Paper Outline
Paper Outline
- Introduction
- What is the topic?
- The topic of my study is to determine how various types of leadership impacts on career development and job satisfaction, along with the performance of employees. Leadership has been highly criticized in different fields, as many cite lack of essential characters and attributes that must be in leaders. Amit (2018) utilizes the path-goal leadership theory to determine the effects of leadership behaviours on followers’ job expectations. Path-goal has four leadership types which include achievement-oriented, supportive, directive and participative.
- The fundamental themes include a promotion, placement, succession planning, as well as selection and the role they play under various types of leaderships (Busse & Regenberg, 2018). Leadership in itself is an essential aspect of any organization as with good leadership, and an organization can have an excellent environment to transact its businesses efficiently and without interference (Herminingsih, 2017). The art of an executive to motivate a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal is the most straightforward definition of leadership.
- Effects Of Leadership Style On An Organization And Employees
- What is the topic?
Companies use varying methods to establish successors. While we sightsaw various techniques to pursue succession planning, it unfortunate that leaders never place the available forms of leadership into question. There are different types of leaderships that various mangers employee in their position. The study is focused on discussing such leadership styles as autocratic, participative, and democratic, on the performance of employees. Understanding the suitable leadership types to develop as well as excellent mould successors are essential considering that baby boomers generation are about to retire (Chang, 2017). Caillier (2020), depict that participative leadership has the most influence on employees since it is used in the long term, while autocratic leadership is used in the short-term. According to Dyczkowska & Dyczkowski (2018), employees in an organization where leaders adopt effective styles of leadership have a high likeliness of becoming successors. An example: relational leadership styles had been linked to higher job satisfaction, and task-focused leadership styles had been linked to lower job satisfaction. Overall, they established that hiring employees who favour relational leadership styles can assist the organization with yielding more positive outcomes.
- Enhancing Creativity in an Organization
Ferdian & Rizqi (2018), encourage the organizations’ top leadership to prioritize creativity and have a passion for encouraging new undertakings of the organization. This creates challenging prospects for people in the organization. A leader must be an excellent visionary and a strategist to cultivate creativity. Leaders should offer motivation support to bring out creativity through sharing the vision and inspiring others with rationale but with clarity of operation.
- Organization Culture
Organizational cultures play a significant role in the success of every business at large. All the components of a business must communicate effectively for a common goal (Yang, 2019). The company’s culture guides this as it has a first-hand impact on its running. Proper leadership is like a group of processes that must work in unison for success to be achieved as a leader not only involves himself or herself in leading, but also in the methods of moulding the behaviour of the group towards achieving their goals. Lexa (2017) indicate that the situational issues are surrounding follower’s individualities as well as environmental features impacts differently on follower employment expectations. Directive leadership performance is extra effective for persons with extraordinary success prerequisite. Participative leadership comportment is utmost operative for groups with the great necessity for autonomy. Lonati (2019) reveals that the physical and psychological conditions of the employees influenced their commitment and satisfaction; multiculturalism moderates leadership behaviour and job satisfaction. As a manager, it is vital to motivate individuals within a diverse team environment by “prioritizing communication, treating each employee as an individual, being open-minded, and encouraging employees to work in diverse groups” (Ratnasari, Sutjahjor & Adam, 2019).
- Conclusion and Recommendation
Research findings have revealed that leadership is a critical input that influences team process as well as output. Leaders are gifted of influencing behaviours, values as well as attitudes of the individuals who follow them. The literature review is relevant according to the topic of the research study. The sources reveal that leadership style has a significant effect on employees’ job satisfaction. As groups are viewed as social data processors, which may be utilized to cultivate the mutual understanding, then they may be colossal in accommodatingly sharing distinct intellectual models. I would, therefore, recommend managers to employ leadership styles that promote a company’s culture and holds employees’ rights by recognizing them as part of the company. Such leadership styles include servant and authentic leadership approaches. While motivated to emulate the leaders, the connection amid the recommended leadership styles can manifest itself in a manner in which group members use their time reflecting on standards of the effectiveness of their activities. Proper management lures exceptional staff; they achieve a productive, efficient, and hard-working team in performance people. The success of the business in any sector must be accompanied by both sharp senses of management as well as leadership
Amit, P. P. (2018). A Study on the Influence of Leadership Style on Employee Job Satisfaction. International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 05(01), 36–62.
Busse, R., & Regenberg, S. (2018). Revisiting the “Authoritarian Versus Participative” Leadership Style Legacy: A New Model of the Impact of Leadership Inclusiveness on Employee Engagement. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 26(4), 510–525.
Caillier, J. G. (2020). Testing the Influence of Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership, and Public Service Motivation on Citizen Ratings of An Agency Head’s Performance. Public Performance & Management Review, 1–24.
Chang, H. (2017). Does leadership matter? Study of leadership style, job performance and job satisfaction. Poslovna Ekonomija, 11(2), 1–28.
Dyczkowska, J., & Dyczkowski, T. (2018). Democratic or Autocratic Leadership Style? Participative Management and its Links to rewarding Strategies and Job Satisfaction in SMEs. Athens Journal of Business & Economics, 4(2), 193–218.
Ferdian, F., & Rizqi, A. (2018). Does The Leadership Style Of Managers Influence The Employee’S Job Satisfaction At New D’Dhave Hotel Padang?
Herminingsih, A. (2017). The Influence of the Organizational Justice and Trust to the Leaders on Employee Engagement with Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variable. Archives of Business Research, 5(2).
Lexa, F. J. (2017). Leadership—Organizational Styles and Types. Leadership Lessons for Health Care Providers, 78–85.
Lonati, S. (2019). What explains cultural differences in leadership styles? On the agricultural origins of participative and directive leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 101305.
Ratnasari, S. L., Sutjahjor, G., & Adam. (2019). Employees’ Performance: Organizational Culture And Leadership Style Through Job Satisfaction. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(5), 597–608.
Yang, B. (2019). Job Satisfaction of Inclusive Leaders and New Generation Employees A Regulated Mediation Model. 2019 International Conference on Economic Management and Model Engineering (ICEMME).