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Safeguarding the United States democratic process against foreign interference is the main focus of the United States government. Deploying human intelligence in the election process will ensure the technical integrity of the process. In the previous United States elections, the voters were subjected to foreign interference, which violated the campaign laws. Incorporating the human intelligence organizations will eliminate this vice, and restore fairness in the United States elections. Through human intelligence, any foreign individuals or personnel planning to manipulate the United States voting system can be easily identified. Human intelligence involves collecting information related to the country’s defence. Therefore, the human intelligence organizations have to adhere to the legal requirements to avoid violating the spying act. To some extent, the regulatory and legal requirements surrounding the human intelligence organization affects the role of the human intelligence organization in safeguarding the democratic process of the United States.

Human intelligence organization have a myriad of regulation and legal requirements that surround their operations. Human intelligence organizations use the intellectual prowess of humans with high levels of self-awareness to learn, comprehend ideas, and solve problems[1]. The interference of the United States elections by foreign countries is a major problem that is expected to be solved by human intelligence. However, the human intelligence organization has to toe to all the legal and regulatory requirements in solving the problem of foreign interference. According to the United States National Security Act, all intelligence organizations should adhere to constitutional requirements while conducting intelligence activities. The goals, directions, duties, and responsibilities of the human intelligence organizations should be with respect to the United States intelligence efforts. The main goal of the human intelligence organization is to provide information aimed to protect the United States national interests from foreign security threats[2]. The interference of the United States democratic process by the Russian government is a significant threat to the United States government. In safeguarding the United States elections from foreign interference, the human intelligence organization is required by the law to provide any intelligence information related to the issue to the President and the National Security Council. In the collection of intelligence information, human intelligence organizations should ensure that the legal rights of all the United States persons, including freedoms, and civil liberty, are protected. The law requires the United States human intelligence organization to give special interests to any foreign powers intended to affect the peace and democracy of the United States. Also, the law requires the human intelligence organization to provide and prepare any intelligence information gathered in a manner that allows a free exchange of the information.

The constitution gives the Director of National Intelligence the authority to control all the activities of the human intelligence organizations in the country. The Director of National intelligence coordinates all the intelligence activities and has the power to access the intelligence information collected before it is released to the public[3]. The act also requires the Director of National Intelligence to establish the objectives, priorities, and goals to the human intelligence organization to ensure effective collection, processing, and analysis of intelligence. Also, the director is required by the law to regularly brief the president on the activities currently being undertaken by the human intelligence organization. The human intelligence organization should provide intelligence information without violating the rights of the victims and the targets. Legal procedures and methods that are in accordance with the principles of the United States should be used in collecting the intelligence information to ensure that the privacy of the target individuals or groups is not interfered with. The human intelligence organization has the responsibility of providing the necessary safety to the personnel used in the collection of internal or foreign intelligence information. Before collecting any intelligence information in a foreign country, the human intelligence organization is required to enter into an agreement with the foreign government and other international organizations. The human intelligence organization is therefore required by the law to corporate with the foreign government while collecting any intelligence information on a foreign country[4]. The legal requirements provide for the effective conduct of the United States intelligence activities and protection of constitutional rights. The regulatory and legal requirements surrounding the human intelligence organization has a significant impact on the role of the intelligence in preventing foreign countries from interfering with the United States election process.

The United States intelligence community faces major challenges in the collection, processing, and analysis of intelligence information. One of the major challenged faced by the human intelligence organization is the lack of confidence to accomplish the intelligence missions legally[5]. Several regulations and legal requirements affect the operations of the human intelligence organization. Some legal requirements negatively affect how the human intelligence organization operates while some other few intelligence policies strengthen the operations of the human intelligence organization. The election of any country is important in the United States, just like any other country in the world. Therefore, fair election expresses the will of the citizens of the country, which is key to the prosperity of the country. The United States is known for its economic and technological advancements; therefore, other foreign countries are keen in all United States election process and other national activities. In the previous elections, there was evidence that the Russian government interfered with the United States democratic process. Major social platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter were used to manipulate United States voters by the Russian firms in favour of some candidates. Also, there was evidence that the Russian government interfered with the United States electronic voting system through the use of advanced technology. Russian interference with the United States is a foreign threat to the United States government. To avoid any other foreign interference in the future, there is a need for intelligence to collect, produce, and disseminate any critical information regarding plans of any other foreign country planning to interfere with the United States democratic process. The legal requirements surrounding the intelligence community in the United States deters the human intelligence organization from fulfilling its mandate.

The Director of National Intelligence is required by the intelligence laws to control all the intelligence activities taking place in the United States. The powers given to the Director of National Intelligence by the law negatively affects the operations of the human intelligence organization. The President of the United States is mandated to nominate the Director of National Intelligence. Being a human being, the President can easily be tempted to nominate the Director of National Intelligence who will favour him/her in the election process. The Director can thus prevent the human intelligence organization from collecting information about plans of a certain state to interfere with the United States election process in the interest of the ruling president. The Director of National Intelligence has the power to coordinate all the activities of the human intelligence organization. Also, the director has the mandate of setting the goals for the human intelligence organization. The director can be bribed by the foreign government to work in favour of a foreign country. After being bribed, the Director of National Intelligence can set human intelligence organization’s goals that cannot allow the human intelligence organization to provide critical information about the intentions of a particular foreign government. Also, the Director of National Intelligence can prevent the human intelligence organization from collecting information of a particular country, which affects the operation freedom of the human organization intelligence. The human organization intelligence should be allowed to operate with freedom without the interference of the government to ensure that there is no any foreign country that will interfere with the United States democratic process in the future elections[6]. The intelligence policy of the United States requires the human intelligence organization to enter into an agreement with any foreign country being investigated. The provision gives the foreign country the power to control any information being collected by the human intelligence organization. The foreign country can put strategies that ensure that the human intelligence organization collects only limited information. As a result, the provision will prevent the human intelligence organization from unearthing all the plans of foreign countries towards the United States election process. On the other hand, some intelligence regulations strengthen the ability of the human intelligence organization to prevent any foreign state from interfering with the United States future election process. For instance, the law requires the human intelligence organization to give priority to any external threats. Foreign interference of the United States elections is an external threat because it affects the democracy of the country. Through this regulation, the human intelligence organization has the freedom to put more focus and resources on collecting information about any other foreign country planning to interfere with future United States election process. To legally collect information about plans of foreign countries to interfere with United State election, the human intelligence organization personnel should operate per the code of values and ethics.

High ethical standards of conduct is key for the human intelligence organization to achieve its goal. The main objective of the human intelligence organization is to ensure that foreign governments do not interfere with the United States election process. The intelligence community operate with a myriad of regulations and legal requirements. Therefore, the intelligence personnel are required to operate within certain code of values and ethics[7]. The code of values distinguishes the employees of the intelligence community from ordinary police officers and people. Mission, truth, lawfulness, stewardship, excellence, and diversity reflect the standard of ethical conduct expected of all intelligence professionals. All the employees of the human intelligence organization should possess the identified values for the organization to achieve its goal. The employees of the human intelligence organization should embrace the principle of the mission. By understanding the mission of intelligence, the human intelligence personnel will work selflessly with dedication to ensure that foreign interference to the United States election will never happen again. The professional of the human intelligence organization should have the value of truth. Through truth, the employees will seek truth in obtaining and analyzing any intelligence information, which will promote the achievement of the organization’s goal. The employees of the human intelligence organization should have the value of lawfulness. Lawful employees will defend the American constitution and ensure that civil liberties, privacy, and human rights are respected while collecting the intelligence information required to restore free, fair, and credible elections in the United States. Integrity is a key value in all the intelligence community professionals. Integrity will cause the employees of the human intelligence organization to be mindful of their actions, and employees will work to bring a positive change in the United States election. The value of excellence will cause the intelligence community professionals to seek to improve their performance. Performance improvement of each employee will improve the human intelligence organization, which will prevent other countries from interfering future United States election process.

In conclusion, safeguarding the democratic process is a key priority by the United States government. Human intelligence is critical in ensuring that the future United States elections will not suffer from foreign interference as witnessed by in the previous elections. Numerous regulatory and legal requirements surround human intelligence as it involves collecting information related to the country’s defence. The intelligence laws and policies governing the intelligence community revolve around goals, directions, duties, and responsibilities of the human intelligence organization. Some regulations negatively affect the operations of the human intelligence organization while some few policies strengthen the operations of human intelligence in collecting, processing and analyzing intelligent information. Mission, truth, lawfulness, stewardship, excellence, and diversity reflect the standard of ethical conduct expected of human intelligence organization employees. The code of values and ethics ensures that the human intelligence organizations operate in line with regulatory and legal requirements of the intelligence community, which will prevent any foreign country from interfering with future United States elections.




Boddington, Paula. Towards a code of ethics for artificial intelligence. Cham, Switzerland:            Springer, 2017.

Gentry, John A. “Managers of analysts: The other half of intelligence analysis.” Intelligence and    National Security 31, no. 2 (2016): 154-177.

Jensen III, Carl J., David H. McElreath, and Melissa Graves. Introduction to intelligence studies. Routledge, 2017.

Lazcano, Alfredo, Andrea Avedillo, and Francisco Del Real. “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, PRIVACY, AND GAMING: AN EQUATION WITH ALMOST NO   REGULATION.” Gaming Law Review 22, no. 6 (2018): 295-301.

Richelson, Jeffrey T. The US intelligence community. Routledge, 2018.

Robinson, William I. A faustian bargain: US intervention in the Nicaraguan elections and American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era. Routledge, 2019.

Weiss, Thomas G. The United Nations and changing world politics. Routledge, 2018.

[1] Richelson, Jeffrey T. The US intelligence community. Routledge, 2018.


[2] Weiss, Thomas G. The United Nations and changing world politics. Routledge, 2018.

[3] Gentry, John A. “Managers of analysts: The other half of intelligence analysis.” Intelligence and National Security 31, no. 2 (2016): 154-177.


[4] Lazcano, Alfredo, Andrea Avedillo, and Francisco Del Real. “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, PRIVACY, AND GAMING: AN EQUATION WITH ALMOST NO REGULATION.” Gaming Law Review 22, no. 6 (2018): 295-301.


[5] Jensen III, Carl J., David H. McElreath, and Melissa Graves. Introduction to intelligence studies. Routledge, 2017.

[6] Robinson, William I. A faustian bargain: US intervention in the Nicaraguan elections and American foreign policy in the post-Cold War era. Routledge, 2019.


[7] Boddington, Paula. Towards a code of ethics for artificial intelligence. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017.


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