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  Organizational Analysis – Part 1

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  Organizational Analysis – Part 1


Kessler Rehabilitation Institute is a health care organization located in West Orange, New Jersey. The hospital provides rehabilitative services to patients with physical impairment due to injury. Patients range from those with work-related, sports, and orthopedic conditions, to mention a few (“West Orange (Northfield Ave) | Kessler Rehabilitation Center,” 2020). The facility has branches that make it possible to offer services to larger patient size. Due to its specialty in physical therapy, the organization ranks highly in the New Jersey State. Kessler has accreditation from the Joint Commission and the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. The facility provides programs in schools, sports clubs, free screening, and seminars at community levels (“West Orange (Northfield Ave) | Kessler Rehabilitation Center,” 2020). Kessler not only has excellent medical services but exemplary community relationships as well.


Running an institution such as Kessler to the level o excellence showcased takes more than excellent medical experience and equipment. Leadership issues come into focus, as well. It is not possible to look at the medical aspect without focusing on the leadership aspect as it plays a significant role in service delivery. Service delivery not only refers to therapy treatment provided to patients but community and employee service as well.

Organization’s Mission, Philosophy, and the Administrative Structure

The facility’s mission is to provide care, knowledge, and restore people’s lives while acknowledging every success. The center endears to offer excellent services to patients and employees. It is not surprising that the institution is voted as one of the best organizations to work for by New Jersey Biz (“West Orange (Northfield Ave) | Kessler Rehabilitation Center,” 2020). The administrative structure in place encourages communication and teamwork, as well as innovation. There are different organizational structures practiced by organizations. Due to its size and type of business, the organization uses a matrix organizational structure. The system combines functional and divisional models where team members are grouped according to specialty, then further divided into smaller teams (Sullivan, 2019). The model encourages autonomy, creativity, and innovation. Kessler deals with orthopedic and neuromuscular issues and requires specialty in the two divides translating to two teams. The teams are however, broken down to deal with older adults and younger adults.

Strengths and Limitations

The hospital is known for its excellent physical therapy service, which is strength. The center does not struggle to get patients as it gets a lot of referrals. The relationship with the community also gives it positive publicity, while excellent employee relations means that workers are motivated to provide the best service. The matrix structure encourages creativity and teamwork, which is a strong point for the center. The exemplary service and positive publicity mean that the center is highly in demand for its services. Sometimes, the patient needs are more than the facility can handle and, as such, cannot offer services to all those in need. Acquiring medical professionals in the specialties required is not always easy, which limits the organization. Dual functionality can sometimes be limiting, as it can be confusing and overworking. A therapist working with older people may be required to work with young adults hence needed to answer to managers in both teams. Such scenarios are challenging if clear distinctions are not in place.

Care Delivery System

The nursing care delivery system used at the center includes practice partnerships. The model encourages senior registered nurses to work with junior nurses (Sullivan, 2017, p.34). The collaboration works positively as junior nurses acquire the necessary skills under the direct supervision of senior nurses with more experience. Senior nurse managers, as well as licensed nurses, can comfortably delegate to junior licensed and unlicensed nurses. The partnership works exceptionally within the matrix model, which supports teamwork. Patient-centered care is also in use at Kessler. The system increases efficiency through the decentralization of patient services, whereby patient services are at the unit level (Sullivan, 2017, p.36). The system reduces wait time, which ultimately decreases inefficiency and cost. Managers can delegate easily due to the division of work at the unit level. Accountability is easier as follow up is done at the unit level. For example, follow up, treatment, admission, discharge, and data collection of neuromuscular patients happens from the orthopedic department.

Outcomes and Measurements

Patient outcomes determine hospital efficiency and assist the organization track progress regarding the accomplishment of the goals and mission outlined. Excellent recovery is one patient outcome whose measure happens through the level of improvement and timeline. Every therapy is unique as the cause of injury and extent of damage varies. Recovery outcome is on the level at which the patient can carry out normal activities such as full use of limbs. Monitoring is also done through follow up sessions. The matrix system encourages teamwork and creativity. These attributes ensure that employees give the best in terms of medical services and room for the latest medical advances. Patient and employee satisfaction measures the efficiency of the system. Monitoring happens by looking at the number of patient and employee complaints and the frequency of errors. A high rate is indicative of failure, whereas low levels are indicative of system success.


Kessler Rehabilitation Center is a recommended center whose goal is to provide exemplary services to its patients and employees (“West Orange (Northfield Ave) | Kessler Rehabilitation Center,” 2020). The ranking as one of the best organizations to work for means that the goal is in place. Its excellent therapy service also translates to meeting the patient’s goal. The realization of the institution’s mission and intent is an outcome of not only excellent medical services but organization structure. The center is an example of how the organization structure affects the efficiency of services provided and the general outcome of the expected goal.











Sullivan, E. (2017). Effective leadership and management in nursing (9th ed.). Pearson.

Sullivan, J. (2019). Four Basic Elements of Organizational Structure. Small Business – Retrieved 24 May 2020, from

West Orange (Northfield Ave) | Kessler Rehabilitation Center.

(2020). Retrieved 24 May 2020, from


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