
Many strategies have been taken by the organizations to help remedy the challenging issue. Low working hours have been implanted to help the individual’s access time to socialize and have leisure to avoid work load depression. Most organizations have implemented strategies that help overcome delayed payments of salaries. The organizations have linked up with most of the money lenders and banks to help in payment during delayed transactions in the organization. This has helped overcome the challenge of delayed payments and thus has enabled the job individuals to meet their needs on time. Work load has been reduced through increased number of employees. This has helped in reducing the workload and thus has enabled many individuals to access leisure which has enabled many individual to socialize and enable them to familiarize themselves with the company zone and environment