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Make Extra Cash

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  1. Make Extra Cash by Switching Banks

With the introduction of the Current Account Switch Service, banks have made it easier and attractive to change bank accounts. Some banks will give you vouchers or pay you cash to switch from your current account.

You may also have cashback access when you switch accounts, get cheap overdrafts, and have exclusive savings accounts.

  1. Try Mystery Shopping

Being a fan of shopping has never been so motivating. Mystery shoppers are always recruited to test restaurants, retailers, supermarkets, and hotels. Sign up with to start earning.

  1. Reclaiming a Lost Account

Millions of dollars are currently lying around in forgotten or lost bank accounts, old investments, or savings accounts. If you have an old account, finding it would not be so difficult. Make a step today to find your lost account and get your money back.

  1. Sell Your Stuff Online

One man’s trash is another’s treasure. If you have items that are just wasting your space, do not throw them away. The best way to make use of them is to put them up on a website for a quick sale. eBay can help you make a quick and easy sale of the things you no longer need.

  1. Get Paid for Browsing the Internet

If you are a regular internet browser, you could get paid by visiting websites, clicking on adverts, or opening emails. Websites such as Qmee pays you when you search online. All you need is to create a browser extension for the website that records the number of times you browse engines like Amazon and Google.

  1. Refer a Friend

Many companies and banks have refer-a-friend schemes, which will make you earn extra cash. Refermehappy is a website that collates such deals and gives people the chance to benefit from rewards.

  1. Earn By Reviewing Music

Are you a music fan? Get paid for reviewing unsigned artists. Slicethepie gives you the opportunity to earn by leaving quality reviews, and you are not limited to a specific number of artists to review.

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