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lesson plan for patients who have cancer

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lesson plan for patients who have cancer

The audience for this lesson plan entails patients who have cancer. These are individuals who have been clinically diagnosed with cancer and who are undergoing treatment of the same. Cancer, despite the many studies that have been conducted on it, is still not clearly understood by many people. Its patients as well are not entirely in the clear, and there is a need for information. Therefore, this lesson will be a necessary addition to the care being provided to patients. The setting of the lesson is patient education, aimed at arming patients with all the information they need for managing the condition as well as, where applicable, curing it. All of the methods of teaching and informing will be curated to fit patients’ needs.

It will be a requirement that those participating in the lesson provide their educational levels to inform the mode of delivering information. Their development will also be required to let the instructor decide on the information passed along and the ability of retention. The goal will be to determine their readiness and gauge how to kick off learning. At the end of the lesson, the learners will be tested to assess their progress in understanding what is needed of them.

Cancer has become such a menace in the society affecting many lives which raises concerns and calls for multifaceted approaches to manage it. It is a vital subject of nursing care and availing information to its victims is one way to help counter its effects. By better understanding the disease they ail from, patients can then be in a position to effectively manage their health (Eisfeld et al., 2019). Additionally, it is one area of medicine that has, in the recent past, been widely researched, hence providing ready information for all stakeholders.

Family Education

In this lesson, the target audience is the family to whom the patient belongs. Cancer treatment and management extends beyond medical treatment at the hospital. As a result, family members must be involved since they are a critical part of the support needed (Datta et al., 2017). They need to be taken through their role and the implications of the disease. Family education is the setting of the lesson as it aims at encompassing members of the family in teaching ways of managing cancer. In addition to that, those people who are close to the patient must understand the disease better. Support can only be offered efficiently when they have a full grasp of the medical status of the patient and other elements of the condition faced. It is imperative, therefore, that this lesson offers guidance to its learners.

Assessments will be conducted to establish the educational, developmental, and readiness of the learners for the lesson. This will gauge and determine how prepared the family members are in receiving the information and their abilities to retain and process it. It is essential since it provides a preview of the reception of the lesson’s content. Additionally, it will give an idea of what is in the general public, informing subsequent lessons.

Given the required input by family members financially, physically, psychologically, and emotionally, cancer offers a reasonable basis for educating family members on their role in healthcare. It is also an area that needs attention as the loved ones need to better understand the problem they face without getting misinformed out there. Nursing involves providing supportive care, among others, and enlightening relatives and other family members on how they can help a patient is a necessity.

Staff Development

This is a critical lesson that entails teaching members of the staff who are to take care of the patient. It is essential that the caregivers of cancer patients are well equipped and in sync with each other to ensure that efficiency is achieved in providing the best care possible (Perron, 2019). The learners in this lesson will include nurses, doctors, and other healthcare providers involved in providing support to cancer patients. These are the people who provide the primary care needed to treat cancer, and their preparedness is critical. As such, this particular lesson plan is essential in ensuring that the disease is countered effectively. The setting is staff development aimed at equipping the members with the tools needed for optimal productivity.

Since the members of the staff vary in educational levels, experience, departments, and responsibilities at the hospital, it will be imperative to understand their diversity. This will help in tailoring the content of the lesson to suit everyone’s abilities. Additionally, their readiness will need to be assessed to provide for anticipated progress. All of this is to allow the instructor to understand the learners better while getting factors of curating the lesson’s content.

The medical world has seen many diseases, but cancer stands out. Its menacing nature and the astonishing effect it has on healthcare cannot be assumed. All in the industry appreciate that cancer is a monster that needs to be put down through any means possible. Therefore, it is a perfect point of intersection of all members’ attention in promoting and advancing the field. It was picked, therefore, to ensure that the progress made is of a significant impact on the field of medicine involved.

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