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Mystery Detective Case

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Mystery Detective Case

Wednesday, 12th December 2018, was one of the toughest days of Donnie in his career. Donnie’s mind was full of thoughts that he kept losing concentration on the murder case he has been handling for almost two weeks. At around 12:30 pm, Donnie decided enough was enough, he contacted Peggy and asked her for dinner later in the evening. Peggy was happy and willing to join him, but she had a busy schedule the next day. Special visitors from France were visiting the country, and they booked rooms at the restaurant where Peggy works, and for this reason, she was given the mandate to prepare them a unique French meal. She, therefore, had planned to spend her evening going through the recipe. For her not to disappoint Donnie, she agreed that he could come over her place and help her go through the recipe instead of going for dinner.

Donnie left for home earlier than usual. He had to prepare for the evening arrangements. Donnie had a burning issue he wanted to discuss with Peggy only that he did not know where to start from. Donnie contacted Bob to cancel the plan they had of having a drink at the nearby restaurant, for he was going to Peggy’s place. Bob was so frustrated, but he acted normally that Donnie did not notice. At around 7 pm, Donnie was at Peggy’s doorstep. The two were used to each other, and therefore it took only an hour for Donnie to help Peggy decide on what recipe to use the next day. Afterward, they had a sweet conversation, laughing at the best memories they had together. It is at this moment that Donnie decided to tell his ex-girlfriend the reason for his visit. He wanted Peggy back in his life, not as a friend but as a lover once again. Peggy was astonished by Donnie’s words, and she stared at him for some seconds, and tears started rolling down her cheeks. Of course, she too would like it to happen, but she had moved on already, and Donnie had no idea. One thing led to another, and they later had a bitter argument. Luckily, captain Droolius had decided to pay his sister Peggy an uninvited visit. Donnie had to leave on the captain’s arrival. The two have never been in good terms since Donnie broke up with his sister.

Four days later, captain Droolius came to Donnie’s desk, bitterly accusing him of his sister’s disappearance. The two almost fought, but lieutenant Fergus entered the office and calmed the situation. Droolius felt like Donnie had something to do with Peggy’s disappearance, for he saw them arguing days back. On the other hand, Donnie knew he was innocent. He has not communicated with Peggy since the incident at her place. The lieutenant decided to give the two an off for the rest of the day. Donnie contacted Bob to meet him at their favorite spot for a drink. When he reached there, he found Bob already wasted, he joined him, and they drank beer until midnight without having any serious discussion. Each one of them was depressed, but no one bothered asking the other what was wrong.

After a week, Peggy’s body was found at the nearby riverbank. It was later discovered that she was sexually abused before being strangled to death. Droolius denied Donnie the opportunity to attend the burial. He suspected Donnie to be the killer only that he had no evidence to pin him down. Droolius even swore by her sister’s grave to find the person responsible for her death, and ensure justice is served.

Back at work, lieutenant Fergus denied Droolius the chance to handle the case, and he gave it to Donnie. Droolius was so disappointed and angry at the same time, but he could do nothing. Bob being a private detective, decided to help his friend with any information he found related to the case. Donnie had to put aside the other cases and deal with Peggy’s situation because he was so much affected too. It was hard for him to get any information from Droolius, and this made the case even tougher. After months of investigation, Donnie realized that Peggy had been going for a photograph session at Bob’s place, yet his friend has never mentioned such a thing. It is at this point that he also realized the changes in Bob’s behavior ever since the death of Peggy. The two friends have rarely been meeting, and any advance in Donnie’s investigation Bob would change his thinking.

Donnie courageously faced Droolius with Bob’s picture and asked if he knew such a person. Droolius confirmed that that was Peggy’s new boyfriend. After a deep reasoning by the two detectives, they decided to work together and investigate Bob. Donnie had to continue acting normal for Bob not to suspect anything. In one of their plans, Donnie left the town with Bob to attend a music concert then Droolius invaded Bob’s house for further investigation. The plan worked out well, and evidence was found in Bob’s car. DNA technicians confirmed the hair found on Bob’s car boot to be Peggy’s. The next morning Bob was arrested and later sentenced for life imprisonment.

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