In one of the productions of Disney musicals, Newsies stands out as one of a kind. The musical production of 2017 is set up in 1899 during the turn of the nineteenth century. The musical details the life of newsboys in New York. The musical also covers a wide range of emotions and raises a lot of ethical issues throughout its production. The lead casts in the play are Jack, a newsboy, and Katherine, Jack’s love interest, and the daughter to newspaper mogul Pulitzer.
What did you like?
In the musical, I could not help but note the characters play out their roles to perfection. Charlie, for example, executed the disabled boy to perfection. He used his clutch throughout the musical. I also liked the fact that the cast in the play used music and dance to tell the story in the play. When Katherine wanted to tell the story of her love for Jack, she sang “Something to Believe In.” When Jack and Charlie wanted to tell the story of Jack’s dream and hope of visiting Santa Fe, they both sang “Santa Fe” in unison. The two singing Santa Fe showed that Charlie’s friendship with Jack is deeprooted since he is supporting his dream.
In the musical, one could not help but notice the clear distinction that was in the scenery of the musical. The outdoor areas were well displayed, enabling the audience to follow the play with ease. On the storyline front, I liked the fact that the love between Jack and Katherine overcome their social differences. I also loved the friendship between Jack and Charlie and the sacrifices they made to help each other. I also liked the introduction of a political leader in governor Roosevelt to solve the civil dispute in New York.
What did you hate?
Thanks to the research I carried out, the newsboys in New York back in 1899 were extremely young children. In the play, however, the newsboys were above the age of New York in 1899. The lack of use of actual young children in the musical downplays the evil that was subjected to the kids in New York in 1899. In the musical, Pulitzer lacked the aggression of a publisher in 1899.
How did the music and dance enhance or detract from the production?
Being a musical, music, and dance is paramount in the production. In newsies, it was used to propagate the story of the musical. The use of music also enabled the cast to bring to life their characters by introducing emotion to them thanks to music. Music was also used as a foreshadowing, which enhances production by capturing the audiences’ attention.
Did the music and dance help tell the story?
In newsies, music and dance were critical in the expression of emotion among the cast. The lead actor, Jack, and Katherine used music and dance to express their love for each other. Music also acted as a foreshadow. Music created an environment where the characters would lay a platform for the next scene in the musical.
What kind of a stage is this production taking place on?
In the 2017 Newsies musical, the stage in use is a proscenium stage.
What would be the pros and cons of putting this production on another kind of stage? Why?
In musicals, where the audiences’ intimacy is required, the use of a thrust stage would have been appropriate. With the audience sitting on the three sides of the stage, the characters would appropriately interact with them in a better way compared to the proscenium stage. The stage would have offered a more comprehensive range of view for the different audiences sitting in different positions.
In stages such as the thrust stage, the audience does not get to see the full stage. They are often left out when the characters are on the far opposite end. The stages disadvantage the characters when they are transiting from one scene to another. In a proscenium stage, the figures can smoothly transit using the backside.
Did the scenery convey the location of the piece? How?
For the success of the musical to be established, there was a need to have scenery that conveyed the location of each piece. There was the use of staircases to represent an outdoor set while indoor sets utilized furniture. Thanks to the scenery, the identification of Mr. Pulitzer’s office was easy. The use of an 1899 New York picture set the mood of the musical.
Did the scenery convey the mood of the piece? How?
The scenery in Newsies conveyed the mood of the piece. Firstly, to convey a serious and tense mood in Mr. Pulitzer’s office, the background was dark and had an office setup. In pieces where the mood was intense, such as the chase between the warden and the newsies, the lighting was dim, and the streets were deserted.
Was the scenery practical for the actors? How?
In the proscenium stage, the transition from one set to another needs to be quick and smooth. The scenery used in the play enabled such change. The set up of the scenery was also spacious leaving room for dance, running, and queuing. However, the scenery where Charlie and Jack were on a rooftop singing was not practical, bearing in mind Charlie was physically challenged.
How could you tell the difference between the indoor sets and the outdoor sets?
In Newsies, the sets that were indoor and those that were outdoor were easily distinguishable. For starters, outdoor sets had brick wall backgrounds. There was also the presence of outdoor staircases, advertisements in the form of banners, and windows. In the indoor sets, there was the presence of furniture.
Were most of the sets symmetrical or asymmetrical? Was it balanced?
Most of the sets were symmetrical. The actors were properly stationed in the sets covering the whole set rather than a section of the set. The sets were also balanced.
What research do you think went into this scenic design?
Since the musical is based on a true story, there was a need to research the actual setup of New York in 1899. The scenic design had to align itself with the infrastructure of New York at that point. There was also a need to research the safety and applicability of the structure in use, especially the raised structures.
What do you think the hardest part of creating this scenic design was?
I think to recreate the scenic design large enough to represent a city’s street and still have the proper safety measures were the hardest part.
Although the casting of the musical was wrong, its execution was perfect. The scenic design, music, and dance helped to tell the story of the suffering newsboys back in 1899.