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Multiculturism on discrimination

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Multiculturism on discrimination

The global environment has sought to implement strategies aimed at controlling the rate of discrimination, primarily based on ethnicity.  The efforts that have been in place, including legislation, have sought to create a legal emphasis on the legal framework and protection of individual rights and freedoms. However, despite the inclusion of these strict measures, controlling the rate of discrimination has faced significant obstacles considering that discrimination is entrenched in people’s thoughts and ideologies, making it difficult to root out these assertions. A well-defined approach that has been integrated within the social context has focused on developing a robust social integration through multiculturism. Multiculturism defines an opportunity to represent their own culture from a broader social perspective. Embracing cultural differences present a more substantial consideration of intercultural avowals, which are crucial in improving social growth and controlling discrimination within society.


The adoption of multiculturism has been on the rise in the recent past across different areas of society. The growing trend has been associated with a shift in belief regarding the key aspects and values that can help in promoting positive, diverse values that can be adopted to help navigate through the existing social gaps. The traditional Christian values and perception within American society have been unable to deal with the growing divisions, especially in relation to minority groups in society (Alenuma-Nimoh, 23). The traditional American view has sought to help create a gap in ideology, especially in dealing with a high rate of discrimination. Multiculturism thus focuses on building a more considerable change in helping implement a reliable system that can aid in promoting change while also building a greater emphasis on better practices that help improve change.

Racial inequality has been a contentious issue in the United  States since the days of slavery. The manifestation of racial inequality across different settings is mainly a result of racial profiling, where individuals are related based on the existing stereotypes. The decisions that are undertaken from a personal point of view are views as considering individuals as being inferior or superior. Minority groups in the United States are still being considered as inferior by their white counterparts (O’Connor and Ammen, 18). Racial inequality has created major divisions and development of relations on racial lines in the United States, which is detrimental to cross-cultural relations and overall commitment to the united states for all.  Racial inequality remains a major issue in the united states across different settings including, school, health, law enforcement, and within the social environment where individuals are engaged using racial connotation.

Individuals tend to have different views on things, as well as how they perceive racial profiling. Multiculturism is a controversial issue in the United States, considering the existing major gaps between the minority and majority groups. However, it is essential to understand the existing differences within the community and help promote better systems that help promote change. It is important to control discrimination by embracing cultural diversity (Delgado, 56). This helps in creating a highly modified context within which it would be easier to ensure that individuals within the society understand and promote oneness and unity among citizens.

Multiculturism is mainly defined based on diversity between different cultures. The United States is one of the most diverse countries in the world, with each ethnicity present in the country. The existence of many different cultures presents a difficult context where these individuals can interact and embrace greater social change and understanding that every individual is equal (Harun et al., 42). Different individuals across different ethnicities have different languages, customs, values, and religions, which differ from the native American values and principles hence forming the basis of the underlying differences.  It is essential to emphasize common values and principles that can help define American society as a single community with individuals operating with the same ideology (Pieterse et al., 31).  Multiculturism presents a platform that a unified American society can be developed.

Discrimination and multiculturism

The United States federal government has greatly emphasized embracing diversity as a key way of controlling the high rate of discrimination in the country. The enactment of the Civil rights act of 1964 sought to strengthen the diversity bond by prohibiting any form of discrimination on the basis of color, gender, race, and physical abilities. It identified that all American citizens are equal, despite any of the existing differences in color, religion, or gender (Martin, 16). Policies have also been enacted, focusing on ensuring that citizens have a right to preserve their cultures and protect the diverse American heritage.

Racism, discrimination, and prejudice have significantly decreased, considering that the adoption of social change and the need to respect the needs and wellbeing of each individual from the foundation of the great American history. Even though there are challenges that limited the overall commitment to improved diversity and management of individual needs, it helps promote essential measures for improved understanding of individual needs (Desmet et al., 67). The high level of interconnectedness in the world, which has been brought by globalization, presents a stronger aspect of multiculturism, which needs to be effectively managed and improve commitment to shared ideologies among individuals.

The issues involving racial identity are highly embedded in the lives of individuals making it difficult to control through legislation. Therefore racism is entangled in the mind of people because of how they think and relations that are formed where even the blind can make a conceptual sense of what entails race or racism. Individuals within the same racial group are influenced by a common thought process that informs their opinion regarding race and the existing perception (Hunt, 23).  Thus based on the findings from the article, it is evident that the basis of racism has shifted from physical as seen in slaves to a more complex system, as observed in the current mass incarceration. It is essential to focus on interactive strategies such as multiculturism that can help build gradual change in individual mindset and ideology.

Multiculturism is focusing on creating a racially diverse context where American citizens can interact freely without being tied to their racial links. Maintaining a strong system in change development outlines better processes that are crucial in promoting change while eliminating fear and negative ideologies that are held among individuals from a greater system for change. Racial profiling has a negative influence on the development of African Americans as well as other minority groups in the United States (Legare, 43). The overall commitment to making better decisions has been a significant factor in creating a profoundly transformed environment where it was possible to help manage diverse needs and aspects that define individual development. Racial profiling is associated with decreased confidence and self-belief among the respondents.  This negative perception is false and creates a difficult understanding of the need to promote positive behavior among individuals (Brezinski et al., 78).

It is essential to help maintain an improved system that helps promote change and adoption of better processes within the social context in building change. Multiculturism plays a vital role in reflecting on the importance of culture and its influence on culture structuring, especially in assessing the relationship of members. Equality between cultures outlines an essential role in helping build a strict emphasis on better processes that help define a greater system for the improved performance level. Umemoto and Zambonelli state that, “Multiculturalism stands as a symbolic and practical measure to assure individuals they are equal in public life, no matter what cultural group they belong to.”, (p.43).

Collective identity within the society outlines basic elements that can be identified in building a unique role for change and adoption of better processes that define improved performance level. The collective identity identifies fundamental principles that help build a strong change that can be highly utilized in improving change. The superiority and inferiority aspects which help maintain higher outcomes within the social context help build a highly transformed setting for improved social development (Josefová, 266). Protecting the needs of individuals within a local context presents a well-outlined system that focuses on different values and principles that help shape personal growth.

Discrimination is largely done on the basis of ethnicity. The variation that is defined in this case helps in building a greater change that emphasizes on developing an improved system that helps promote change and improve the overall commitment to better processes that define individual needs within the social context. The level of democracy within the country outline essential measures that need to be identified and help promote change and adoption of improved outcomes.

The government policies that have been implemented have focused on helping build a diverse context with a focus on global identity. The different racial groups are perceived differently based on the stereotypes and elements that are implemented within the society. It is crucial to help maintain a proper system that defines change and integrate improved measures that shape personal development. Maintenance of common rights helps define a stronger structure that helps in promoting change while defining an improved system that helps outline better systems that help improve change. The promotion of equal rights among individuals across different cultures eliminates gaps involving racial profiling since there is a higher commitment to diversity rather than individualism, which was a key value in the traditional American society (Josefová, 267).

Organizations have focused on implementing diverse strategies that focus on controlling discrimination and ethnic profiling. Companies that promote cultural diversity within their operational context have a higher general appeal and are associated with improved  acceptance across different racial groups. It is essential to help build a stronger system that presents an improved system that helps present an improved change and adoption of better processes that define change and integration of better values that promote social growth (Legare, 42).

Equality within an organizational context outlines better processes that promote overall commitment to cultural change and tolerance. The human rights principles that promote change present a stronger context which can be effectively assessed in promoting change as well as promoting improved systems that define change and integral measures that promote personal development within the society. Multiculturism defines a stronger system that provides a greater basis for change and improved measures that define an improved level of development (Harun et al., 59). It is crucial to ensure that every individual enjoys their culture without being considered an outsider. Promoting change defines an improved context which can be effectively assessed and promote improved needs among individuals.

The freedom to express individual culture, language, and religion are clearly outlined in the federal constitution while also defining an improved emphasis on better processes that define a stronger system for change. Language and cultural policies that are adopted in a multicultural setting emphasize on successful integration on the needs of individuals while also focusing on building a greater change that helps improve diversity. Members of any given ethnicity focus on ensuring that they uphold their cultural values, which provide a strong basis under which it is possible to implement important processes that help shape social development. The intense focus on traditional beliefs is a limiting factor in embracing the changes in the society, which are aimed at defining key concepts that help improve individual understanding of important processes that help create a diverse society (Desmet et al., 67).

Understanding culture provides a critical understanding of important changes that define a strong focus on important elements that help provide a strong influence on important elements that define positive social development. Culture is multilayered, and thus it is important to focus on different concepts that can be integrated within a given context where it would be possible to manage improved outcomes. The deeper cultural components that cannot be effectively observed include values and attitudes held by an individual (Alenuma-Nimoh, 89). The surface culture, which occurs above the sea level, includes a relatively low emotional load while deeper culture, which occurs below the sea level, forms the foundation of culture, which has a very high emotional load. Multiculturism emphasizes creating a unique system that helps implement a greater system that helps build a stronger context for improved social development.

Behavioral theories seek to provide an understanding of the fundamental principles that define individual wellbeing and put in place better strategies where individuals can be engaged based on the determination of their personality. The individual understanding personality is an important element, which defines the overall wellbeing of an individual in creating a significant understanding of key elements, which need to be developed in improving the level of interaction within a given environment (Martin, 123). Personality traits form a crucial environment where better decisions can be made regarding the level of commitment that an individual is able to show and have a positive focus and understanding in ensuring that there is a high-level focus. The positive organization allows for the integration of better measures.


Therefore, in conclusion, multiculturalism outlines better systems that are emphasizing on presenting a greater system that helps promote social change and emphasis on better systems that help build change in social development. Controlling discrimination involves diverse approaches that can be embraced and promote improved results based on the strategies that have been implemented, such as multiculturism. Multiculturalism focus on cultural diversity and inclusion of different ethnicities in helping build a strong system that helps promote change and knowledge on diversity. The current modern society requires a struct emphasis on collectivism and emphasis on better systems that can help promote change while also helping create a strong system that can build a strong commitment based on the underlying differences. However, the distinct cultures present a difficult situation under which it is crucial to help maintain an improved system that helps promote change in individual ideologies in relation to different cultures.




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