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Practicum experience

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Practicum experience

Week 1 journal entry

As I got introduced into the office staff, the head of pediatric clinical experiences took me to a clinic tour. After the tour, my preceptor and I went over the course aims and objectives. I had the chance to see patient’s children who were of different ages, cultures, and requiring different diagnosis. What excites me about pediatric rotation is being able to handle comfortably pediatric patients from different backgrounds, cultures, religions, and ethics; at the same time learning from their diverse family backgrounds. I have harbored psych interest for so long, and I believe attending to psych kids is an interesting experience. There are concerns that crop up regarding different diagnoses as well as medication management. The parents always look upon me to provide the best care to their children and develop a great relationship when given great service by the provider, especially myself, as I work wholeheartedly.

During the first week, I had an opportunity of attending to a five- years -old that had been diagnosed with ADHD as well as bipolar. My preceptor introduced me to the parents that were hesitant to talk to me. I created a rapport with them by sitting close to them, which served to make them open up and tell me about the child’s school and issues that were affecting the child. The mother indicated that the child had bitten one of his classmates during recess, and the boy was acting like a bully though she was defending him. The mother said that the boy does not want to talk to anyone and keeps to himself though they do not have a cordial relationship with the sister. This episode was a great experience as the parents felt comfortable sharing the patient information with me, and I they see a therapist.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Some of my pertinent strengths while working includes being confident. I exude confidence in my capability to interview pediatric parents concerning their experiences with their children so that corrective steps can be taken during diagnosis and treatment. Moreover, I am capable of working well with children from various backgrounds and religious orientations. I am happy to have worked under a pediatrician for three years without recording a single reprimand, but pats at the back.

I have a weakness in seeing children being abused though it cannot affect my career and performance. I have non-judgmental experiences as I have always been able to separate my ethics from family ethics. I have been in the past experienced awful situations though I have adhered to the clinical protocol while helping out a child.

I look forward to learning more about pediatrics as well as varied medical managements that are available.

The Comfort Theory

Modeling can be defined as a process that assists a nurse in creating a patient’s model that helps them to recognize that every patient possesses unique perspectives. From their perspective, the nurse should be able to develop an image of the patient’s world. Kolcaba intimates comfort as the relief, transcendence, ease, and comfort can result from these contexts: physical, Environmental, Sociocultural, and psych spiritual. The proponent relates this theory with four global concepts of individuals, environment, and health coupled with nursing. In terms of pediatric nursing, the theory indicates that it is not only the focus of the ensuing child but the entire family. It is everyone’s responsibility to assist the children and families in meeting their basic comfort requirements. It is salient to apply the comfort theory through encouraging as well as issuing instructions. It can also be used when disseminating motivational messages while caring for school-age children and adolescents, developmentally as well as empowering the children as they mature.

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