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ChatProfile Hello09:39 am Hello09:44 am Have you ever write SCi paper on Network Security09:44 am I look forward to working with you09:45 am Do you have any experience in technical writing based Experiments and network data collections09:46 am Based on python or MATLAB Analysis09:46 am I have a degree in Computer science. But unfortunately I am not fmiliar with these two applications.09:48 am Closing thesis (choose one, pdf version): 1.Review paper: For a certain research content of machine learning, write a review by reading the literature. Literal: Pay attention to the title, abstract, and structure of the article. The master′s word count should be no less than 5000 words, and the doctor′s word count should be no less than 8000 words. The content may include ideas, methods, technical characteristics, challenges and hot spot analysis. 2. Research papers: Use a certain method of machine learning to solve a practical problem in this research direction. By reading the literature and writing the program, do the experiment to verify the feasibility of the method, and strive to raise new problems and discoveries. Literal: Pay attention to the title, abstract, and structure of the article, and analyze the results. word count is not less than 8000 .. The content may include: ideas, methods, algorithm desсrіptions, and experiments. ChatProfile Hello09:39 am Hello09:44 am Have you ever write SCi paper on Network Security09:44 am I look forward to working with you09:45 am Do you have any experience in technical writing based Experiments and network data collections09:46 am Based on python or MATLAB Analysis09:46 am I have a degree in Computer science. But unfortunately I am not fmiliar with these two applications.09:48 am Closing thesis (choose one, pdf version): 1.Review paper: For a certain research content of machine learning, write a review by reading the literature. Literal: Pay attention to the title, abstract, and structure of the article. The master′s word count should be no less than 5000 words, and the doctor′s word count should be no less than 8000 words. The content may include ideas, methods, technical characteristics, challenges and hot spot analysis. 2. Research papers: Use a certain method of machine learning to solve a practical problem in this research direction. By reading the literature and writing the program, do the experiment to verify the feasibility of the method, and strive to raise new problems and discoveries. Literal: Pay attention to the title, abstract, and structure of the article, and analyze the results. word count is not less than 8000 .. The content may include: ideas, methods, algorithm desсrіptions, and experiments.

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