My School Experience
– This paper is a personal exploration of your experience as a student K-12. Divide that experience into three categories: Peers, Teachers, and Other People and Activities. Then describe the best and worst, or more specifically, what furthered or hindered your attitude or success with respect to school, in terms of your experiences in each category. For Other People and Activities, think of clubs, band, sports, specialists (such as: school social workers, art or music teachers, principals, school psychologists, counselors, the janitor, etc.). Conclude by discussing how your school experience may inform your school social work practice. 3 pages undergraduate students 5 pages graduate students. Please use APA format. *You may use first person writing for this assignment. Rubric My School Experience Paper Rubric My School Experience Paper Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Title page (2 pts.) Page headings (1 pts.)Spelling (4 pts.) Grammar (4 pts.)Word usage (2 pts.) Page length requirements (3 pts.) Sentence structure (2 pts.) Punctuation (2 pts.) 40.0 pts Title page (2 pts.) Page headings (1 pts.)Spelling (4 pts.) Grammar (4 pts.)Word usage (2 pts.) Page length requirements (3 pts.) Sentence structure (2 pts.) Punctuation (2 pts.) Demonstrates 17-20 points 20.0 pts Successfully demonstrates 11-16 points of the criteria. 0.0 pts Demonstrates only 0-15 points of the criteria. 40.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Peers: Describe the best and worst, or more specifically, what furthered or hindered your attitude or success with respect to school, in terms of your experiences with peers and your peer relationships. 20.0 pts Peers: Describe (using detail and specific examples) the best and worst, or more specifically, what furthered or hindered your attitude or success with respect to school, in terms of your experiences with peers and your peer relationships. 10.0 pts Peers: Student describes the best and worst, or more specifically, what furthered or hindered your attitude or success with respect to school, in terms of your experiences with peers and your peer relationships but does not use specific examples or provide adequate detail to demonstrate a clear picture of their experiences in school and how they were affected by their peers. 0.0 pts Student does not address the questions in this section, or provides minimal information and insight into how their peer relationships impacted their school experience. 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Teachers: Describe (using detail and specific examples) the best and worst, or more specifically, what furthered or hindered your attitude or success with respect to school, in terms of your experiences with teachers and your relationships with your teachers during your school experience. 20.0 pts Teachers: Describe (using detail and specific examples) the best and worst, or more specifically, what furthered or hindered your attitude or success with respect to school, in terms of your experiences with teachers and your relationships with your teachers during your school experience. 10.0 pts Teachers: Student describes the best and worst, or more specifically, what furthered or hindered your attitude or success with respect to school, in terms of your experiences with teachers and your relationships with your teachers during your school experience, but does not use specific examples or provide adequate detail to demonstrate a clear picture of their experiences in school and how they were affected by their teachers. 0.0 pts Student does not address the questions in this section, or provides minimal information and insight into how their teacher relationships impacted their school experience. 20.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Other People and Activities: Student describes (in detail and uses specific examples) of their involvement in clubs, band, sports, or their interactions with specialists (such as: school social workers, art or music teachers, principals, school psychologists, counselors, the janitor, etc.). Student includes a conclusion as to how their school experience may inform their school social work practice. 20.0 pts Other People and Activities: Student describes (in detail and uses specific examples) of their involvement in clubs, band, sports, or their interactions with specialists (such as: school social workers, art or music teachers, principals, school psychologists, counselors, the janitor, etc.). Student includes a conclusion as to how their school experience may inform their school social work practice. 10.0 pts Other People and Activities: Student describes but does not include specific examples or details of their involvement in clubs, band, sports, or their interactions with specialists (such as: school social workers, art or music teachers, principals, school psychologists, counselors, the janitor, etc.). Or: Student fails to include a conclusion as to how their school experience may inform their school social work practice. 0.0 pts Student does not address the questions in this section, or provides minimal information and insight into how their activities or relationships with other people (specialists) impacted their school experience. Student fails to include a conclusion as to how their school experience may inform their school social work practice. 20.0 pts Total Points: 100.0