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Manifest destiny pros and cons

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Manifest destiny pros and cons.

There are certain iconic events that has been considered instrumental during this journey. America has come along a very long journey before attaining overall stability. In every form of leadership, there must be a certain phenomenon that precedes freedom and stability. Manifest destiny stands to be a historical event that played an integral role in setting up the foundation of the American leadership.

This article explains the philosophical view and overall effects of this phenomenon and try to give evidence on why we must say manifest destiny is the only reason why America has a history. Most people in America believed that United state boundaries will not be restructured. Manifest destiny came as a game changer, and it transforms the face of American history. Manifest destiny came to be America’s philosophical pillar that transformed a nation.

What is manifest destiny.

“The Manifest Destiny” is a phrase coined by an influential editor and a democratic leader by the of John L. O’Sullivan in 1845. The editor gave the name to the movement during his presentation of defense on America’s claim to new territories and the thirst for expansion.

The manifest destiny became the talk of the day in America, and was publicized in newspapers, advertised and it was favored by most politicians nationally. The manifest destiny a rallying cry everywhere and it came to be the final savior of American expansion dream.

The manifest destiny was supported by every American since it was targeting expansion of American territories from coast, to coast and also to the west by 19th century.

Manifest destiny can even be said to be older that America itself according to history. In 1800, during Florida Crisis, Andrew Jackson with his army conquered several cities and forts. He later punishes some seminal Indians who latter took arms to support Spanish troops. The soldiers dealt with them mercilessly, while capturing various cities.

The movement was not focused on just expansion of territories but it was for general development of American economy and freedom achievement. The American territorial expansion movement took place from 1812 to 1860. During the American civil war which started at 1812, the notable figures were aiming at the expansion of American territories. The figure included John Quincy who was backing up the Louisiana purchase in 1803 and Polk administration in 1840.

After Texas was declared independent from Mexico, it became one of the state in United States after its revolution. Everything took place with a lot of controversies during this movement but it ended up successfully. Manifest destiny made America extend it borders as far as far East and Asia.

Components of Manifest Destiny.

The movement showed American influence and nationalism and demonstrated divine wisdom from American leaders. Most believe that the territorial expansion was God’s plan to integrate American states under one powerful control for the better future. Other believe that the philosophy was an obligation to expand liberation of American people from coast to coast.

Despite the fact that many people embraced the philosophy, some could still disagree with it; and you would find some opposing views from group of Americans who were not satisfied with the ruling.


Pros of Manifest Destiny

There was territorial expansion.



Territorial expansion was the main goal of the manifest destiny. The expansion meant a lot apart from physical expansion; improvement and progress is what was behind every decision made during the movement. The supports and leaders who made this movement succeed, Sayed that we enjoy America in what it is today because of Manifest destiny.

Our fore father molded the America we are enjoying now, they worked with one spirit and ensure that America meets its destiny. The United state was able to expand economically and acquired more properties including precious minerals and productive land along with strong governance which we enjoy in our current American states to date.

Immigrants among other foreigners where able to settle and live in united states while enjoying the freedom as American citizens. The nation grew with every American treated equally, with brotherhood and togetherness. Without this phenomenon, non of this would happen.


Improvement of agriculture.

During the movement, more land was acquired since Americans conquered several regions along with cities, ports. Along with this, more land for agricultural use was also acquired, and those who were in favor of the movement said that the acquired land aided production of food and for people and surplus foodstuffs for sale. This boosted the American economy. Through Manifest Destiny, American farmers and merchants were able to uplift their financial status and expand their production in the entire American region.


It was good for trade and industry.

The manifest destiny supporters said that the movement brought a lot of chances to trade with other countries. The conquered land along with those acquired legally such as Alaska among others, opened new doors for trading since it avails more trade routes to other nations and thus enhancing barter. American people were also allowed to make choices on where they would wish to live for their economic purposes and greener pastures.




It has increased goods, doubled the land area of the U.S., services and wealth.

Expanding American territories brought a lot of changes to the nation’s economy. It did not just increase the size of the country but it added a functional land that was used to produce products such as poultry and other farm production. In addition to that the territorial expansion more ports were opened along Asia and Europe and it was very beneficial to the country since it brought a lot of wealth to country’s economy. It is during this time when the gold rush event took place in 1945. This was one of the most significant event in American history and it was as a result of Manifest destiny.



It paved the way for Americans to share their culture.

Following the acquisition of other new territories, most people interact and there were more chances of culture share. The indigenous people who lived there came to learn an American culture since they were influenced by the American way of life.


American culture is very unique and anyone can easily cope up with and enjoys. They always enjoy freedom and individualism, and most people could benefit from this good trait given chance. With manifest Destiny, American culture expand to all conquered and acquired territories.

Everyone who live in this territories were able to benefit from religion, democracy and cultural ways of Americans.


It offered the chance for exploration.

With Manifest Destiny, most Americans got some chances to move, explore and discover new place other than their usual community and this was very beneficial in so many ways. The exploration great for personal gain, socially, spiritually and emotionally as well as economic improvement. Americans were given chances to settle in different new places, and this is where they maximized their potential, practice innovation and discover new ways of living. As a result of this, most American were able to prosper but also, it leads to more drawbacks too.


Cons of Manifest Destiny

It brought about war and conflict.

Those who opposed the movement said that the philosophy led to civil wars and wars between countries. During the division of Oregon US entered into conflicts with Great Britain in 1822, and this remained the reason why US started a war with spain and Mexico. There were other movements named imperialism, which united states used to take over other countries such as Puerto Rico, Guam and Philippines.


It was a time of slavery


Some opponents argued that U.S. used the chance in the name of territorial expansion to propagate slavery. Most people were killed and displaced in the name of expansion. Some submitted themselves freely because of fear, but those who tried to resist ended up in conflict and the result was bloodshed.This was very painful and marked as a major drawback to Manifest destiny. American Nation had promised not to acquire somebody’s property without consent but it looks like they didn’t adhere to this rule before. Most native Americans were made slaves at their own land by the enforcers during those days. During

this philosophical move, the Americans felt like they should hold the responsibility of controlling where the native communities should live. This is what they referred as ethnic cleansing. In this process, natives were oppressed, maimed and the laws enforced to govern them were not constitutional in any way.


It led to the death and suffering of many people, particularly, the Indians.

Opponents claimed that many people were brought to suffering during the time of Manifest destiny. Many people lost their homes since land was taken without their consent. Some tribes were destroyed, Indians being the race that was brought to reservation. The enforcers were acting in an inhumane way and they could not spare even native Americans. Properties were destroyed and individual development where brought down too. It was true that America would conquer the land and attain the goals of the philosophy but the way its ruling was administered to native American citizens was very brutal.


It used the name of God or the Divine Providence to manipulate other people.

Critics disagreed with supporter of the philosophy who claim that the manifest Destiny originate from divine providence and it was God given. This was very controversial with Gods plan for human kind, since the enforces took people’s land, displaces and kill them, make the inhabitants in the land suffer in the name of territory expansion. The acts were not supposed to be associated in any way with the names of God. Opponents took this as manipulation for personal gain. The critics said that this was used to lure the innocent and achieve the goals of the movement.


It is unconstitutional.

the figure behind Manifest Destiny we very aware that the act of territorial expansion will affect the lives of native Americans by taking them out of their lands and many will be homeless, but they proceeded to enforce and act. Those who disagreed with this philosophy said what America did was spread of slavery, and taking of peoples’ land without their consent is quite unconstitutional. Violation of peoples right is also not accepted by any constitution. Critics said that no constitution can allow a country to the right to acquire a new land area. America did not apply any constitutional measure during enforcement of the philosophical requirements. They continued to argue that, it is an offence for a country to let its people live in other places. This was going to be a very big problem in country’s population structure, since there will be less people protecting American institutions.



God will not allow for a territorial expansion that would lead to killings.

Those who were against the philosophy argued that God will never support killings and oppression of natives in the name of territorial expansion. Putting people’s lives at risk is never Godly. Despite the fact that Americans acquired some land legally from other people, the act of acquisition was not done with peace; everything ended up with violence and destruction of property. It is a biblical offence to use the name of God for ones benefit. The movement could just carry out their operations in their own way without putting the word of faith into the mix.


It fueled disagreements.

It wars true that eruptions of some national wars was due to disagreements emanating from misunderstanding between Americans and some natives. The reason behind was acquisition of land without consent of the owners. Following the disagreement, the enforcers plotted revenge against the native settlers and this led to eruption of war.

It led to ethnicity.

Those who were against the philosophy argued that the moves taken during the enforcement of the philosophy showed some ethnic and racial oppression. They continued to say that the enforcers used the orders from the figures who were behind the manifest destiny to kill Indians and Spanish people mercilessly. The enforces used ruthless ways that was against humanity to enforce the orders. Most Indians shed blood just because their reinforced spannish troops. It could be better if American government could use another way in enforcing this orders than killing of fellow humans based on ethnic groups.


The end of manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny came towards its conclusion in 1848 after untitled state came out with spectacular abundance and potential following triumph over Mexico. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo marked the end of the war after acquisition of more than 1,360, 000 square miles of land. America was able to own a very productive land which is present-day New Mexico, California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas and Utah. California was a very productive zone even to date, it gold alone could finance America for decades without any financial constrain. The there was an intention to open a new diplomatic trade between America and Japan under Burgeoning Pacific trade, an name it American trade instead of an existing European commercial preserves.

What brought the manifest destiny toward the close was mainly through the dispute over new western territories regarding the disruption of American political system by slavery. Also, when Americans acquired the pacific coast transcontinental railroad, the laid down their arms. This was following the decision by U.S minister to Mexico, James Gadsden who purchased a piece of land in the southern route in 1853 to facilitate the railroad.

The new manifest destiny.

After the war American government focused on promotion of industrial sector and reconstruction of unions that made the united states a powerful country. In 1890, another geopolitical doctrine steamed up. united states with other great powers embraced the opinion from a naval officer Alfred Thayer Mahan, which states that greatness in the competitive word was determine by the powers and ability to control the navigation of the sea. This doctrine played a great role in development since everything was all about competition. the seagoing architecture was revolutionized following replacement of common sails with steam engines. The steamships came to be very reliable since they could accommodate much and meat deadlines regardless of difficulties such as weather changes and fuel-hungry engines. The steamships played a major role in security and national commerce revolution and America was able to meet national endeavors with ease.

The new manifest destiny brought a very big change to the American nation and change the game strategies towards building the nation and progressive cohesion of American people. It curiously reversed the political structure and changed the lines of support of its figures. The initial Manifest Destiny was backed by democrats while the new one was a republican program that was vigorously promoted by president Theodore Roosevelt.

The democrat was now forced to be subject to the new constitution, and they were to support any progress suggested by the ruling leadership. With time democrat attempted to object the ruling, and failed to support the ruling party. The

progressive with of the of both parties game into ideological differences and this led the steaming up of the world war 1.






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