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Organizational Human Resource Management

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Organizational Human Resource Management

The competition within the business environment in the contemporary world is increasingly growing. The emergence of globalization that has facilitated cross border operations coupled with the highly volatile technological environment and changes in demographic structure has resulted in different challenges and opportunities that require the formulation of effective policies to ensure effectiveness and efficiency within an organization’s system to produce value to the stakeholders involved in a cost-efficient manner (Knights  & Omanović, 2016). Technological inventions and innovations have resulted in the emergence of new systems and procedures that businesses should incorporate through effective change management in ensuring well-enhanced production of quality goods and services. Similarly, demographic changes witnessed within the contemporary world has resulted in changes in tastes and preferences among individual consumers.

The formulation of better strategies is essential in tapping the opportunities presented by these factors and navigating around the challenges created by these factors. Additionally, maintaining a highly competent and motivated workforce also has a significant influence in the formulation and implementation of viable strategies that can be used in tapping the opportunities presented by these factors and overcoming the challenges they present. Studies have revealed that putting together a highly competent human resource is essential in ensuring an organization effectively competes within its environment. No name aircraft company has been witnessing poor performance within its environment, something that worries the company’s CEO Adam Omeara.

The concept of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is an essential tool in keeping a highly competent human resource that is always capable of navigating through the dynamic business environment in ensuring quality products and services that creates value to the stakeholders involved. In consideration of this, the study will explore the various factors that must be considered in ensuring a highly competent and motivated human resource in an organization. The study will also provide viable recommendations that can be used by No Name Aircraft Company in ensuring effective competition.

Diversity management

A significant number of organizations within the contemporary world always have a diversified workforce based on age, gender, ethnicity, race and religion. Some other diverse sub-groups within an organization can result in existing differences in the level of expertise, skills and education. All these subgroups within individual organizations always exhibit distinctive and unique characteristics that organizations have to accommodate (Holck, Muhr & Villeseche, 2016). These diversities are quite beneficial to an organization since it eliminates polarization of systems and procedures within individual organizations. Through this, it ensures the existence of different perspectives, which is quite essential in formulating and implementing viable strategies. It also results in increased innovation and inventions within an organization given the different backgrounds and perspectives held by individual employees. Moreover, individual employees can utilize their cultural knowledge in convincing potential clients from a cultural point. All these always translate in increased performances reflected in increased market share and profit margins.

However, there are always challenges that individual organizations do face as a result of workplace diversity. One most common challenge is the language barrier. The diverse primary languages that always exist in a workplace that comprises of individuals with different backgrounds can result in poor and ineffective communication within the organization, which is reflected in poor organizational performance. Similarly, given the differential cultural backgrounds among employees, there may exist different views on what is considered ethical and what is considered not morally right since individual cultures have different views of moral standards (Knights  & Omanović, 2016). This can have a significant impact on the decision making process involving sensitive matters. Additionally, workplace diversity has also been regarded as the primary cause of workplace conflicts among individual employees, which can also result in below standard performance.

Through all these, it is always essential for organizations to foster effective diversity management that accommodates all the diverse views and perceptions exhibited by individual employees. Diversity management involves channelling human resource management in a manner that optimizes the benefits of workplace diversity through proper planning process while navigating around the challenges that come with such (Holck, Muhr & Villeseche, 2016). Diversity management involves several elements, which include laying down a well-structured communication framework within the organization, fostering diversity training among employees and ensuring a pacesetting leadership style.

No Name Aircraft Company should ensure a well-structured communication framework is always essential in avoiding the confusions and lack of understanding from the use of primary language. It spells out the acceptable communication channels and modes that should be used in carrying out the duties within the organization (Knights  & Omanović, 2016). On the same note, fostering diversity training ensures individuals develop tolerance to other cultures within the organization, which is also crucial in harmonizing ideas and views t form a viable strategy within the organization’s environment. It is also crucial in ensuring individual employees understand the diverse personalities in the workplace; hence helps in aligning their perceptions and views of unprecedented actions by others. Further, having in place a pacesetting leadership style ensure leaders act as role models within the company for employees to follow.

Additionally, given the highly competitive business environment within the contemporary world individual organizations are expected to have a unique and codified principle and behaviours that guide individual employees while they undertake their duties and distinguishes them from employees in other companies. These set of principle and unique and codified behavior are always regarded as organizational culture. Additionally, organization culture always creates a system of shared beliefs among stakeholders, which consequently unite them and guides their actions (Holck, Muhr & Villeseche, 2016).


There are several values among organizations in the contemporary world that shapes their culture. One of these includes an innovative preference in which individual organizations put more emphasis on the creation of new products and services that can satisfy the different tastes exhibited by consumers. Another value is attention to teamwork in which an organization places a high value on individuals collaborating to perform the different tasks within the company as a team (Knights  & Omanović, 2016). Attention to detail also forms another value that organizations posses in which individual stakeholders take note of every detail within their duties to ensure excellent services and quality products. Some organizations do combine two or more of these values while others adopt one. In most cases, the multinational companies participating in cross-border operations always utilize two or more cultures to ensure a distinctive course of action that accommodates the different cultures within several countries.

Moreover, some other factors shape an organization’s culture. Some of these include the degree of hierarchy, degree of urgency and functional orientation. The degree of hierarchy involves the extent to which an organization values traditional channels of authority (Laforet, 2016). This is a significant factor since it influences the communication framework within the company. On the same note, degree of urgency entails how quick an organization prefers its stakeholders to generate viable decisions and innovative framework, while functional orientation entails how individuals much emphasis an individual organization put on specific functional areas. These areas can include research and development, marketing and engineering among others.

No Name Aircraft have developed a culture of laxity within its ranks. This can be seen with the level of reluctance exhibited by employees in regards to ensuring quality within its products. Consequently, the organization is going through poor performance within its environment. Adam Omeara, the company’s CEO needs to ensure the organization adopt a culture of attentiveness to details through the use of effective performance management programs, rewarding and recognition programs and effective hiring practices (Laforet, 2017). Channelling effective performance management programs entails structuring a well-articulated job description and job specification that ensures individuals understand what is expected of them in a particular job. This is essential in engraving competency within the human resource, which results in the adoption of innovative and attention to details culture.

On the same note, effective hiring practices involves the incorporation of an organization’s mission and vision within its hiring framework to ensure individuals absorbed within the organization understand what is expected of them. It also involves entails conducting a cultural fit interview in which interviewers gauge the extent to which an individual can fit in the organization’s culture. Lastly, the rewarding and recognition programs should be channelled to resonate well with the desired outcomes while ensuring employees are motivated (Laforet, 2016). Further, there is always the need to engrave an adopted culture to ensure the sustainability of the adopted practices. The activities involved in ensuring the sustainability of adopted cultures include the identification of the new traits and formulating a culture management action plan. The plan should foster an organization’s corporate growth and effectiveness.

International performance management

Globalization has facilitated effective and efficient cross-border business operation. Through this, the contemporary world’s business environment has been expanded from the local environment to the international business environment. At the international level, there exists stiff competition fueled by constant technological advancement and demographic changes (Maestrini, Luzzini,  Maccarrone & Caniato, 2017). Technological advancements always result in constant innovation and invention of new products and services that organizations have to adapt or risk their services and products being rendered as obsolete. Additionally, organizations have to be alert to incorporate new and emerging trends within their systems and procedures to ensure they effectively compete within their respective industries. Similarly, taking into consideration the changes in consumer tastes and preferences as a result of demographic changes is also crucial in ensuring effective competition. Further, organizations should ensure their systems and procedures take into account the several cultures that exist within the international business arenas.

Through all these, organizations operating at the international business arena including No Name Aircraft Company should ensure they effectively manage employees based on the specific organization goals as well as the strategic requirements within this environment and in accordance with the consumer preferences (Lucianetti, Battist & Koufteros, 2019). In realizing these, organizations face some challenges which include standard operation or customized operations based on the specific needs of an individual country, uniformity of data in relation to performance, as well as environmental variation and difference in growth stage among different subsidiaries. All these are challenges faced by No Name Aircraft Company in its operations in China, Vietnam and Singapore.

However, a proper appraisal that overcomes these challenges and ensures effective performance at the international business arena involves fostering a high level of teambuilding among different subsidiaries and formulation of viable strategies that navigates around the challenges of cultural issues while still maintaining the organization’s culture (Maestrini et al., 2017). Additionally, effective leadership should also be used as an appraisal tool to ensure effective performance within the international business arena. The leadership aspect should be considered in relation to how an individual leader inspires innovation and motivates junior employees to meet the company’s goals as well as effective navigation around conflicts.

Performance appraisal at the international stages involves double appraisal which involves appraisal from the parent company and within the individual subsidiary. The performance appraisal process at the international business arena entails establishing performance standards base on job description, cultural requirement, job specification and adaptability to the host country’s environment. These standards are to be communicated to employees and then carrying out the actual performance measurement exercise through the use of reports, interviews, observation and records.  This is always essential in ensuring an organization’s workforce is competitive within the business environment and is capable of overcoming and navigating through the several challenges companies face in this environment.

Training and development

Training and developing the existing human resource in an organization is also an essential concept in the contemporary world’s business environment. Considering the highly volatile technological environment in the contemporary world’s business environment organizations need to incorporate new systems and procedures within their ranks to ensure enhanced quality services and products. This requires training of employees to enhance their skills and level of expertise that are compatible with these new systems and procedures (Brusakova, Kosukhina & Fomin, 2019). On the same note, organizations need to adopt a robust training framework that helps in solving internal challenges like conflicts among stakeholders through well-enhanced cultural competency among individuals in the organization. Effective training has a significant influence in motivating the employees, which results in better performances.

Similarly, there is the issue of effective knowledge management within an organization. Knowledge management does not only cover the management of data and information but also the existing unique skills and level of expertise in a company. Through this, individuals share these unique skills with their fellow employees in an attempt to achieve the organization’s goals. No Name Aircraft Company should ensure effective Training and development through the use of different techniques. One of the most common techniques involves the organization of formal training camps in the form of seminars and orientation (Berber, Đorđević & Milanović, 2018). Seminars are quite effective in training and developing a significant number of employees. On the same note, organizations can also foster training and development through collaboration and teamwork in which individual employees get to learn new skills from their fellow employees. Further, mentorship is also another form of training and development in which senior managers impart good personal traits with junior employees. Mentorship has been quite effective in structuring a smooth succession plan from within the organization. Mentorship and collaborative teamwork are cost-effective compared to formal training since there is little cost incurred by the employee and the organization.

Conclusion and recommendations

Multinational corporations are facing a significant level of competition in their operations at the international level. However, through the use of effective human resource management, these organizations can ensure they have in place a highly competent human resource that overcomes the several challenges presented by workplace diversity, international performance management, culture and training and development. Through effective diversity, management organizations can overcome the challenges presented by workplace diversity and enjoy the numerous benefits like increased innovation and formulation of better strategies. These can be achieved through well-structured communication and fostering cultural competency training.

Similarly, well-enhanced international performance management can be achieved through proper appraisal framework that considers the various factors within the business environment. Some of these factors include the growth stage of an individual subsidiary and uniformity of data in relation to performance among other challenges. On the same note, fostering effective training and development in an organization is essential in accomplishing various tasks like long term succession plans and improved employee skills and expertise. Additionally, fostering an effective organizational culture is essential in ensuring a well-structured shared belief among all stakeholders and consequently an enhanced competition. In consideration of all these, the study provides the following recommendations to be used by No Name Aircraft Company in ensuring effective competition.

  • The company should formulate a standardized performance management framework that takes into account the growth stage of an individual subsidiary and uniformity of data in relation to performance and existing cultures within the international business arena.
  • The company should also consider adopting effective cultures like innovative culture and a culture that promotes attentiveness to details. This will be crucial in navigating around the problem of laxity (near enough is good enough) among employees, which has led to poor quality products
  • No name company should also foster cultural competence training among its employees to ensure individual employees tolerate different cultures within their environment. This will be crucial in addressing the issue of cultural intolerance within its head office.
  • No name should adopt effective training framework that fosters mentoring of junior employees. This will ensure effective long term planning of the organization’s succession plans as well as an enhanced knowledge management system in the company.




Knights, D., & Omanović, V. (2016). (Mis) managing diversity: exploring the dangers of diversity management orthodoxy. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(1), 5-16.

Holck, L., Muhr, S. L., & Villeseche, F. (2016). Identity, diversity and diversity management: On theoretical connections, assumptions and implications for practice. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 35(1), 48-64.

Laforet, S. (2016). Effects of organisational culture on organisational innovation performance in family firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.

Laforet, S. (2017). Effects of organisational culture on brand portfolio performance. Journal of Marketing Communications, 23(1), 92-110.

Maestrini, V., Luzzini, D., Maccarrone, P., & Caniato, F. (2017). Supply chain performance measurement systems: A systematic review and research agenda. International Journal of Production Economics, 183, 299-315.

Lucianetti, L., Battista, V., & Koufteros, X. (2019). Comprehensive performance measurement systems design and organizational effectiveness. International Journal of Operations & Production Management.

Brusakova, I. A., Kosukhina, M. A., & Fomin, V. I. (2019). Implementation of the “Frugal Innovation” concept in training of masters in innovations. Planning and Teaching Engineering Staff for the Industrial and Economic Complex of the Region, 127-129.

Berber, N., Đorđević, B., & Milanović, S. (2018). Electronic human resource management (e-HRM): A new concept for the digital age. Strategic Management, 23(2), 22-32.



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