Main Question: Have you worked closely with individuals from other cultures in your workplace?
Most of the interviewees admitted that they have worked with people from other cultures at some point in their careers. According to most of the interviewees, the primary reason for working together is trust and teamwork. Having worked as a team, interviewees had collaborated with people from other cultures in various projects. Some of the projects that they participants collaborated on were inter-departmental; hence they had worked directly with employees that belong to different cultures. During the interview, one of the male respondents said that,
“Irene and I discussed steps to improve customer engagement in our company, and it was both enjoyable and convenient.”
The respondent also quoted instances that proved collaboration in handling the various projects and duties in the workplace. A mutual project was not the only thing cited as a reason to work together. Other participants admitted to having worked with individuals from other different departments as a result of convenience in handling the daily duties in a department or inter-departmental level.
Other than teamwork and trust, friendship was also cited as a reason for working together. One of the respondents propounded that,
“June and I studied together and maintained close contact even after school.”
The interviewees that cited trust and friendship as a reason why they worked together asserted that they had worked together in a previous project in the department or had run to each other out of the organization.