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Nutritional value of apples for dragons

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Bearded dragons are the easiest of reptiles to feed. Their diets are simple, and with the right balance between animal and plant proteins, you are good to go. Bearded dragons eat everything from crickets and roaches, and when it comes to plants and vegetables, there is a pretty long list of items they can eat. So, this bids the question: can bearded dragons eat apples?


An apple a day, they say, keeps the doctor away! While this is a saying we humans live out every day, are apples really safe for our beardie pets? Yes! Bearded dragons can eat apples. You can share your apples with your bearded dragon as both of you bond in the mid-morning sun. However, you need to take caution when feeding your bearded dragons with apples to ensure they are getting the most out of it.


Nutritional value of apples for dragons


Apples are loaded with nutrients. They are especially suitable for your bearded dragon because of their high nutritional value. Your beardie will gobble up the apples before you know it because of their slight acidity, sugars, and high-water content.


Apples are also a great source of vitamin C, which is essential for preventing bleeding gums, bruising of the skin, and stomatitis. Vitamin c is also vital for building immunity against common infections. If your beardie is suffering from diseases every time or you notice a problem with their skin and gums, introducing diets in their diet is a great option.


Apples contain fibers too. You may wonder why a bearded dragon will need fiber. We got you! While the diet, if a bearded dragon is pretty straight forward, beardies require insects such as crickets and roaches in a diet. Insects have a protective layer called an exoskeleton, which is not easy to digest. Fibers, therefore, come in handy to ensure that the digestive tract is working perfectly to break down all food properly.


A bearded dragon requires phosphorus to calcium ratio of 2:1 or 1:1 depending on the age. Even though you can introduce these minerals to their diets through supplements, apples are loaded with them. Apples provide the right ratio of phosphorus to calcium to ensure that there is enough phosphorus to break down calcium to prevent it from entering into the bloodstream of your bearded dragon.


Apples also contain a lot of water, which is essential for the dehydration of the bearded dragon. Actually, apples are made of 86% water. It does not, however, mean that you should refrain from providing eater when you are feeding apples. Water is life, even for bearded dragons.


By feeding apples, you will also be providing your dragon with some carbs, proteins, beta-carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folates. Apart from vitamin c, apples also contain some vitamin e and k and other minerals that are essential for healthy bones and teeth.


How to feed apples to bearded dragons


Whenever you are feeding your bearded dragons on apples or any other meal, remember to keep in mind their dietary requirements. A baby dragon requires 80% animal protein and 20% plant protein. That means that a baby beardie requires fewer plant proteins and more insects in their diet. Bearded dragons in their adult stage need more plant proteins and less of animal proteins.


Apples should, therefore, be given in minimal amounts for baby beardies. So, how do you feed apples?


Wash apples thoroughly- every fruit prepared for beardies should be washed thoroughly to get rid of any chemicals and dirt that they may carry. Also, remember that apples may have been sprayed with pesticides and other harmful chemicals for preservation. These chemicals, when ingested by the bearded dragons, can be very toxic to their health.


Peel the apples using a fruit knife- isn’t the skin of apples the fibrous part of the apple? Not really. Although you, as the pet parent, can eat the apples with the skin, never feed your bearded dragon with apples that are not peeled. Improperly or unpeeled apples may lead to impaction. Ensure that you keenly peel apples so that you do not miss any spot.


Cut the pieces into manageable pieces- you can choose to slice the apples or chop them into small pieces. Apples cannot cause a choking hazard as they are soft to chew. Bearded dragons will not be able to chew the apples when they are given in large chunks. If you are preparing apples for baby beardies, the pieces need to be even smaller. You can also grate the apple using a cheese grater for bearded dragons below six months.


Place the well-prepared apples in a shallow bowl when presenting them to your bearded dragons. Beardies do not know how to eat out of a bowl thoroughly. You should ensure that the bowl is comfortable in-depth, so they don’t struggle to reach the pieces.


When feeding apples for the first time, you will notice some reluctance or even refusal to eat. Your bearded dragon will, however, adapt to the new taste with time. If you are an ultra-busy owner, you can prepare the apples as we have discussed and set them in the fridge. You should, however, remember to thaw before serving.


Can bearded dragons eat green apples?


There is a variety of apples depending on where they are grown and their species. Red apples are the most common, but we also have the green apples and the mixed ones which appear more of peach. Whichever the color of apples, bearded dragons will not have a problem eating them. The nutritional value is very negl9gible.


Green apples are, however, a go-to if you are looking to provide higher protein content for muscle growth or potassium and iron. Green apples also contain more fiber compared to red apples. Red ones are, however, sweeter than green apples, which tend to have a sour and more acidic taste.


Can bearded dragons drink apple juice?


Bearded dragons can literally have anything made from apples, including apple juice. You need to ensure that you are sticking to the right preparation for the best results. Remember to peel the apples before blending them. Also, you can use apple juice to train your dragon how to drink out of a bowl since it’s sweet and can act as a treat. Apple juice should not be given too often as its too sweet.


Dangers of overfeeding apples to your bearded dragons


While apples tick all the boxes when it comes to nutritional value, you need to read with caution when feeding them to your bearded dragons. There are some downsides to apples that, if you don’t take note, apples may end up being more of a disaster than a blessing. Let’s take a look at some of them.


Apples are rich in vitamin C, which keeps check of the gums, immunity system, and stomatitis. Bearded dragons, however, require average amounts of vitamin C. too much of apples may lead to runny stomachs due to an overdose of vitamin C.



Apples are also rich in phosphorus and calcium. The phosphorus is responsible for bonding with calcium, which is required for healthy bones to prevent it from entering into the bloodstream. Phosphorus may, however, lead to a condition known as Metabolic Bone disorder or MBD as popular referred. The disease affects the bone structure of the bearded dragon and may lead to even severe conditions such as the inability to use their limbs.


The sugar content in apples is also very high. When a bearded dragon is overfed on apples, they may get obesity even though its rear in beardies. The sugar content may also result in tooth problems such as tooth decay and rotting, which means your bearded dragon will not be able to eat. The fat content in apples, as well as carbs content, may also result in obesity and other health problems.


Apple skins cannot be fed to bearded dragons. These skins may carry a lot of pesticides and preservatives sprayed on the apples, which may be fatal when ingested. The apple skins also contribute to runny stomachs. Bearded dragons are unable to properly digest the peels since they have delicate digestive systems leading to indigestion and diarrhea.


Apples are a great source of nutrients such as vitamin C and water, which are required for dehydration. Apples also supply all other nutrients such as proteins, minerals, fats, sugars, and carbohydrates to your bearded dragon. Apples are definitely a must-feed for your dragon. You should, however, ensure they are well peeled and cut into small pieces before feeding.


Although apples may be fed daily to your bearded dragon, we recommend feeding as a treat twice a week at a maximum. This is because of the high sugar content in apples, which is not very healthy for bearded dragons. We also recommend feeding apples as part of a salad with other veggies and fruits. If fed alone, one might be tempted to overfeed in an attempt to satisfy the bearded dragon. Apples should also be fed alongside insects and other sources of animal proteins, depending on their nutritional requirement.


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