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Maryland Gardens Care Center

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Maryland Gardens Care Center

Maryland Gardens Care Center is located in the vibrant city of Phoenix, AZ, close to numerous senior-friendly amenities, including golf courses, churches, restaurants and shopping centers. Residents and their families can have peace of mind knowing quality health care services are available at the nearby Abrazo Central Campus hospital. The Phoenix Mountains Preserve and Piestewa Peak Park are also within proximity for picnics and hiking adventures.

Maryland Gardens Care Center provides a variety of specialized programs including assisted living, long-term nursing care, dementia care and behavioral care. Each resident receives individualized care tailored to meet their ever-changing needs. The facility employs a 24-hour staff to supervise and support residents with all their needs, including personal care, feeding, toileting, housekeeping, laundry service and medication management. Residents with dementia who exhibit challenging behaviors can benefit from the facility’s unique program specifically designed to provide a safe and supportive living environment to them.

Amenities at Maryland Gardens Care Center are meant to keep residents active and happy, including a full calendar of social, recreational and entertainment activities. The activities are planned based on the interests and needs of each resident, and they include exercise sessions, games, puzzles and movie nights. Expansive outdoor grounds for relaxing and socializing are available.

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