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Mobile Gaming Market 2020: Opportunities & Updates

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Mobile Gaming Market 2020: Opportunities & Updates

The mobile gaming industry has been rising so rapidly that it’s giving PC and console and game developers a run for their money. It’s been disrupting gaming right, left and center, forcing coders to embrace the new industry or risk becoming obsolete.

Amid the meteoric rise, the mobile gaming sector has opened up limitless opportunities for marketers, players, investors, advertisers, and banking companies. Against that backdrop, below is an outline of updated opportunities you can tap from mobile games.

Market Gaming Apps

Before the proliferation of iOS and Android apps, marketing an app was simple. There was less competition back then, and publishers did the marketing job if your app was good.

With time, creating mobile games became more straightforward, and the Internet suddenly got flooded with apps. In fact, it reached a point where both Google and Apple rejected more apps than they accepted.

But amid rising supply of games came the marketing challenge for developers. If a coder wants her game to perform, she must be well-versed with SEO, PPC, and social media marketing. Of course, not many developers are good at marketing. And that’s where you can utilize your marketing skills.

 Beta Testing Games

Before developers publish their games online, they run a series of tests to detect and fix bugs. Again, they hire gamers to help them test the controls, graphics, gameplay, and storyline aspects. That way, they can polish their games before they release them to the public.

Many mobile game developers don’t pay plenty of money for beta testing. Most of them are Indie coders creating their first few games. Nonetheless, these are money-making opportunities.

Importantly, you can accept the small payouts from mobile app developers to build your portfolio as a beta tester. Through experience and networking, you can discover better-paying developers, particularly brand name companies.

Playing Real Money Casino Games

Some websites pay you a few cents to play mobile games, and that’s alright. But if you like to take risks, you can consider playing online slots and card games. Poker, for example, involves a relative amount of skills. So, if you improve your craft, you can win consistently.

On the flip side, you can use strategies to increase your chances of winning blackjack and roulette. When it comes to slots, though, it’s all about luck. Some machines have jackpots that pay out millions of dollars, hence why people love them.

Regardless of your choice, you can find lots of games on the casino apps. Many gambling sites let you spend as little as ten cents on slots and roulette wheel spins. Some even give you bonuses to increase your bankroll. But beware many offers come with terms and conditions.

Review Games

The modern gamer doesn’t play just about any game. She will scour the Internet for dozens of new creations, compare them, and then choose a few of them. Sometimes the process is long and exhausting, hence why there’s a rise in the number of review websites.

If you like to write, you can start a review website for mobile games. You can specialize in a specific genre or review games from all genres. If you prefer to showcase stuff through videos, YouTube and Twitch are your best options.

To reach out to a broader audience, you can also use social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. People love genuinely objective reviews. It also helps to have copywriting and marketing skills.

In case you’re wondering, there’s no shortage of ways to make money through your review website. You can place Google adverts or offer advertising space for new apps. You can also market gaming products and earn commissions.

Working for a Mobile Game Company

If you’re passionate about mobile games, there’s a chance you possess skills developers would want. Perhaps you’re an excellent customer service professional. Or maybe you know how to grow social media accounts and can help small companies attract large followings online.

Many mobile game developers are continuously looking for people with specialized skills to help grow their startups. So, if you can offer something unique, start looking for mobile game companies hiring in your city.

You can use online job boards or job-hunting websites to find potential employers. However, take time to research the companies that interest you. New companies aren’t always financially stable, meaning they pay lowly or might not be in business for long.

Code or Teach Coding Skills

Despite the considerable supply of mobile games these days, there’s an immense demand for creatively entertaining games. So, if you can code something that’s not yet overdone and could excite people, you could make money through it.

Alternatively, you can impart your coding skills to people who want to build mobile games. You can use YouTube to provide free tutorials but monetize your channel. Or you can use a tutorial website like to sell your courses.

In either case, you must market your product to make significant cash. You need thousands or millions of app downloads to have a stable income source. On the contrary, you need plenty of course buyers to earn significant money from it.

Become a Streamer

Streaming is all the rage on Twitch, YouTube, Mixer, and Facebook. If you are not streaming or watching broadcasters, do you even love gaming? A few years ago, streamers primarily broadcasted console and PC games.

These days, though, mobile game streaming is one the rise. And that means you have an opportunity to show the world just how talented you are at Fortnite, FIFA20, PUBG, or Call of Duty mobile.

There are a lot more games you can stream. However, your game choice, skills, and patience play a significant role in determining whether you succeed or not. That’s because it’s an exceedingly competitive industry.

If you have nothing exclusive to offer on Twitch, you might as well provide a different service. For example, you could comment on other gamers or start a channel to do nothing more than chat with people. It’s a thing, and some chatting channels have over 50,000 followers.

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