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Project Management Principles

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Project Management Principles 

Introduction of NBN Co

The Australian Government has been putting in a lot of time and resources to go ahead and facilitate the whole use and development of the infrastructure of the Company. Now, it has to be understood that these developments are normally said to go ahead and affect the country in multiple folds. The name NBN is actually an acronym for the name National Broadband Network (How your broadband gets to you | NBN, 2020). The main reason that the IT systems of today have been able to reach where they have is because of the networks. The network or internet connectivity has been a significant factor in going ahead and setting up the paths for the much-required development. It has to be understood that all these components come together in order to make the most of these elements. The network infrastructure is something that has long been standing and by having a strong extensive internet framework that can provide high speeds of connectivity throughout the country has been a significant reason and a major achievement for the Australian Government. They do provide a number of amenities, and all of these need to be an inclusive achievement. The added benefits are all mentioned and used in these concepts to go ahead and create a lot of extensive points of development (Volden, & Samset, 2017). However, even though most of the urban population can go ahead and boast of robust network architecture, the same cannot be said about the rural areas.

Project Selection and Prioritization

One of the elements as to why having a strong network is important can be seen in the basic factor as to how the Internet of today shapes and affects the lives of everyone using it. E-Commerce has gone ahead and developed itself into a strong and powerful competitor in the mainstream business (Maylor, 2005). As companies like Amazon have emerged as one of the global parameters in the world if time permits and statistics are noted then in that case it can be seen that the small-scale business with a good product or service have also managed to do decently. If the note is checked and seen with a large number of other ipso factors then in that case the overall development of the small-scale industry has been pretty high. This has been possible by much simpler access to local customers as well as customers on a global scale. That is why the need of a strong and powerful system has come into play here. In order to be able to establish something like that the presence of a strong internet connection is essential. Apart from that, there are also students who are available who also need access to a proper internet connection in order for their educational needs (Modifying nbn™ infrastructure | NBN, 2020). Keeping all these reasonings in front the need to develop the infrastructure has come up time and time again. The last and the most critical element of the equation that needs to be taken into consideration is that this is not an overnight endeavor. It is something that is time-consuming and will be a long project in order to create and set up the infrastructure that is necessary in order to go ahead and provide fast Internet. It will also need extensive planning and proper ideological factors need to be put into place so as to make sure that the infrastructure can actually go and develop in the way that it is intended for.

Project Charter


The use of the Internet is no longer a luxury service; instead, it is a very important and essential service. A lot of the basic services and a lot of the basic activities are now delivered over the Internet. Hence, it is crucial to go ahead and make sure that the basic services are something that anyone in the country can achieve. It is also considered that access to fast networks would go ahead and indirectly boost and facilitate business development and change and allow much better market penetration. This will lead to more and more people going ahead and accepting the need and importance of using a development system that can actually affect and be usable in the whole ideological centre. All of these cases are important as these are the basic standing point or the base upon which the project and the investment ideologies will be built.

Objectives and Constraint

The objective of this project would be the development and setup of an infrastructure that will be able to provide high-speed internet access to the people residing in the rural side of Australia. This will allow and enable better development and better use of the whole system that can allow for a major working system that is also needed in order to make sure that the points that have been stated earlier are taken care of. The project, however, has a simple objective; however, the overall implications and the actual implementation of the same is not true. It will be a complicated endeavour to go and make sure that all these elements are actually implemented. Hence, this is a significant and major roadblock that has to be achieved. The first thing is a setup of a server farm that will be able to go ahead and actually make it possible to go ahead and push the Internet with enough capacity. Then the factor comes up, which is related to the whole setup of the idea that is related to the whole system. Then there is a conceptual leak and a conceptual system that is implied here. Once that has been done, there is a need to set up optical fibre cables that will run throughout the areas which will actually carry the data to the router. The use and setup of these optical cables are an important part that needs to be considered (Malinowski, 2012). The better way would be to go ahead and set it up by using wires and towers; however, the cost behind it would be considerably higher, and the bigger issue would be the weather. Since Australia is no stranger to bad weathers and storms and Australia has a dense forest covering the chances of a forest fire or a strong storm going ahead and knocking out the wires is very real. That is a concern that has to be kept in mind. Just like any other service, this will also be a maintainable service, and it is vital to make sure that the people can go ahead and fix and work at the points of impact in case the need arises. The other option would be to go ahead and route the wires underground. This would be a much cheaper alternative and also would be immune to the weather conditions. Hence, the more complicated endeavour here would be something that would be on the lines of maintenance and also it can be a victim of a lot of corrosion-induced issues that it will be susceptible to underground (Nicholas, & Hidding, 2010).

Main Stakeholders

In NBN Co, from the perspective of the business, the two main stakeholders would be the current Minister of Finance and also the Minister of Communication. They would be the people who will be held the most liable in order the project succeeds, and they will also be the same people who will be held liable if the project tanks. Hence, in the case of economic failure, they are also the ones who will be held liable (Quartararo, Bottolfson, & Jimenez, 2016).

Risks Identified

There are a number of risks that would be associated with the project. The first issue or risk that can be stated is the impact of the customer base. It is like any other service the whole maintenance and service of the whole system, will only be possible with a large enough set of people who can go ahead and actually take the service because that is how the overall project would be maintained. The Australians who reside on the Rural side have been living at these locations for a long time and a large number of generations. They are accustomed to a simple and rustic lifestyle that has served them well. The overall need of the project is there, but it has to be noted that what would be the time which is needed to get a hundred per cent subscription rate so that the people that are all there have gone ahead and signed up. This is important as the more time that is needed; the more investment will be required to put in in order to make sure that there is a disruption-free service that is there.

Benefits of The Project

Benefits of the project are in a number of ways. This can be seen in the first fact that IT and data and technological advancements are becoming major points in everyday life as more and more days pass. However, with the development of such projects, it would be one step closer to make sure that when the time comes, Australia would already be ready with an infrastructure that can support this. The next thing that can be taken into consideration is that it will also make more and more people tech-savvy and simplify a lot of the things like banking solutions and setup of small scale industries. Having internet facilities would also benefit the ranches that are spread out and are at quite a distance from the main urban setting. They will have a much easier and better way of communicating with the rest of the world (Tang, 2003).

General Overview of the project

There are many components that are needed in order to set up the whole system.


Server Farm425745.93 AUD$
Cables49479.42 AUD$
Casing51960 AUD$
Marketing Plans100,000 AUD$
Market Labor250,000 AUD$
Maintenance12,000 AUD$/pm


These are the few basic requirements that will be needed in order to accomplish the project. The total cost given the current specifications is set at around 877,185 AUD. There are a few assumptions that have been made. The cost of cables and casing has been considered that these are for a 4000km length. The need for a server farm is needed in order to handle the high traffic that will be generated. Hence, it is important to make sure that all the infrastructure can go ahead and handle the overall traffic that is being generated. The idea that is applicable here is something that needs to be taken into account.

Project Background

There are a number of factors here that go ahead and form the basis of a business like this. The first of this is that there is a need for a developed IT infrastructure in almost every major country right now. Australia is one of the fastest developing markets right now, and hence the importance to have more and more areas covered by these forms of basic amenities which are not intrusive will make the region much more favourable for foreign market investments. Many startups are also developing in the country, and these countries depend on the marketing options that are provided by the Internet and also the development and use of factors like these which are important and it is thereby very necessary to go ahead and make sure that the country is ready for something like that. Australia has also been one of the major locations for education. It is the third most sought after location in terms of education compared to the rest. That means more and more people are coming in and that with a relatively easy methodology for residency, more and more people are coming in and the need for urbanization has been an ever-increasing factor. Hence, by utilizing all the raw talent, the country is looking at the potential for becoming and setting up a lucrative market base. The more commercially viable the country is the advantage is that more people would be going ahead and actually investing in the country. That is something which is essential for a business to go ahead and flourish in any location. By having options that will be able to go ahead and do the same and set everything up in a major and constructive way is important and all these concepts are important in order to make sure that all these conceptually active people would be making a steady and straight flow of assets and resources. Australia is also home to a huge amount of natural resources (Juricek, 2014). That is why it has been considered as one of the best locations to settle in. All of these are only possible when the country itself is ready to go ahead and prove to itself that it is capable of going ahead and doing things that are allowing it to go ahead and make sure that all of the parts of the system can actually come together in order to boost the GDP of the country. The development of IT also means a much more globalization aspect to the country and that would mean that more and more elements of the whole system are making profits with higher job demands and better lifestyle that will be applicable there.

The Important Elements


The main idea that is applicable here is that Australia is not only a country but also a continent. That means it is a significantly large mass of the body. This body has a large number of primary cities that are there with a hoard of the basic amenities along with luxury facilities. All of these go ahead and allow for the setup and use of a major city. These are all the primary elements that are there, which are what allows the country to be a place that gets selected as a primary emerging market. Apart from the urbanized cities, there is also a lot of land in Australia that actually falls in the rural section of the country. This means that there is a significant piece of land that is there which can actually lead to being empty. Right now, the overall population density of the country is set at 3.3 per km. Now, as the market develops more and more and there are a lot of more opportunities that the country generates it is liable to see an influx of the number of people who wish to reside and work there. Already the Australian Education market is one of the top sought after educational places. This means that this place will be seeing a lot of people and if they can identify a solution and make sure that there are a lot of the added benefits that are being flown in. That is what makes Australia such a diverse and appealing location. Hence, the need for a spread of the basic resources like proper medical care and proper development of the elements in question becomes significant. This is because any market or service is incomplete without people going ahead and using it. Hence, having an adequate number of human resources which could be a potential customer is a very important thing to have. This is where the importance of making sure that there are enough people with proper internet connections becomes necessary. Only with a setting such as this, it is possible to actually go ahead and get the market penetration that they wish for.


There is also a risk that is associated with the project. Similar to a lot of other developing business practices. The first of them is the presence of the way that the climate in the country works. Australian weather is a tad bit unpredictable. This means that there are many chances that the cables that are set up in urban locations can get damaged. It would also mean that in case they do there needs to be a proper and a complete way by means of which it needs to be maintained. That is an added cost. There are also a lot of indigenous people who prefer the simplistic rural lifestyle and would prefer it to keep it that way. Now, even though it is something that is important because the presence of it gives Australia its rich rustic culture. However, the importance and setup of a valuable asset, such as the Internet can be hard to convince. It is much better if there is an outreach or a marketing campaign that should be put into place beforehand in order to have more people go ahead and make the cut. It is essential to understand the importance and the overall implications that are surrounding it.

Success Criteria

The success criteria have been set at the point as to when about 90% of the country can boast that they have access to the basic amenities as well as fast network speeds. They need to have all possible points that will allow them to go ahead and actually make sure that they are looking at the most significant portions of the plan. Apart from this, they also need to make sure that the people who are a part of this project are also subscribing and taking up the service. It is important to have a customer base. The bandwidth that the NBN co will be providing can also be subdivided and provided to a number of private organizations so that will allow for a much easier maintenance scheme as the people in the corporations can then go ahead and put in an effort and look into maintaining their subsection making for a much easier managerial subsystem.

Deliverables, Timeline, Resources

The main point that needs to be delivered here is that the people should be looking at fast and proper internet access without having constant disconnects. This will allow for a much better nationwide communication. It will also help in boosting the business that is done on a small scale. It will be a major player in the Australian Economy. There are, however, a few things that need to be considered. The primary of which is what the entire project is striving to get. The main idea in this is that every common Australian man should have the option and be able to go ahead and opt-in for high-speed Internet. That service should be accessible to him throughout the day with as minimum technical issues as possible.

The second thing that needs to be confirmed is a proper timeline in which the same will be delivered. This means that there needs to be a timeline in which the infrastructure, as mentioned above, needs to be delivered. Going by the weather and the implications of all the manual labour that will be included in this system, it can be said that a proper time frame by means of which it can go ahead and get the job done. This time frame that has been set up by looking at a number of ever-changing variables is three years. The variables in this are weather, labour and local disputes and any other technical issue that the Company may face over time.

There are a number of resources that will be needed. Once the servers are set up so that it can go ahead and pump up the much-required consumption bandwidth, there will be a need to set up underground cables that will be able to go ahead and connect to the main hub. This main hub will then run another wire that will go to the house of each subscriber. That subscriber will then be able to go ahead and use a router to go ahead and convert it into a wireless network so that it can be used without the hassle of wires and be available for multiple devices. All these parts will need to come together in order to make the most out of it (Todorović, Toljaga-Nikolić, & Bjelica, 2018).

Alignment of the project with the Company

The Company has been set up for quite some time. The date of establishment is set all the way back in the year 2009 on the 9th of April. The Company has been a significant player in going ahead and providing network-based services in the country of Australia. They are also responsible for lending out parts of their networks to a lot of the privately-owned places, and that has been a significant player on going ahead and understanding what the major impacts that are there in setting up of something that is important (Chinyio, 2013) are.

The idea of the Company was to go ahead and provide the services of the network which are applicable and henceforth it is important to go ahead and make sure that all the impacts are set up as and when required. The overall distribution of the data points is a significant and important change in detail. The plan to make sure that the rural parts of the country also have access to proper internet access is hence something that falls within the criteria that the Company has set for itself.

Project leadership and Structure

For the sake of making sure that everything is kept in order from both a legal and ideology perspective, it is better to have the entire thing reported to both the stakeholders. In order to do that the chief leadership decisions should still fall to the current CEO of the Company, Stephen Rue (Network status and outages | NBN, 2020). Stephen has a lot of experience to go around in that field. Hence, it will be better to have him in the loop. Then followed by that there will be the CIO, Debbie Taylor and the Chief Financial officer Philip Knox. The two of them are being kept together at the same level as it is important to make sure that the technical implications are being kept while not blowing the budget. Economic constraints are a very real factor and need to be kept at all times. The chief strategy officer, Will Irving can help decide which locations are important and which route is to be taken so as to cover maximum ground and have the highest impact (Kozhovska, 2018).

Analysis and Communication Plan

As shown earlier in the budget breakdown aspects of the plan, it has been clearly noted that the project will be a major and a very ambitious undertaking. The total cost would be coming at around 900,000 AUD$. That is a pretty significant investment that had to be made. The project is looking at a 3-year completion date and guessing around the fact that the rural areas have a population count of around 100,000 over Australia the consideration that if all of them opt for a plan, then the overall budget can be actually recovered in 1 to 1 and half years. This is a very good time frame for an ROI. Since the importance of internet services has been on the rise, the chances and the risk associated with it is marginally less. It is also being proposed a quarterly update plan where every quarter the stakeholders will be updated with a detailed explanation of what the current situation is, the situation of the project and the expenditures that have been incurred and future costs that may appear if any (Bassi, 2014).


This is a very project that will help the people of the country. This is something that affects both the people in both the urban and rural settings as it means that all of the people who are considered here are getting affected either directly or indirectly. It helps to go ahead and make more use of the 21st-century economy, and it will help in solidifying and making sure that the components that are there are all taken into consideration. These concepts are important and can actually lead to a proper ideology set up and have the way for future business. Having more and more people who are connected to the Internet and are using the services makes it essential so that they are actually going ahead and making the much – needed importance and also looking to add the elements of commercial success to it.




Bassi, A. (2014). General Management Principles in the Project Management Context. International Journal Of Management Science And Business Administration, 2(11), 14-19. doi: 10.18775/ijmsba.1849-5664-5419.2014.211.1002

Chinyio, E. (2013). Project Management: Systems, Principles, and Applications. Construction Management And Economics, 31(9), 1020-1021. doi: 10.1080/01446193.2013.804627

How your broadband gets to you | NBN. (2020). Retrieved 12 May 2020, from

Juricek, J. (2014). Agile Project Management Principles. Lecture Notes On Software Engineering, 172-175. doi: 10.7763/lnse.2014.v2.117

Kozhovska, E. (2018). Integration of Health, Safety and Environmental Principles into Industrial Project Management. European Project Management Journal, 8(1), 33-39. doi: 10.18485/epmj.2018.8.1.5

Malinowski, M. (2012). Book Review: Leadership Principles for Project Success. Project Management Journal, 43(1), 91-91. doi: 10.1002/pmj.20289

Maylor, H. (2005). Project management. Harlow, England: FT Prentice Hall.

Modifying nbn™ infrastructure | NBN. (2020). Retrieved 12 May 2020, from

Network status and outages | NBN. (2020). Retrieved 12 May 2020, from

Nicholas, J., & Hidding, G. (2010). Management Principles Associated With IT Project Success. International Journal Of Management & Information Systems (IJMIS), 14(5). doi: 10.19030/ijmis.v14i5.22

Quartararo, M., Bottolfson, T., & Jimenez, R. (2016). Project Management in Electronic Discovery. Minneapolis: Michael Quartararo and

Tang, S. (2003). Modern construction project management. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Todorović, M., Toljaga-Nikolić, D., & Bjelica, D. (2018). People-Oriented Principles and Values of Agile Project Management. European Project Management Journal, 8(2), 3-8. doi: 10.18485/epmj.2018.8.2.1

Volden, G., & Samset, K. (2017). Governance of Major Public Investment Projects: Principles and Practices in Six Countries. Project Management Journal, 48(3), 90-108. doi: 10.1177/875697281704800306





Project Charter
Project Development of the fast network in Rural Area of Australia

Date 2020-05-12

Scope Overview The idea here is to go ahead and find ways to improve the availability and technical performance of the Internet services available in the Rural sections of Australia

Business Case  The objective of this project would be the development and setup of an infrastructure that will be able to provide high-speed internet access to the people residing in the rural side of Australia. This will allow and enable better development and better use of the whole system that can allow for a major working system that is also needed in order to make sure that the points that have been stated earlier are taken care of. The project, however, has a simple objective; however, the overall implications and the actual implementation of the same are not true. It will be a complicated endeavour to go and make sure that all these elements are actually implemented.

Background (optional) The use of the Internet is no longer a luxury service but is instead a very important and essential service. A lot of the basic services and a lot of the basic activities are now delivered over the Internet. Hence, it is important to go ahead and make sure that the basic services are something that anyone in the country can achieve. It is also considered that access to fast networks would go ahead and indirectly boost and facilitate business development and change and allow much better market penetration. This will lead to more and more people going ahead and accepting the need and importance of using a development system that can actually affect and be usable in the whole ideological centre. All of these cases are important as these are the basic standing point or the base upon which the project and the investment ideologies will be built.


                        Milestone Schedule and Deliverables

MilestoneCompletion DateStakeholder JudgeAcceptance Criteria
Current  State

Internet access is not available or is available at very slow speeds and frequent technical issues.

Providing internet access to all corners of the country
Providing internet access to all corners of the country in a stable manner with as low as technical issues as possible
Future State
Ultimate Goal

Have a large section of the mass living in areas classified as rural with high-speed internet access

June 202390% of the covered populace in urban areas should have this feature.


Project Risks Risk OwnerContingency Plans
1.      It is like any other service the whole maintenance and service of the whole system, will only be possible with a large enough set of people who can go ahead and actually take the service because that is how the overall project would be maintained.Main StakeholdersHave sub-networks ready to be deployed, which can provide internet access at a lower bandwidth availability until the issue is fixed.
2.      The Australians who reside on the Rural side have been living at these locations for a long time and a large number of generations. They are accustomed to a simple and rustic lifestyle that has served them well.Other StakeholdersHave a proper strategy and have someone advising the team on the cultural conflicts as they arise if any.
3.      The overall need of the project is there, but it has to be noted that what would be the time which is needed to get a hundred per cent subscription rate so that the people that are all there have gone ahead and signed up. This is important as the more time that is needed; the more investment will be required to put in in order to make sure that there is a disruption-free service that is there.Main StakeholdersThis will lead to a massive loss of state economic resources. Provide privatization options so as to distribute the responsibility and have a cash flow.


Resources Required

  • Funding __877,185 AUD
  • People __Project Managers, Network Engineers, cultural advisors, mechanical engineers, Civil engineers and Manual Labor
  • Equipment __Optical cables, Casings, Routers, Hubs, Server farms
  • Other __Manual Labor and Labor intensive devices such as Cars, trucks, personnel


StakeholdersInterest in Project
Primary:  Current Minister of Finance and also the Minister of Communication. Namely Mathias Cormann and Paul Fletcher, respectively.


They would be the people who will be held the most liable in order the project succeeds, and they will also be the same people who will be held liable if the project tanks. Hence, in case of economic failure, they are also the ones who will be held liable. The development that is made in these scenarios would also be responsible for the overall GDP development and loss consequently.
Others: Residents and people willing to set up a business venture that would like more potential customers


Having access to high-speed Internet may actually help to make sure that people have access to a lot of quality of life improvements. Businesses would also be able to penetrate a more in-depth section in the masses.

Team Operating Principles

  • The team needs to make sure it is working efficiently so as to make the most impact.
  • Constant communication and surveying need to be done.
  • Risk analysis needs to be updated quarterly.

Lessons Learned

  • The first fact that IT and data and technological advancements are becoming major points in everyday life as more and more days pass. However, with the development of such projects, it would be one step closer to make sure that when the time comes, Australia would already be ready with an infrastructure that can support this.
  • The next thing that can be taken into consideration is that it will also make more and more people tech-savvy and simplify a lot of the things like banking solutions and setup of small scale industries.
  • Having internet facilities would also benefit the ranches that are spread out and are at quite a distance from the main urban setting. They will have a much easier and better way of communicating with the rest of the world.



SponsorDepartment / OrganizationSignature


Finance Department 
Project ManagerDepartment / OrganizationSignature
Stephen RueCEO NBN CO. 
Core Team MembersDepartment/ OrganizationSignature
Debbie TaylorInformation Technology 
Philip KnoxNetworking 
Will IrvingStrategy Development 





Basic elements of Project Charter

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