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Description and extent of the problem

Murder is the act of killing other people unlawfully (Hossain, & Rahi, 2018). It happens if someone has the intention to kill another person without excuse or legal justification. It also exists if the killer inflicts bodily harm intentionally leading to the death of the victim. If someone shows to people. From various studies, under common law, fixed definition.

The FBI databases show that in every 100,000 people, five e murdered in 2018 (Rosenfeld, 2016). From the murder estimations in the US, the south had the highest murder rate of 46.2% followed by the Midwest with 22%, then West with 19.9% and last was North East with 11.9%. In United, California has more often murder cases. In a year like 2018, the number of murder victims in California was 1,739, in Texas was 1,322, Florida had 1,107, Illinois had 884 and Pennsylvania had 784 (Rosenfeld, 2016). Murder is among the major causes of death in some countries. In a year, at least 400,000 people die from the whole world. In the world, after every seven minutes, a person is killed through er.

Some research shows that there is an increase in murder cases in the United States, while others show that there has been a decline. The FBI databases also show that the number of murders in 2018 was 16,214 recording a decrease of 6.2%from 2017 estimations, 14.5% increase compared to 2014 murders and a 5.3% increase from 2009 (Taylor, 2018). In 2006 there was a record of 17309 murder cases, in 2007 17,128, in 2008 it decreased to 16,465. In 2009 it decreased to 15,399, in 2010 14,722 and in 2011 14,661. In 2012 it increased to 14,856, decreased in2013 to 14,319 and in 2014 to 14,164. In 2015 it increased to 15,883, 2016 17,431 and decreased in 2017 to 17,294 and in 2018 to 16, 214 (Rosenfeld, 2016). Today in Europe murder rates have decreased compared to the past. Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and England had the lowest murder rates in the 2000s. However, Scandinavia, Belgium, and Netherlands had their lowest murder cases in the mid and late 1900s.

Murder is more prevalent in some areas than others as there are regional differences. Many countries have very low murder rates others, r is a common occurrence. ean and Latin America had almost five times higher murder rate than the average of the whole globe in 2015. In Latin America, El Salvador has 50 deaths per 100000 people (Taylor, 2018). Mexico, Honduras, Venezuela, and Guatemala have more than 30 deaths per 100,000 people. Those death rates cannot ared with murder cases in Japan, the Middle East or Europe which have less than100,000. Murder contributes at most 1% of the total global deaths. However, in some countries where there is high insecurity rates murder s 10% to their annual deaths. The rise in insecurity levels has increased the chances of der.

Theory or explanation of the problem

Various the social theory explain why people engage in murder. For instance, someone may advise another person to invest in rtain business, and when he loses the investment, he may murder that person who recommended them. Also, many people have the same ambitions and aspirations but different abilities and opportunities. Those who cannot achieve their goals through socially approved means may murder those with opportunities to take opportunities (Hossain, & Rahi, 2018). Social learning theory shows that people hey develop skills and motivation from those they associate people mpany and idleness. Lack of employment drive people to engage in where they may end up dering others to earn their living. Labelling theory describes that if a person a murderer will participate in the behaviour as the community may deny them opportunities.

A mental state may also lead to murder. A mentally stable person can murder another person due to self-interests. One may make bad decisions to murder if the rewards overweigh the potential risks such as being punished or caught. Mental illness, if it is not taken care of, may also lead to murder. Stress can also lead to murder cases. The issue of gun ownership also increases murder cases. There are reported cases where people take advantage of the ownership of guns and use it to kill people unlawfully and for persona gains. Sometimes when a couple is having relationship issues in most cases when the husband has a gun kills the wife. People also kill others to revenge if they think that someone has contributed to their failure or loss of a job (Hossain, & Rahi, 2018). People also kill their competitors to win. Some people so murdered in a hospital setting. Nurses with specific personalities or stress kill patients intentionally while others may kill them unintentionally (Wolf, Donohue-Smith & Wolf, 2019).

There are various typologies of offending. One of them is mass murder where many peoreon a single occasion through terror acts (Fridel, 2017). Another typology is spree murder which entails the killing of more than three victims occurring over days or hours in different locations. For example, if a person shoots a family member at home, then goes to the streets ple and goes to a mall shooting everyone. There is also serial murder where the killing is well planned victim s not occur once continues to kill. Unlike spree murder, serial murder the ictim s no maximum time interval between murder occurrences. Another typology is first-degree murder where victims are killed deliberately through torture poisoning, shooting or stabbing. There is also second-degree murder which occurs without planning but intentionally. There is Felony murder where the rs as a consequence. For example, when a person dies of a heart attack when attacked by robbers.

Victim typologies include innocent victims whereby someone is killed in the wrong place at the wrong time without their contribution to the killing. There is also the victim with minor guilt who contributes to their siting high-crime areas frequently. There is the guilty victim, engages in crime together such as two people stealing a car together and one kills the other. Another typology is fender, guiltier victim where the attacker becomes the victim as s killed by the offender. ho instigates conflict and fense (Taylor, 2018).

Perpetrators of murder have various characteristics. Most of the murderers are male and in their early 30s (Chan, & Beauregard, 2019). Most of them stay in densely populated areas where they can access personal items, edged weapons, and firearms. Some perpetrators make calls during an emergency. Most murderers are not strangers to the victims ggered by something to commit murder. Some perpetrators are nurses who think that they are in higher positions than patients y are vulnerable. Murderers are insincere but have smooth-talking, are egocentric, do not have empathy, guilt or remorse and are manipulative and deceitful.

Most of the victims involved are acquaintances of the murderer, for example, employer, classmate or family member (Taylor, 2018). Most victims are females and are in their early 30s. Some victims are hospital patients and acute patients y killed. Some victims have violent backgrounds and illed due to revenge bling debts. Children are also prone to be victims of murder.

Response or addressing the problem

Densely populated areas and males in their early 30s should be more monitored and policed. As the offenders have particular features and nature, security officers should understand the be able to identify them before they kill others. Some perpetrators make calls in case of emergencehe criminal justice system should understand linguistic variations to be able to use linguistic analysis to determine the guilt or innocence of the caller (Cromer, Brewster, Fogler, & Stoloff, 2019). The illegal drug market should its expansion. Force against minority people should ricans and African populations. To prevent murder in hospital settings, professionals that dispose one able patients need monitoring.

There are treatments for the offender ng on the drive for their action. Mentally ill patients can be treated for them to start working Other murderers can be imprisoned or jailed to prevent them from mixing with people to control them from killing others. They would also be monitored at the jails to ensure they do not kill other people. Some offenders kill unintentionally and are isolated, stigmatized and blamed (Fridel, 2017). Those offenders should go through psychological ng to cope with the situation.

There is no treatment of murder victims as they are already dead. However, the survivors can ically treated if they were harmed or injured. They can also undergo therapy to identify coping strategies if they survived but lost their loved ones. The impact of the murder on the victim is the person was the hiewster, Fogler, & Stoloff, 2019). Relatives and friends have anger and desire to revenge to the murderer. The family of the victim is left down helpless and with anguish and blame. They undergo loss and grief as traumatic stress and depression.

Cases of stress and depression in the urder. The advocates need to create awareness and educate the society on what to do to overcome drives them to engage in crimes like murder. The issuance of guns should ensure they do not reach the wrong hands.

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