Miguel’s Success Story
Adam Miguel lives to tell the tale of his misfortunes in the army and how the warrior care program came to his rescue. He remembers the whole ordeal took place when he was 28 years old, and his life has never been the same. In line of duty while protecting the country, Miguel got shot five bullets on his right leg. Since they were far away from medical facilities, getting professional assistance took a while. By the time he could see a doctor, he was at his worst, and he had already passed out. After keen observations by the doctors, a procedure was carried out to take out the bullets. His leg by then was almost getting numb, but the doctors did their best. After the surgery, Miguel’s foot could still have no sense; hence it had to be cut off and replaced with a plastic one that is very fragile.
Throughout his ordeal, The Warrior Care Program stood by him; they helped Miguel learn how to walk again with his new foot. The program further offered Miguel advice on his best option whether to leave the military or go on, and he later settled for leaving the military. The Warrior Care Program helped him decide on the new carrier path he wanted to take, and they also guided him through building his curriculum Vitae. Miguel was finally able to settle into a new logistics company that accommodated him well with the help of the organization. He was able to meet new friends and interact with new people hence gaining experience every day. Evidently, the Warrior Care Program has stood with Miguel through his fall out and eventually to his new transitioned carrier.