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Mineral Science

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Mineral Science

            Minerals form a significant part of the earth, with life being build built around minerals. The existence and composition of minerals have been a center of interest for researchers for several years. However, the information on minerals has remained scanty, and new researches are done day in day out. Mostly, mineral science attempts to study how minerals naturally exist in bid to answer the questions that exist concerning the earth and other phenomena related to the earth. Several researchers have researched the existence of minerals and made several conclusions and recommendations.

A study was done by Van (2017) on the radioactivity property on minerals and rocks as part of mineral science. The motivation of the study was to assess the relationship between the structure of minerals and the radioactivity of the minerals. Besides, mineral science is interested in the structure and crystallization of minerals. According to Van, the radioactivity property of minerals creates a crucial connection between mineral science and other fields such as geophysics and geochemistry. Moreover, the nature of minerals is essential for the uses and applications of various minerals. The findings presented in the study are aimed at showing the natural occurrence and utilization of minerals.

Mineral science cannot be complete if the properties of minerals are not considered. One of the properties that form a crucial part of mineral science is the electrical property of minerals. Although the details about the rate of conductance and electrical stability may not be crucial to mineral scientists, the basic knowledge of electrical ability forms a crucial part of mineral science. Keller (2017) studied the electrical properties associated with minerals and rocks. According to Keller, minerals may exist in different forms and may be found in or outside rocks. The study is based on the ability of a mineral to allow for the movement of electrons hence conduction. Generally, Keller focuses on the economic importance of the electrical properties of minerals.

Gadd (2017) researched the properties of fungi, rocks, and minerals. The study was mainly aimed based on the assumption that the coexistence of fungi and minerals on rocks could make most of their properties similar. According to Gadd, fungi are responsible for natural changes that occur on rocks and minerals. Therefore, the study of fungi should be considered every time research on chemical changes in minerals and rocks is done. The study involved the study of fungi presence on several mineral samples that had been found to have undergone various chemical transformations. However, the research might have overlooked the relationship between fungi and other changes in the minerals studied.

A study was done by Hunt (2017) to assess the spectroscopic properties of rocks and minerals. Generally, Hunt was interested in the emission, absorption, and reflection properties of several minerals. According to the researcher, minerals are generally differentiated from rocks by unique properties such as reflection. Moreover, mineral science may, in most cases be interested in creating a distinction between rocks and minerals. Therefore, the study by Hunt is crucial in mineral science. Generally, the research by Hunt presents figures to represent the claims raised hence the reliability of the findings.

The presence of minerals in the underground has significant impacts on other materials. For example, magnetic fields are impacted by the presence of some metallic minerals. Abrudan, Kypris, Trigoni & Markham, (2016) researched the impact of minerals on underground magneto-inductive communication and localization. In the study, very-low and low magnetic field strengths were employed to test inductive communication and inductive localization in the presence of various minerals. The findings showed that minerals have attenuation properties that help in inductive communication and localization. Moreover, the study provides ways of dealing with distortions in magnetic fields, which may give unreliable resources. Generally, the research contributes immensely in mineral science by providing informing on a crucial property on minerals.

In sum, mineral science attempts to study how mineral naturally exist in a bid to answer the questions that exist concerning the earth and other phenomena related to the earth. The research done by several researchers has provided several properties held by minerals. Generally, researchers on mineral science have not left significant gaps, although the need for additional research comes up frequently.






Abrudan, T. E., Kypris, O., Trigoni, N., & Markham, A. (2016). Impact of rocks and minerals on             underground magneto-inductive communication and localization. IEEE Access4, 3999-  4010.

Gadd, G. M. (2017). Fungi, rocks, and minerals. Elements: An International Magazine of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Petrology13(3), 171-176.

Hunt, G. R. (2017). Spectroscopic properties of rocks and minerals. In Handbook of Physical       Properties of Rocks (1982)(pp. 295-386). CRC Press.

Keller, G. V. (2017). Electrical properties of rocks and minerals. In Handbook of Physical            Properties of Rocks (1982)(pp. 217-294). CRC Press.

Van Schmus, W. R. (2017). Radioactivity properties of minerals and rocks. In Handbook of         Physical Properties of Rocks (1984) (pp. 281-293). CRC Press.

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