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IT infrastructure

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IT infrastructure

The weakest link in IT infrastructure is the users of the system. Human beings are regarded as the weakest component in IT as they are the ones who fall direct victims of the cyber-attacks. However, it is also noted that much as human beings are the weakest link in IT, they also pose a serious security threat in IT. The threats commonly take the form of hacking, whereby a human being invades a given IT infrastructure without authorization. Given that the hackers may be able to retrieve one’s login credentials so as to attack the system, then it is valid to claim that the users are the weakest link. Being the weakest link, the user of an IT infrastructure system are the ones to blame for security threat and this is mainly attributed to their negligence and carelessness. The lack of taking precautionary measures makes it easier for the system to be attacked by hackers.

In order to reduce the security threat in IT infrastructure, the organization can employ various strategies. One of these strategies is conducting a thorough analysis of the background of the users of the system. In this case, the main aim is to confirm whether a given user is competent to use the system by enhancing security. This will help in reducing the IT infrastructure risks that may occur as a result of a lack of competence on the side of the users. Apart from that, the other measure that can be used to reduce the risk is conducting periodic review of the system. This will help in highlighting the weak areas that need improvements and modifications. Last but not least, the other important measure is the evaluation of staff performance. In this case, the members of staff may be evaluated to check whether they are compliant with the security measures in place. This will help in ensuring that the system is secure.

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