Pros of online recruitment
Online recruitment is normally essential for organizations because it assists in the selection of most qualified candidates from a pool of candidates. The advantages of online selection and recruitment encompass budget-saving, flexibility, easy scanning of recruits, and broader talent pool. Internet-based recruitment is cost-effective since it allows companies to save on the cost of recruiting candidates for the vacant job positions. For example, a company can post a job on Facebook to attract a specific audience with the specializations required for the job. By so doing, the company will incur less cost in posting the job, and this would considerably assist the firm in cutting on the enormous costs associated with advertising and posting of jobs in other media like the conventional communication channels. Similarly, online selection and recruitment are beneficial since it allows the organization to access a larger pool of talents, and this usually enable the company to recruit the most competent candidates whose skills outweigh the skills of the other applicants. Additionally, the internet makes it easier for the company to scan an extensive collection of CVs along with applications to locate the most competent applicants based on specific keywords, and this usually contributes to the selection of the most qualified candidates to fill the vacant positions of the organization.
Disadvantages of online recruitment
However, internet recruitment is associated with the problems of logistical problems, a high volume of responses, poor website along with the technological challenges. Online-based recruitment usually makes a company receive a high amount of responses from both the qualified and underqualified candidates, and this typically forces a company to spend much time in going through each application to locate the best candidate for the vacant position. Likewise, technology issues may make an organization to miss out the most qualified candidate for the advertised job position since some candidates are not usually confident with sending their resumes online due to security issues. In such a scenario, a company may fail to recruit the most competent candidate for the advertised post.
How to reduce the disadvantages
Moreover, a company can reduce the disadvantages of online recruiting by careful wording of the job posting to avoid unwanted applications that contribute to a high volume of responses. Similarly, the firm can offer to assure the security of its website to overcome the disadvantages related to technological and logistics problems.
Question 2
The job boards approach of online recruiting is the most relevant technique for hiring in the case of hiring managers for Jackson Hotels, Inc. Job boards are usually a form of search engine which cluster and display the posted jobs by the employers looking for qualified workers to fill vacant positions in their organizations. The approach is relevant to the case of Jackson Hotels, Inc, because it will enable the company to target the candidates with the managerial skills in the field of human resource management. Job boards generally target one specific industry, hence by using the job boards online recruitment approach to recruit, Jackson Hotels, Inc will be able to tame the most qualified manager from the hotel and restaurant industry. Hence it would, in turn, assist in booting the management of the company along with its general performance within the hotel industry.
Question 3
Furthermore, I would impose pre-screening interviews in online recruitment to pre-approve a small number of valid certified applicants. A pre-screening interview is a set of questions that allow the recruiter to learn some necessary information about the applicants before embarking on a rigorous discussion. It can assist the recruiter in weeding out unqualified applicants before spending too much time interviewing them, and this would resultantly help in reducing cost and time taken in the actual interview to find the most qualified candidate for the advertised job position. Similarly, it helps the recruiters, the interviewers, along with the applicants to become familiar with each other before their actual meeting during the interview session. Thus, it is essential to the candidates since it boosts their levels of comfort with the interview process. I would, therefore, impose a pre-screening interview as a pre-screening hurdle when performing online recruitment to eliminate the candidates who seem to be qualified, yet in the real sense, they do not possess the required qualification for the vacant job position.
Question 4
Jackson Hotel, Inc. should provide detailed information on job openings on its website. It should also give its profile to LinkedIn to expose it to a pool of potential candidates with the required skills for the open job positions. The next steps that should follow internet recruiting to locate the most qualified candidate include interviews that involve earlier interviews together with the additional meeting with the management staff, candidate assessment, background checks, and finally, deciding by hiring the top choice.