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largest fully independent kidney organization in America

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largest fully independent kidney organization in America

Slide 1:

  • Founded in 1969
  • It’s the largest fully independent kidney organization in America.
  • Dedicated to improving long term outcomes and quality of life of kidney patients in the USA through patient engagement, advocacy, education, and fostering patient communities.
  • Fights for early detection, pre-emptive transplantation, increased kidney transplantation, full patient choice either at in-center dialysis or at home, and protection of physician/ patient relationships.

Slide 2: Purpose

  • Educate kidney patients together with their families about kidney disease and treatment options
  • Advocates for policies for the improvement of the lives of those affected.
  • empower patients to be impactful in the policy, regulatory, and legislative process to help produce breakthroughs in prevention and treatment

Slide 3: Resources 1

  • Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States, 2019 – by CDC, (n.d.)
  • Provides CKD infection statistics, risk factors, detection and prevention strategies, testing and treatment, etc.

Slide 4: Resource 2

  • Understanding Congestive Heart Failure & Chronic Kidney Disease – by Northern Florida Kidney Care (n.d.).
  • It provides information for patient education, dietary changes, weight control, and treatment.




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