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Municipal systems

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Municipal systems

Informal institutions entail unwritten rules that are channeled outside the official sanctions. Informal political institutions are formed within the formal structure of the government and often shape the formal institutions. Informal political institutions in most cases achieve what was designed for the formal institution that has not been accomplished. An example of informal political institutions includes municipal systems (Karlsson, 2013). Municipal systems have in the past indicated the role of informal political institutions in most cases guiding the government. However, the institution has become formalized over the years with the role of mayor becoming recognized as a formal political category. Municipalities have been formed within the same political framework as a local formal system. The formal constitutional setting established in a European government institution enables the creation of municipal states each with their roles. The role of a mayor within a political perspective is elementary and can be compared to that of the presidential council.



Karlsson, D. (2013). The hidden constitutions: How informal political institutions affect the representation style of local councils. Local Government Studies, 39(5), 681-702.

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