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Off-grid energy system for TVWS BiaB system

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Offgrid energy system for TVWS BiaB system

In today’s world, energy demand is increasing day by day, and grid systems are failing to meet the energy requirements. So, different off-grid systems are designed to fulfill the energy demands on the local scale. The most common type of off-grid energy solution is solar panels or photovoltaic panels. These panels convert solar energy coming from the sun in the form of solar radiation to electrical energy. These solar panels can easily be installed over the rooftops where there is enough solar radiation to meet the building’s energy needs.

These solar energies off-grid solution is also very beneficial for rural residents. Because they are living in remote areas where there is no access to a suitable electrical infrastructure. So in rural areas, the off-grid solar energy solutions are of great importance. Also, there is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to start a charging kiosk that is powered by solar energy and give a place for charging of household appliance of those who cannot afford the capital investment required for the installation of solar energy systems. These charging kiosks can also rent the rechargeable batteries or other rechargeable equipment to the residents.

Generally, the charging kiosks can charge ten batteries at the same time by giving approximately 500 mA to each battery. The capacity of this charging kiosk can be upgraded by adding a larger backup battery and additional solar panels. These charging kiosks can charge cell phones, tablets, laptops, flashlights, A.A. batteries, AAA batteries, and other devices powered by 5V and 12V batteries. These kiosks are constructed in such a way that they are safe from theft and rural weather conditions. The simplest way for the construction of theft free kiosk is discussed. The foundation of the charging kiosk is laid by building a room and a lounge associated with that room. The place would serve as a housing for batteries, inverter, and the other necessary electrical equipment required for the solar off-grid system. Solar panels will be installed over the roof of the room and lounge, making them secure from any theft. The lounge will serve as a charging hall and reception. Charging hall contains the multiple sockets or ports for the purpose of charging and reception will serve as the place where collection of discharged batteries from customers and delivery of charges batteries to the customers is done and records are maintained for the sake of assets insurance.

With increase in off-grid energy solution the trends for smart grid begin to introduce. One technology that is particularly named Television white space (TVWS) is used for controlling the smart grid. Smart grid can be simply defined as the intelligent energy distribution system. In TWVS all the appliances relate to each other and energy distribution system and in case of off-grid system these all devices are interconnected and connected with energy production and distribution systems. The connection medium for this whole network is empty bands of television spectrum. These bands are also known as vacated bands of television. These vacated bands are also regarded as the best frequency bands that can be utilized for the wireless information transfer. The devices that are able to use these frequency bands are known as television white space devices. The connection of devices using television white spaces is used to enhance the reliability, safety and energy efficiency of the network hence forming the off-grid electrical power generation and consumption circle more efficient.

The smart grid using television white spaces can be created by evenly distribution of applications that are interconnected by the means of high speed and reliable network for the sake of communication purpose. This communication network system allows the monitoring as well as the control of all the electrical devices that are installed within the localized grid that came into being due to the installation of off-grid energy generation and consumption systems. This real time monitoring of electrical appliances in the grid allows to control these devices which makes this localized grid more efficient and sustainable in terms of energy consumption and energy distribution. There are several advantages for using the television whitespaces for the purpose of off-grid energy monitoring but the most important one is their excellent coverage. This frequency range can easily penetrate the walls and posse’s coverage area that is nine time larger than the conventional wireless systems. These range advantages allow the easier management of the off-grid energy systems.

As the advancement in technology have replaced the many conventional procedures for various products manufacturing with easier, convenient and efficient method. Similarly, the conventional brewing is replaced by the BIAB system which stands for brewing in a bag. This system has also reduced the many steps of conventional brewing which includes loitering and transferring of wort to a kettle from the mash tun. As the case for grain brewing the grains that were used for this purpose was mashed so that they release sugar. But in brewing in a bag (BIAB) system all these procedures are carried out within a brewers directly inside the kettle which is used for the boiling of wort. The BIAB system makes the brewing cost efficient because it requires the less equipment, less space and less time brewing. The efficiency of BIAB system can also be enhanced by employing the off-grid systems coupled with television white space technology.

The simplest method that can be used for off-grid BIAB system is powering the BIAB with solar energy. Enough numbers of solar panels can be installed by adopting the same methodology that was discussed in earlier portion of this report for the charging kiosks. The BIAB system powered by off-grid energy solutions is more efficient due to itself sufficiency in energy and no cost of energy bills. The efficiency of this system can be further enhanced by employing television white space monitoring of the whole system. Because this will do the power distribution and monitoring in a very efficient manner. So, using this approach will be very beneficial for the brewing sector.


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