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Principles of Sociology

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Principles of Sociology

Question 1: As is noted in both the lecture and the readings, there are a number of theories that seek to explain Social Stratification. Discuss both Marxist and Functionalist Theories of Stratification. Be sure to describe each perspective and how it explains social stratification. In addition, also note what the key differences are in your answer.

Marxist theory Marx argues that social stratification results from an individual’s relationships to production. The capitalists (upper-class) rake in profits and become wealthier, whereas proletariats (working-class) earn meager wages and struggle for survival. According to the theory, the ruling class deliberately promote discrimination and prejudice within the society. Moreover, the resulting stratification leads to the creation of class conflicts, which are principally rooted in the differences in the labor price (Week 9 Lecture).

On the other hand, the functionalist how the different parts of the society operate. The theory argues that various aspects of society exist due to the fact they serve a required purpose. The main premises of the theory posit that there are stable patterns of social relations, social structures are based on shared values, social structures undermine or maintain social stability, and social problems can be best solved through the re-establishment of the equilibrium (Week 2 Lecture). The theory perceives culture as invisible, and some societal tasks are more valuable compared to others; therefore, persons who occupy the positions must receive higher rewards.

Whereas functionalism tends to look for consensus, values, shared norms, and concepts such as integration, cohesion, order, and harmony, Marxism focuses on the different social cases and concepts such as power, exploitation, domination, conflict, and control. Based on the Marxist view, the economic system of capitalism within the society is the one that creates social stratification or class differences, in which the members of different classes in a particular society have an adversarial relationship. On the other hand, functionalism seems to have conservative thinking and maintaining the status quo.

Question 2: How do the main theories of Race and Ethnic Relations differ from each other? Be sure to describe these theories. In addition, which theory best explains patterns of race and ethnic relations? Why? Support your answer.

The main theories of race and ethnic relations include functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and feminist theory. In the view of functionalism, a society is like a machine or living organism – all the pieces have to work together. The theory posits that ethnic and racial disparities might have played a significant role for them exist they have. On the other hand, conflict theory asserts that privileged groups work to maintain their positions, while the subordinate groups work to improve their and societal conflict will only reduce when levels of privilege lessen (Week 2 Lecture). Symbolic interactionism theory, however, suggests that racial prejudices are established via interaction between dominant group members. The absence of the interactions would make the persons in the dominant groups not to hold or have racist views. The interaction results in an abstract image of the subordinate groups, which permits the dominant groups to support their opinions of the subordinate groups, therefore, maintaining the status quo.

Lastly, the feminist theory puts emphasis on the patriarchal system, structures of power that solidify male dominance, and states that everybody will benefit if people get rid of gender inequality. The conflict theory best patterns of race and ethnic relations as it categorize the upper-class and lower-class. The upper-class or capitalists own the factors of production and get rich while the lower-class looks at ways of survival through working at meager wages. This creates the inequality witnessed in society in terms of educational and health services and even standards of living.

Question 3: Discuss Gender Differences in unpaid labor. In your answer, also be sure to discuss the possible explanations for these differences that have been developed by sociologists. Based on course material and your own general knowledge, which explanation do you think makes the most sense? Why?

Gender is fundamentally linked to men’s and women’s patterns of unpaid labor. An individual’s gender primarily determines the patterns of responsibility and care, the number of hours devoted to unpaid labor as opposed to paid labor, and the distribution of unpaid labor time amongst certain work. The female gender spends more hours compared to the males on house chores. Whether or not they are employed, women continue to perform much work in cooking, cleaning, taking care of children. There are various ways that have been used to explain the gendered patterns of time spent by the various genders on childcare and housework. Although each of them has support, none of them provides a full account of the gendered patterns of unpaid labor. The gender display approach provides a better explanation of housework arrangements between men and women. However, there are little means that can help one determine the extent to which unpaid work time can express gender. The only thing that can be determined is whether a particular pattern may be consistent with the approach.

To explain the difference in gender patterns, the brains studies theory argues that there are differences in the brains of females and males, and that is what accounts for differences in gender (Gender and Sexualities Lectures). As such, this is the reason the male gender is better at acquiring works that need logic like piloting, scientific studies, and mechanics. On the other hand, the female gender is perceived to be best at jobs which need language skill, intuition, and empathy. Thus, based on the above logic, the gender division of labor is seamlessly natural.

Question 4: Throughout the term, we have talked about the critical agents of socialization. Please discuss how each of these agents of socialization help to Socially Construct Gender. Which agent do you think has the most influence? Why?

The principal agents of socialization include family, peers, school, workplace, and mass media (Week 5 Lecture). For a person, social gender construction begins with an assignment to a sex group based on ‘at birth’s’ biological genitalia. Notably, following the above sexual assignment, the parents start influencing gender identity through dressing the kids in a way that evidently depicts the biological category. For example, boys would be dressed in trousers and shirts while girls would be dressed in skirts and blouses. In regards to peers, as children spend much time with fellow kids, they become more alike. Children’s gendered behaviors become analogous to the fellow children they spend time with when interacting. Because children like playing with peers who are similar to them, boys may choose other boys since they share the same activities and interests. This would also apply to the girls. Schools, on the other hand, influence gender differentiation through two prime sources, including peers and teachers. Peers and teachers directly influence gender differentiation by giving girls and boys different feedback and learning opportunities. Some believe that boys are good at certain subjects like maths, while girls are good at languages. There are different schools for girls and boys. The workplace is also an agent of socialization, especially to adults. Just as young people spend much time at schools, most of the adults invest most of their time at their workplace. Different workplaces require different forms of socialization. On the other hand, religion is also an agent of socialization because people congregate in Mosques, Churches, Temples, and Synagogues to learn and worship. For some people, religion plays an integral part in the formation of family structures since religious ways are used in marriages and births. Lastly, in regards to social media, women and men use social network services distinctively and with dissimilar frequencies. Women are believed to use social network services more frequently compared to men.

Question 5: Compare and Contrast Cultural Imperialism and Globalization in the context of our discussion of Mass Media; In your answer, discuss whether you believe that America’s influence on Canadian mass media amounts to cultural imperialism. Why or why not? Be sure to ground your answer.

Cultural imperialism refers to the ‘the imposition of American values and culture on almost everybody worldwide” (Week 13 Lecture). Conversely, globalization refers to the development of international influence by a country. Through the use of mass media, trends and influences are spread across the globe in an attempt to promote globalization. The domination of large United States-based corporations of mass media amounts to cultural imperialism. Such global media systems are the ones that have promoted cultural imperialism across the world. Cultural imperialism usually occurs when a particular country dominates other countries using its media exports such as films, advertisements, radio, and television programs. The United States’ influence on Canadian mass media amounts to cultural imperialism because most of the newspapers in Canada are currently publishing advertisements of American Products and programs. The Canadian media is always promoting the sports and social activities that take place in the United States, making the United States have an extended market for their goods and services, as compared to the Canadian.




Gender and Sexualities Lecture.docx

Week 13 Mass Media, Review and Exam Information.pptx

Week 2 Theories and Perspectives Lecture Online.pptx

Week 5 Socialization Lecture Online.pptx

Week 9 – Racial and Ethnic Relations Online.pptx


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