Arctic region – Geopolitical significance and interests of Russia, China and U.S

Arctic region - Geopolitical significance and interests of Russia, China and U.S   Rapid climate and environmental changes and new opportunities have opened up in the Arctic. Countries can explore new opportunities for navigation and identify natural resources that can fulfil their economic interests. Therefore, both China and Russia have exclusive economic interests that can be fulfilled only when the countries focus on cooperation rather than competition. However, the Arctic region is challenging, and rapid geopolitical changes occurring at a global level has a direct impact on the Arctic region as well. Various countries are competing fiercely. China has managed to achieve a leading position in comparison to other nations. China is gradually working towards gaining access to the natural resources of the Arctic region, developing communication infrastructure and gaining access to the Northern Sea Route. Similarly, Russia’s interests in the Arctic overlap with China. After conducting a comparative analysis, it can be stated that Russia can exert greater control because it is located at the northern part of the Arctic territory and therefore, from a geopolitical perspective, it is in a good position. During the Soviet era, developments in the Arctic region occurred. Thereafter, territories grew rapidly. Russia’s main interest is to expand its military presence and exert control in the Arctic region. However, without cooperating with Asian countries, the possibility of exerting control is low. Therefore, it can be stated that China-Russia cooperation is merely an economically exclusive cooperation. United States is one of the coastal states of Arctic Ocean beside Russia and therefore, the Arctic region fulfils the economic interests of the U.S as well.
Date 28 May, 2020