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Pay vacation changes

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Pay vacation changes

Hi, sir. Good evening. This is () on the line. I would like to inform you, based on the debate we had earlier today, that I already wrote a short email and circulated it to the workers. As requested, I sent the e-mails today, May 12, 2017, at noon, and all the administrative staff, financial staff and the field staff were beneficiaries of the following e-mailed messages.

I properly told them in the email about the pay vacation changes concerning the decisions taken this morning at the board meeting. I have categorically informed them of the fact that employees of 3 or fewer years of service will receive one full week of paid holidays, employees with 3 to 5 years of service for two weeks, and staff of more than 5 years for the other.

I believe, Sir, that all the employees have received the information and that they are eagerly waiting for the policy to become effective. On behalf of all the staff, thank you for your support and for allowing this policy to become effective.

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