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- List and briefly describe five anti-social personality disorder symptoms that Derek portrays in the movie.
- Exploitative: Derek is exceptionally bright and intelligent, who wants to recruit young whites to DOC. He considers expanding his neo-Nazi idea through young whites. He used to hold meetings before being arrested and sentenced despite spreading his beliefs and obtain more followers.
- Aggressive: he confronts his mother’s liberal new boyfriend over the rioting after King’s trial. Though he didn’t mention directly and in plain words about racism, Derek was racist. He was pro-neo Nazi. He usually feels like he owned everything in the town. After the death of his father in the hand of black drug dealers, Derek vowed to revenge.
- Repeated violent: After becoming pro-neo Nazi, Derek was violent, culminating in the curb-stomping of those gang bangers.
- Impulsive behavior: After deciding to make a wholly devoted relationship with his girlfriend, who supported his white supremacy, he wanted to move on without considering Stacy’s feelings or emotions.
- Lawbreaker: Derek throughout the movies, he keeps on breaking laws. But in prison, after killing two African-Americans, he changed his perspective about racism. The sentence gave him immense experience with his behavior and mindset outside the prison.
- Which do you think is the primary cause of Derek’s personality disorder —heredity or environment?
The environment is the leading cause of Derek’s anti-social personality disorder. He grew up in a middle-class family that seemed to have been living a comfortable life. The family contained what is considered as the American dream. This lifestyle made him believe that he owned the entire town. He felt that no one would unseat their family from the homely perch. This ideology made him violent and eventually developed a pro-neo-Nazi character who believed in white supremacy.
- In this film, it got presented that it is essential to belong to a community. In this movie, it is an extreme far-right hate group. What attracts antisocials to these types of groups?
American history X provided an in-depth analysis against African-Americans. For instance, after Derek being sentenced to prison, he finds protection from white prisoners. As anti-racism movies, white supremacy has been displayed in and out of jail through the characters’ behavior. Derek’s anti-social personality disorder helps the narrator to show past events with an off-voice. But Derek overcame his past mistakes and realized that the way he lived his life so far, lead to better experiences.
- Derek is recently released from jail and is coming to your office for therapy. What would be your 5-point treatment plan?
I will utilize cognitive behavioral therapy, which will follow the following five steps;
- Event situation. This particular step would assess the current situation or events that happened in the past to come up with a proper cognitive behavioral therapy.
- Perceptions. Perception would enable me to understand or interpret Derek’s situation adequately.
- Interpretations. The interpretation would enable me to get a clear understanding of Derek’s past.
- Evaluation. Evaluation is a process that would enable me to understand and evaluate Derek’s behavior.
- Development of feelings and behaviors. Emotions and practices are developed when two people interact and bond. This step will enhance the proper understanding of Derek’s behavior.
The five-point treatment plan is useful since it provides an in-depth understanding of various individuals.