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Microbiology Spring 2020

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Microbiology Spring 2020

  1. Describe how electron transport phosphorylation works.
  • Transportation is a process of electrons from ions donate electrons ( electron donors) to atoms that accept electrons (electron acceptors). Phosphorylation is the biochemical process involving the introduction and addition of phosphates to organic elements and compounds. In this process, the oxidation of glucose to CO2 is contained in the reduced coenzymes. These coenzymes are NADH and FADH2, which are products produced during glycolysis. The products are also generated during the citric acid cycle. The process is followed by respiration, a chemical breakdown of cells to obtained energy by combining oxygen and glucose, forming CO2 and ATP. During this process, electrons released from FADH2 and NADH are moved to oxygen to produce water (H2O). The energy released during respiration is enough to drive the synthesis of molecules of ATP from ADP. The mitochondrion is extensive on the combination of ATP moving the electrons carriers to an integral component of the inner membrane. This process is called the Electron transportation chain.its, also known as respiratory


  1. Compare and contrast the types of enzymes inhabitation
  • of inhibitation

The processof reductionin of the rate of enzyme catalyzed or boosted reactions. An enzyme is a protein substance that catlyses or speeds up chemical reactions. There are two types of enzyme inhabitation

  1. Reversible inhibitaion- these ais aprocess of almost permanently binding an enzymeto suppress its activity. They take the place and binding takes place in an active site. The process of reversible inhibitation is divided into
  2. Competitive inhibitation- here, the inhibitors compete with substrate componenteon an active siteto increase the Km(Michealis-Mentem Constant) in this process, the Vmax remains unchanged becausedue to the presence of adequate substrate concentration, the chemical reation can still occur to completion. When a graph is plotted ( a graph of plot of enzyme activity against substrate cconcentration0 there would be an observation of a shift to the right due to the increase in Michealis-Mentem Constant, while the oppositewould plot steeper when compared to no inhibitor.

Non-competitive inhibitation- they bind to another location on the same enzyme. This decreases the Vmax, the Michealis-Mentem consant remains nchanged and . this showa that the lower maximum on agraph plotting enzyme against substrate concentration and comparatively biggeron higher Y-Interceptson a Linear Burko plot.

  1. Allosteric inhibitation.

It’s a type of enzyme inhibitation that showas a sigmoidalcurve whichis acontrast of the hyperbolic is due to the fact thatall the allosteric enzymes have a multiple sub unit that has the capability to affect each other when the substrate jons the enzyme. There are two types of allosteric inhibitors namely, the low affinity type “T” which work by bindingto the low affinity allosteric enzymesmaking them to maintains its low affinity. It is important tobecause it helps in limiting the amount of enzyme products, since the producthas the ability to inhibit another enzyme of the same type tomaintain the product amount: a process called the feedback inhibitation.

  1. Phosphorylation- this exhibits an enzyme inhibiting mechanisms. This occurs throughthe reaction of kinase enzyme, an enzyme which can inhibit and activate an enzyme depending on the situation the enzyme is in.

The enzymes removs the phosphate group from ATP

  1. therefore binding it. Some reactions occurin that, an increase inenzyme make a reation tocascade posing alarge response to br exhibited out of the stumulus.



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